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More On The Presidential Election

There is just so much to talk about today. I can’t help but talk about the election again. This has to be one of the strangest elections in the history of the United States. Feelings are running very high on both sides. All sorts of accusations are coming out. There are several videos on the Internet which show people which seem to be in voting areas stuffing ballot boxes while pole watchers look the other way. This took place in the primaries supposedly. It is being said these were Democrats stuffing the ballot boxes in favor of Hillary Clinton when she was running against Bernie Sanders. Then there is a rumor circulating around the Internet which states the reason Bernie Sanders finally got out of the race was his wife was threatened with harm if he didn’t. On the other side of the aisle we see Trump doing almost everything he can to lose the race. When he has a chance to make a point he ignores it and starts babbling about suing people. I remember watching a Pink Panther movie starring Peter Sellers as the bumbling police detective Clouseau. One criminal said he was either the stupidest man who ever lived or the greatest genius. Could it be Trump is a genius and when he saw he could beat all the other Republicans in the primary he made a deal with Hillary to lose the election for some unknown benefit? How else does one explain the things he has done?

Republicans are screaming the election is rigged by the Democrats. I have to suggest that if either side has a chance to rig the election they would do it. I point to the fact when Bush was running for the presidency Republicans were offering rides to minorities to the polling places and in many instances were dropping them off in the desert or some out-of-the-way place. Some believe the reason we went to voting machines is they easily can be set to do some very strange things and indeed in some places this may have taken place. It was said in one area any time a Republican vote was cast it registered as a Democratic vote. The last time I heard about rigged voting machines was doing the election of President Bush. It was said some Democratic votes were being counted as Republican ones. So you can see we really shouldn’t be using voting machines, because neither side will give up a chance to rig them if they thought they could get away with it. We should be using paper ballots and poll watchers, one from each party watching what is going on.

The latest accusation is the polls have been fixed and Clinton is nowhere near as far ahead as they are indicating. We have no way to really know if that is true or not, but I do remember one pole which was conducted by one of the big networks which indicated Hillary Clinton was receiving twice as many votes as Donald Trump. It turned out the people who were polled were comprised of twice as many Democrats as Republicans. Another strange thing has happened if we believe some of the stories have been published on the Internet and that is President Putin has offered to conduct our election to make sure it is fair. This offer was turned down almost before it was made. Why would Putin want to get involved in the American elections? Aside from the fact he probably doesn’t want to see Hillary Clinton become the president, there are those who claim we tried to interfere in the Russian elections. If this is true, and there is always a chance it is, than one can understand why he might be doing this.

We know neither candidate has a realistic program for lowering the debt, so where does that leave us? We are already on the verge of bankruptcy. If one looks at government expenditures carefully, they might come to the conclusion money is being drained from this country on purpose and that our politicians are going along with it. We pay far too much money for everything we do or buy. A good example of this is our military and covert budgets. It is said we spend more on our military than the next seven countries combined. This makes it sound like we have an overwhelming amount of arms. While we still do, they are dwindling. The reason for this is these other countries are getting much more for their money than we do. Let’s compare Russia’s best fighter plane with ours. It is said their best fighter is the Su-27 and costs the Russians about $40 million. Our best fighter is the F-22 Raptor and it cost us $150 million each in 2009. The entire program cost us $66.7 billion in 2011. This means we are spending almost four times as much for fighter planes as the Russians and some of the Russian planes are said to be better than ours. The same is true for all military purchases.

Neither candidate has addressed this problem. Both of them seem to want to throw more money into the military without even thinking about the corruption that is driving the prices to an astronomical height. The question of the health of the candidates seems to center on the fact it is being said Hillary Clinton is not well. I think the American public has to realize when you have two candidates of the age of these candidates we have now either one of them could become sick in a moment’s notice. The truth of the matter is in some places a person 70 years old has mandatory retirement. So what are we looking at here, we are looking at two people who if they were in certain civil service jobs would have to retire and yet they both qualified to run for president. In New York State Supreme Court judges are asked to retire at 70. There just seems to be so many things wrong with this election. Trump seems to be a very shallow person was having a hard time stating his policies and showing us his income tax return. Clinton talks about women’s rights and yet accepts money the biggest abusers of women on the planet which are some of the Middle Eastern countries.

Would it have been so hard to have found two likable people who had the best of our country in mind? Apparently the political machine will never let this happen. There are plenty of good people out there, but unfortunately for us they don’t seem to exist in the realm of politics. Some might say well Trump isn’t a politician and while they may be technically correct, he does travel in the circles of the rich and powerful who control the politicians. These are the same people who are said to be interested in the New World Order. I find it strange that Trump referred to the New World Order the other day in a critical way. Will this election be the biggest landslide in the history of presidential elections? It could be.