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More On The Kennedy Assassination

So many things have been said about the Kennedy assassination as far as the reasons for it and the people who did it. Recently a video was released playing the speech which some claim to be the reason for the murder of Kennedy. They claim all other reasons were secondary, but the video doesn’t accuse anyone one person. If the speech is the reason one can only determine the assassination was conducted either by the shadow government or by powerful forces in our intelligence agencies. Everyone should see this speech so I am posting the address. You can copy and paste the address into your browser’s address bar. I am sorry but Truthfacts does not use active outside links. Here is the address,
I have to ask the question of why he gave this speech? What did Kennedy know was coming? Was he approached by the real powers and told he had to do something he was against? Kennedy was killed the next day after he gave the speech.

During the Kennedy administration the Northwoods Memo was issued by the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They sent the memo to the president actually believing it was not dangerous to do so. The memo called for attacks and murders of U.S. citizens blaming the Cubans for them. Could it be this memo angered Kennedy so much he decided to make the speech? Were the chiefs so used to being able to send these types of memos without recourse to them by the administration they didn’t think there was anything wrong with murder and the government would go along with it? If this is true it does make us have to wonder what hoaxes were perpetrated against the American public and blamed on others and it would also seem this type of thing is still going on today. Lies are bad enough and unacceptable, but these types of crimes against Americans by employees of our own government are murder and treason. I think we all would have felt a lot better if Kennedy had exposed the memo at the time and called for the removal and punishment of the Joint chiefs.

Since the Northwoods memo called for terrorist acts to be carried out and blamed on others it does make one wonder if all terrorist acts were actually carried out by actual terrorists or were some carried out by those making believe they were terrorists to whip up the public against a country. It was thirteen years ago when the intelligence community wrote a 93 page document which was later used to justify the invasion of Iraq. We were told there weapons of mass destruction along with vast chemical and biological weapons and Iraq was working on developing nuclear weapons. The report which was used was never released at the time and it has just been released. It proves all the claims by the Bush administration was what others in government call overstated. That is a polite word for a lie. It is easy to say a report contains certain information if you are going to keep it secret. The report had been released in 2004, but almost all of it was redacted and was of little value. It has now been re-released with most of the redactions removed.

It seems we are not supposed to have any privacy. Our emails are being read, our phone conversations listened to and our movements watched by cameras installed everywhere. Recently the government tried to force Apple to put in a back door into their IPhone’s encryption and to decrypt the IPhone owned by, according to them, the San Bernardino shooters. Edward Snowden said something about this and it is as if he read my mind. He said the government can decrypt these phones any time they want, because they have the people who are trained to do this. Putting a back door into an IPhone just makes things easier for them, because then they can have anyone decrypt a phone and won’t need an expert. Unfortunately it also means there will be no doubt hackers will be able to get into the IPhones.

Getting back to the Kennedy assassination, many other reasons have been cited. One of the foremost was the Kennedy love for women. I am sure we have all heard the theory that Marilyn Monroe was murdered. The story goes she was one of Kennedy’s mistresses and it was not a very well-kept secret. Many Hollywood types who hung with Kennedy knew this as did his brothers and others. I don’t know what Marilyn thought she was going to get out of this relationship, but it was said she became unhappy and started taking prescription pills and John Kennedy got sick of her and gave her to his brother. Supposedly others believed he was telling her things, dangerous things so she was killed. The strange thing is while this was going on between Kennedy and her, you never heard anything from John Kennedy’s wife Jacqueline.

Another story states other reasons for killing Kennedy. I have mentioned them before, but this stuff never gets old. One reason was said to be Kennedy was about to announce something which should have been done long ago and still be done today. It is said he was going to announce doing away with the Federal Reserve Bank and letting the government print its own money. The Federal Reserve Bank is NOT a government agency and gets paid for every dollar it prints and is the biggest holder of our national debt and there have been assassinations and assassination attempts in past history which were credited to Central Banks when people opposed them.

There were many people in the government and powerful people who hated the Soviet Union. Sure the average American didn’t like it either, but the people I am talking about wanted to keep them as our enemy to be able to sell weapons so they wanted to keep tensions high. It was said Kennedy was going to make a speech which was scheduled for a couple of days after he was assassinated and the speech was going to invite the Soviets to take part in our space program. Some say this angered the powers that be so much when they found out what he was going to do they ordered him killed.

We may never know who those cowards who hid in the dark and ordered the murder were. When we look at the state of politics today, do we see an environment where this might be able to happen again?


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