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Secret Organizations

We see many documentaries about secret societies on television. The one which seems to always be in the forefront are the Freemasons, but there are so many more secret societies we never hear much about. It is true the Freemasons are probably the largest of the organizations and many of their members have been involved in important events through the last several hundred years, but by focusing on them are we missing hearing about some of the other secret organizations? I would like to mention a few of the other secret organizations which you may or may not have heard about.

Let me start with the Order of Owls. This secret organization was founded in 1904 in South Bend, Indiana by John W. Talbot. The Order of Owls charter called for them to be a sort of business organization which also had certain criteria which called for them to be kind individuals. They were supposed to help each other in business, much as the Freemasons do and to help the widows and orphans of former members. Some believe the order is much older than stated and point to the many figures of owls as being symbols of that organization. Some of the buildings in Manhattan bear the owl symbol and this is attributed by some to the Order. The Bohemian Club which conducts secret meetings and ceremonies two weeks a year is composed of the richest people in the world and their symbol is a giant forty foot owl and they are said to be connected to the Order of Owls, but I do not know if this is true. Β 

I guess if you have owls, other animal clubs must be around and here is where we find the Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles, another secret organization. It is said it started after World War II when pilots would get together and drink. This club allows both sexes and describes itself as an honorable fraternity composed of ladies and gentlemen of the highest morals and good character, who are never vulgar.” This doesn’t sound like any heavy drinkers I know. Their leader is the Supreme Imperial Turtle of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Turtles. It is said to join you need to answer four questions from a list of twenty-five questions. The correct answers seem to be of the vulgar, lewd or salacious type, but picking them would fail you since the correct answers are really quite plain.

The Council for National Policy is a secret organization whose members are composed of the most powerful conservatives in the United States. It is said this group plans all the important conservative strategy and it small membership of about 600 members includes some of the richest and most powerful conservatives. While we do not know what goes on inside their walls, this organization has a website and does not hide the fact they exist. It is said many religions have at least one member who belongs to this organization.

The Military Order of the Carabao is a social club and its members are people in the military. It was founded in 1900 by officers who were stationed in the Philippines at the time of the Philippine Insurrection. It is said this organization was founded to counter the Military Order of the Dragon which was founded by Americans who were fighters in the Boxer Rebellion in China. The Military Order of the Dragon is said not to exist today. There is an annual event which the organization sponsors which is attended by important member not only of the military, but by members of the government and corporations such as defense contractors. Β 

The P.E.O. Sisterhood is an organization whose stated goal is providing educational opportunities for female students. The organization is said to have a membership of about 250,000 members. It has chapters throughout the United States and Canada. The initials P.E.O. had a secret meaning until about 2008 when the organization stated it meant Philanthropic Educational Organization. The organization was founded in 1869 by seven students at Iowa Wesleyan College in Mount Pleasant, Iowa. It is important to know that just because a secret society is well known doesn’t make it any less secret as far as its rights, ceremonies and objectives.

The First Satanic Church is an organization which was founded by Karla LaVey the daughter of Anton LaVey who was the author of The Satanic Bible. The Satanic Church is run out of San Francisco, California. It was reopened by Ms. LaVey. It helped the victims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. It holds an annual Black Mass and other benefits which are open to the public, but the membership to the organization is not. Devil worship is something which has been with us since the beginning of time, but it does amaze me how in this day and age people can believe it, but there you are.

I guess since I mentioned the The First Satanic Church I should mention the Order of the Occult Hand. To join this secret society you have to be an American Journalist. The organization was formed as a sort of joke. The idea is to slip the phrase “It was as if an occult hand had…” into print whenever possible. It doesn’t make much sense to me, but apparently it does to others. It is thought the organization dates back to somewhere in the 1960s. In 2004 Paul Greenberg went public about the organization when writing an article for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

The Daughters of America is a secret society which was founded in 1891. It began as an auxiliary of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics which was founded in 1845. No one is sure if it still exists, but it did as late as 1997 when last checked for. It had over 160,000 members in the 1930s and spanned 33 states. It suffered declining membership over the following years. Despite its name, it opened itself to both men and women in the later years who were white. Being a raciest organization there is a good chance it no longer exists due to the laws against this type of thing.

There are plenty more secret organizations around and some so secret we have no way of knowing if they even exist such as the Illuminati. There are also many secret organizations which no longer exist and then there are those we think no longer exist.

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