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Democracy And Elections

Well I have been watching all the political maneuvering with both parties and there is so much I don’t like about both of them. I have to wonder how many Americans look at the way things are going with total disgust. One of the first things which really annoyed me is how the candidates do not answer a question they don’t like. They will go on forever with a nonsequitur answer which has absolutely nothing to do with the question asked. Every candidate is guilty of this. I don’t want to say one candidate does this more than another, but certain candidates seem to be doing this more than others. If I ask someone a question about a certain topic I certain don’t want to hear several minutes of something which has nothing to do with what I asked. When candidates do this it certainly looks like they have something to hide, or have no answer even if this isn’t true. It also shows a certain disrespect for the intelligence of the voter who is watching the interview, debate or whatever. It is like saying, “these voters are so stupid they will never notice I avoided the answer to the question.”

No one ever accused politicians of having our best interests at heart. I don’t know how anyone else feels, but I think if a politician is running for president their record, if they have one, is more important than any promises they might make to us. No one can go after Trump’s record since he doesn’t have one, so the next best thing is to look at his family and business dealings. I think the American public has shown how disgusted they are with our political system and by their actions are showing they feel it needs to be changed. I know we are all sick of politicians who cannot compromise, are spending like there is no tomorrow and care nothing for the needs of the average person. The paralyzed congress is a great example of what I am talking about. Every year we think things cannot get any worse and yet it seems they do.

The American political race towards the White House has never in its history been a wholesome and decent event. Dirty tricks abound and even our most respected presidents took part in them to get elected. Most of us think our system is democratic, when in fact it is not. The popular vote may not decide who is president since it only SUGGESTS who the members of the Electoral College should vote for. This was the case when Al Gore won the popular vote for president in 2000, but George Bush the loser was elected. Forget for a second which one you may have liked and consider this, is it democratic to thwart the will of the people? Apparently those who control things want the final say in who is elected and do not care if it agrees with what we want or not. The rules of the parties are set up in such a way that they can be changed at a moment’s notice so as to influence the election. The Democrats have the Super Delegates which can be awarded before the nominating process begins giving a huge lead in delegates to someone. The Republicans have a system in some states where the party picks the delegates and not the people.

We Americans should demand that all this be changed in our parties and also the Electoral College be done away with and the popular vote should decide the election. Forget delegates. We should go for a direct election and whoever has the most popular votes is the winner. It seems to me the process was made complicated on purpose with an eye on being able to manipulate it if need be so the party’s choice comes out ahead. This is one of the first times this has backfired on both parties. While Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s choice is ahead, no one ever dreamed a Socialist could have done so well against her. This is due to the displeasure of the American voter. The same is true in the Republican Party. The party’s choice was probably Jeb Bush who failed miserably. Just look at the two leaders, Trump and Cruz. Both are disliked by the Republican Party. When Senator Lindsey Graham was asked who was the better choice Trump or Cruz, he said it was like being shot or poisoned. I think this sums up the way the Republican Party truly feels about those two, but Trump scares them even more since he is not beholding to the power brokers.

We often hear Clinton will beat Trump if he is the Republican Candidate, but is there an unknown here? Where will all of Sanders supporters go if Clinton wins the Democratic nomination? They truly seem to hate her, so the question in my mind is do they hate her so much they would switch parties? The voters who support Sanders are really protesters against the current system as are those who are for Trump. There is a possibility many could join forces. I think many know this is possible and this is one of the reasons the Republicans are uniting to make sure Trump doesn’t get the amount of votes needed to be nominated. The Clinton people also are worried about this and that is why she keeps calling for unity.

There is a possibility this is the end for the noose the lobbyists have around the necks of all politicians. On the other hand all this might work out differently even if Trump and Clinton are against each other. We have to remember promises are made to be broken and many a promise made during the electoral process has ended up in the waste bin of history. Just because we are being promised certain changes in government doesn’t mean they would actually happen if the candidate promising them gets into office. They might actually want to make these changes, but that doesn’t mean congress will go along with them.


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