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Nine Things Destroying This Country

1. The huge deficit. Everyone in government knows about it, but what do they do, they just keep borrowing more money every time the budget rolls around hoping we will not go bankrupt under their term. This has to be one of the most bone headed moves any country can make. We are getting to the point where we will have to default on our debts and if that happens we can forget about getting credit again for many years.

2. Constant wars which we pay for in lives and money and which seem to only make the world worse. Just look at a few of the wars we have fought lately and the length of the wars. Afghanistan is a place where we have been fighting in one way or another since 2001. It is a place that throughout history has seen many different countries try and take over, but no country has ever been able to hold onto it. Here are some of the more important invasions. The Greeks under Alexander the Great invaded. After Alexander, the Kushan invaders went into the country in the first century AD. Genghis Khan invaded, so did Timur, the Mughal Empire, different Persian Empires, the British Empire, the Soviet Union and now us under the guise of the UN. Iraq was a total disaster and much of it has been lost to ISIS. Vietnam settled nothing and eventually we lost that war which was started on a lie by us. Korea is still on the razors edge and no formal peace treaty has ever been signed. We have bled huge amounts of money in these places which we cannot account for.

3. Single parent families are becoming normal. Unfortunately this leads to things like a breakdown of the social order, higher crime and even more poverty. The children living in a single parent family feel pressured many times to have to choose between parents. That is assuming they know who their fathers are. Emotional problems among children of single parent families are much higher for the children than they are in a two parent setting. When a study was conducted in Scotland it was found that even when there are step parents and/or step children this causes even more behavioral problems. To make matters even worse, these emotional problems increased in some children even more as they got older and some who didn’t have any at one time, developed them. Single parent families are mired in poverty for the most part, produce emotionally damaged children many of the times and they destroy the fabric of society in general, but this is not true in all cases.

4. The government of the United States is locked in constant head butting between our two major political parties and part of one party believes the only way to stop things continuing the same way is to shut down the government and keep it shut until they can straighten things out. This does not take inconsideration the harm this would do to those people on government pensions, social security, Medicare, Medicaid, the pay for our armed forces and other things. It is true however the government on many levels seems to be one of our biggest problems. We have gotten stupid with laws being passed preventing people from catching rain water to allowing private companies to run prisons and lobby for stiffer laws. The lack of common sense in government is destroying this country.

5. Corruption has never been a bigger problem. We know a lot of it exists in government contracts and we also know almost 3 trillion dollars in the defense budget in 1999 couldn’t be accounted for the day before 9/11 when all records at the pentagon were destroyed by a hit on the building. We also know the Supreme Court passed a law allowing rich contributors to give unlimited funds to candidates, thus tilting the election process in the favor of the donors instead of the common person. We have never needed direct election more than we do now. The Electoral College should be dissolved.

6. The Federal Reserve Bank has been draining us dry. One of the worst moves we ever made was allowing a private central bank in this country which makes money on everything we do even printing our money. We could save a huge amount of money by just doing away with them and printing our own money.

7. We used to have the best hospitals, doctors and argumentatively the best medical insurance in the world, but today we pay many times more for the same medical services and medicine as some other countries who are rated as having better medical services and insurance. W.H.O. is the World Health Organization and here is how they ranked the world’s health systems:
1 France
2 Italy
3 San Marino
4 Andorra
5 Malta
6 Singapore
7 Spain
8 Oman
9 Austria
10 Japan
11 Norway
12 Portugal
13 Monaco
14 Greece
15 Iceland
16 Luxembourg
17 Netherlands
18 United Kingdom
19 Ireland
20 Switzerland
21 Belgium
22 Colombia
23 Sweden
24 Cyprus
25 Germany
26 Saudi Arabia
27 United Arab Emirates
28 Israel
29 Morocco
30 Canada
31 Finland
32 Australia
33 Chile
34 Denmark
35 Dominica
36 Costa Rica
37 USA
Pretty sad isn’t it? Where will we be ranked in a few more years, behind the Fiji Islands?

8. Education in this country has steadily been going downhill. To the dismay of parents everywhere a Common Core agenda is being forced down the throats of children and what they are being told to do to solve math problems is incredible. What we need are good dedicated teachers who are qualified, which means we have to pay more for teachers if we want the best. We also have to push the sciences along with mathematics, and not put so much emphasis on history which is filled with misinformation such as Columbus discovered America.

9. This country needs to prepare for the fact there will never be enough jobs for everyone anymore. Automation is taking over more jobs every day and things will just get worse. This means the entire system of employment has to change. Once people worked 12 hours per day and at least 6 days a week, but that eventually got down to 40 hours a week. It is now time to start thinking about reducing hours in the work week without reducing wages so people can all get jobs and make enough money to live. Yes we will hear how this will destroy some businesses, but this is the same argument which was used when the work week was reduced from 72 hours. The government has to be the leader in this.

All these things are pulling our country down and will destroy us if nothing is done to change things.


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