Truth Facts



Government UAP Document Release

It seems the congress has passed a bill into law stating that classified information on UAPs must be released by government agencies if it is more than 25 years old, and it has to be accomplished by October 18 of this year. I can’t wait to see how the government is going to try and get around this. I would be very surprised if they did this. I think there might be some lesser cases released to try and satisfy us, but we would have to know what cases which are secret exist to know if all the data on them was released. I know, I seem to have no faith in all the info being released, but this is based on history. We have a history of keeping so much secret when it comes to UAPs and other things, I just won’t believe it until I see it.

When a news article came out about this it stated there were six military services, eighteen intelligence agencies and 32 defense department agencies which are bound by this bill. One thing I am happy to see is many in the congress, regardless of party, have found something they can agree upon, but it is just about the hardest egg to crack they could have picked. I remember hearing there were several agencies in the government which have been kept completely secret. I have no way of knowing if this is true or not, but it certainly would not surprise me, would it you?

There are those who claim it is not only for our good as the government has been cited as telling others for the reason it is secret, but from some of the things which have been said which make a lot of sense to me, it is also a cash cow. Think about this, the government gets advanced technology out of a UAP. People in the government, important people, get a chance to give it to some company if they figured it out, or maybe even if they didn’t. These huge companies make a fortune and in turn make huge donations to the person or party responsible. As most of  you already know, many technical innovations have been said to come from crashed saucers and into our society. I can’t say what is true and what is not, I can say it has been overestimated by a few people, but it seems some of this stuff might have slipped into our society. I remember one investigator whose name escapes me, saying one of the things we learned from crashed UAPs was how to bend light to go around corners in optical cables. I am just repeating what he said, I am not saying this particular fact is true or false, but it could be true.

Let’s look at things rationally. The last time congress was supplied with a report on UAPs we were all sorely disappointed. There was a private meeting however and we have no idea what congress heard at that time. I would suggest it was something with a little more meat on the bone, but still probably left a lot to be desired and that is why this new bill was passed. It must be hard for the congress because they are told many times the information is too serious for the American people and it is being withheld for our protection. I know this has convinced  some lawmakers to stop pushing.

What if there is a real reason to hide terrible news from us and the government really believes they are doing society a favor, is this still the right thing to do? As far as I am concerned, no! People have a right to know all news whether it is good or bad, even if it predicts the end of the world. Many of us would want to know so we could prepare ourselves and our loved ones even if it was only spiritually. We have heard from witnesses many times, when these witnesses were actually approached by extraterrestrials, they were told we had to take better care of the earth. That is very true.  There are other people who have said they were told even more dire things. One of the problems with this unless we have a verified event which involved many people meeting aliens who were contacted, how can we believe anything we are told? It just so happens children in school were contacted a couple of times and it involved almost entire classes. One of the famous ones occurred in 1994 when 60 children who were at school in Zimbabwe were in the schoolyard when a UAP landed and aliens exited the craft and the children saw them. The children were individually interviewed and all drew similar pictures of the UAP. At the time the children were between  six and twelve years of age. Could have the aliens have picked this area to land, because they wanted the children to see them and remember them when they grew up. Could this be part of some future plan we know nothing about?

If this is the kind of thing which will be released, I would be, as many other people, sorely disappointed because most of us are hoping the data released will give us unknown insights not just verify old sightings we already knew about. That could be one way to get out of the requirements. Going over the information and releasing only the well-known stuff could be the next thing tried and stating this is all they have. I certainly hope not.

I am 100 percent behind this bill, and I would hope there would be more which would ask for all UAP sightings and events not just such old ones. Another thing I have to wonder about are extraterrestrial contacts covered. I think this is a very important area and we have the right to know about human and alien contact, and what was said. This could shape our future. There were rumors for decades there were meetings between aliens and even presidents and we were told we would have to rid ourselves of nukes before we could become members of the extraterrestrial interplanetary organizations. It has been said this offer was refused because we, and if other countries were involved, refused to do this. One of the worst things humans have ever done was invent nuclear bombs. As more and more countries acquire them, it gets much harder to keep the genie in the lamp. It seems it is only a matter of time before someone or some country uses one.

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