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The Trillion Dollar Money Trail

The world may be completely different than we believe and we may be doing things for reasons we least suspect. I have often complained about the secrecy we face in the U.S. but there is also a lot of secrecy hiding things from the people of other countries. I read a quote the other day and I couldn’t help but laugh, because it seemed to be right on the money. Here is the quote, “If you’re not paranoid, you’re crazy.” With so many things happening around us, is it any wonder that many of us are suspicious of everything which the authorities are doing. Take the pension fund in New York State for example. It was created to pay for the retirement of civil servants. It is one of the strongest in the country, but now that Governor Cuomo is in charge of New York State he has decided to use the pension fund for building a bridge and has given the communities in New York permission to withhold their contributions for up to 11 years if they need to, weakening the fund, but claiming it is for the good of everyone. Politicians hate to see a pot of money earmarked for something like pensions, because they want to spend it. The next thing may be lending out the money to his cronies and then forgiving the loans.

We watch as the Ukraine is in turmoil and are told we have spent hundreds of millions of dollars financing freedom fighters in Syria and it turned out we had the incredible number of 4. Where did all this money really go? We may never know, but clearly there is corruption here and the Middle East has been a God send for those who want to steal. Trucks full of American currency were unloaded in Iraq and the cash was never accounted for. Imagine a 16 wheeler pulling up and opening its box and it has so much money in it the bills fill the trailer from floor to ceiling and out to the end of the trailer. We are not talking about dollar bills, but large denominations money. In a story published in February 2007, theguardian (yes this is the correct spelling) stated 12 billion dollars had already disappeared from Iraq, can you imagine how much the loss is by now? The Fiscaltimes (that is also spelled correct) states we have had 45 billion dollars disappear from Afghanistan. We either have to be the biggest suckers in the world, or government agencies are taking the money for themselves.

Please do not think one has to go to a foreign country to steal money from the U.S., it is being done every day and by people you would least suspect. We are constantly being told we need to increase the defense budget. That statement is almost treason. Either the people making it are so stupid they don’t know what is going on with the defense industry or they are crooks themselves. Some might think I am being unpatriotic, but before you jump to that conclusion hear me out. First of all if all the money we spend for defense actually was going to make our forces better we might better understand the huge outlays, but this is not happening. It is hard to tell an exact amount which is unaccounted for in the defense budget, but on 9/10/2001 Donald Rumsfeld stated over 2 trillion dollars was unaccounted for. If you do some digging on the internet you will find articles which claim the amount of missing money is far greater and peg it at 8.5 trillion dollars. This is one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history, the other one will turn out to be the 9/11 attack.

Why is it we hardly hear anything about this from our elected officials? All we ever hear is they need more money. They must know what is really going on, but they are subject to all that lobbyist cash and it seems to me NONE of them can resist it. I often wonder if a newly elected representative or senator is told if he or she doesn’t play ball on certain issues, the missing money being one, this will not be good for their family, but if they do play ball they can become rich? If there are some representatives who truly want to represent our interests and put an end to corruption, why do they never mention what is really going on? One has to wonder if our country is being drained of its money by some rich elites who want to see the U.S. economy collapse as I have said in the past. Maybe they are trying to get us out of the way to make it easier for a New World Order to take over the world. The truth is most of the world would be happy to see us collapse, even many of our so called allies. The Chinese may be an exception since we owe them so much money, and so may a few countries like Canada, Great Britain and Israel. I truly believe the rest of the world either could care less or want us destroyed.

There is so much irony in all this. The U.S. government established a website which was intended to make federal spending more transparent. A government audit found the data we are being shown is not accurate and some say totally inaccurate. According to USA Today the audit found there was at least 619 billion dollars missing from 302 federal programs. This was in 2012, who knows if this number has grown since then. Some agencies are saying it is due to them failing to report all their numbers and intimate there was no crime. This reminds me of the old saw, if you believe this I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Could it be possible that almost every government program is being systemically looted? I am not saying this is the case, only that all this smells and it smells like corruption.

Why is it since Rumsfeld made his announcement of missing money it was never mentioned again and why is it the so called plane which hit the Pentagon wiped out the exact spot where the computers which have all the budget accounts were stored. Did you know the VA backs up their records, why didn’t the Defense Department do the same, or did they and we are just not being told? As one looks into all this missing money, enough money to build countries, they find more inconsistencies. If an ordinary guy can do this just by reading newspaper articles, one can only imagine what a real investigator could find out.


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