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Lies, False Flag Operations And Murder

There are times when we think we know what is happening or even the reasons for it, but we are being purposely misled. FDR, that is Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was a lot different than many pictured him. We know now that he took great pains to hide the fact he had polio, but that was not the only thing he was said to be hiding. It has been said by many that he was extremely hawkish and couldn’t wait to engage the Germans and the Japanese in war. He felt if we didn’t get into the war and win that would have been the end for America. Not everyone agrees about this, but most agree that for whatever reason, Roosevelt wanted war. He hid his feelings when speaking to the public so the average U.S. citizen at the time had no idea how he felt. When Roosevelt sent Harry Hopkins his advisor to meet with Churchill he said, "The President is determined that we [the United States and England] shall win the war together. Make no mistake about it. He has sent me here to tell you that at all costs and by all means he will carry you through, no matter what happens to him — there is nothing he will not do so far as he has human power." This meeting took place before the U.S. was in the war. Talks with Britain began that month, but were kept secret from the American public. A code clerk at the U.S. embassy in 1940 saw communications about talks between Churchill and Roosevelt about the U.S. entering the war and decided to smuggle out the information and expose the plot, but he was caught and tried in a secret British court with the consent of the U.S. and thrown into a British jail until the end of the war, even though he was a U.S. citizen. In the book, Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor it was noted a memo by Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, head of the Far East Desk of the Office of Naval Intelligence wrote that there were eight actions which could lead to Japan attacking the United States and wrote further, "If by these means Japan could be led to commit an overt act of war, so much the better." Roosevelt initiated all eight actions. He wanted to be known as a war time president who won a huge war.

One of the problems countries have, and the U.S. is not an exception, is sometimes the military is more than happy to sacrifice citizens to make it look as if it was attacked so it can go to war and appeal to the patriotism of its citizens. During the Cuban Missile Crisis our Joint Chiefs issued a memo which was known as Operation Northwoods. The memo came out in 1962 and proposed the unthinkable. It suggested we use U.S. government agencies to commit acts of terrorism against U.S. citizens and blame the Cubans as a pretense to declare war on Cuba. President Kennedy refused its recommendations. He should have tried the Joint Chief for treason along with the heads of the Department of Defense. This leads to the question, is anything really different today? If we were to ask this question of government officials we would be told what a terrible question it was to ask, but knowing these things go on we have to ask ourselves how many of these false flag operations have taken place since World War II? Could 9/11 have been one of them? There is certainly a lot of things wrong with what we have been told and even in the investigation of the event.

We know we invaded Vietnam on a lie. It may not have been a false flag operation where something is done to us by our own people and blamed on others, but Johnson had said we had been attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin which wasn’t true. The sad fact is many different governments use false flag operations when it suits them. In 1931 the Japanese blew up a train track and blamed the Chinese and used it as an excuse to invade Manchuria. During the Nuremberg trials Nazis admitted they attacked their own people and blamed the Poles so they could attack Poland. The Nazis also admitted they set fire to their own parliament building in 1933 so they could blame the communists. The Soviets admitted they shelled a Soviet village in 1939 so they could blame Finland and attack it. There is just so much of this stuff throughout history it boggles the mind. When we see it going on in the Western world it seems even more worrisome.

It seems many governments are more than ready to kill some of their own people so that can accomplish some of their evil ends. Some of the countries involved in this stuff are the ones we think of as the most democratic like the United States, Great Britain, Israel, and Turkey. You can read more about this by copying and pasting this address into your browser’s address bar:
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It is a sad fact things are not always what we think they are and many times it is very disappointing and almost unbelievable. Quite a few people now believe there was really no reason for us to get into World War II or even for Great Britain to. I admit the Nazis and Japanese at the time might have eventually attacked us, but at the time they were making peace gestures to Great Britain which Churchill wanted none of and didn’t want to fight us. It is lucky we did get into the war given the level of German technology which might have made them unbeatable down the road, but this article is about lying to one’s own citizens and even sacrificing their lives without hesitation to push some agenda by the government.


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