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Things I Have Noticed

What is going on in the world and why? I have been seeing posts where people are now getting arrested for what they post on Facebook. Apparently you are no longer allowed to post you feeling about certain government officials online if they are derogatory and you are easily arrested under the new Homeland Security laws. What has happened to us? Unless someone is actually threatening the president or government officials why has it become a crime to state what you think? This is a sad state of affairs indeed. There is another side to this story however and it has to do with the idiots who post photos of themselves using drug paraphernalia or putting up song lyrics which have lines in them about killing children in schools and such. As horrible as this is, they still deserve to be treated under the criminal justice system and not under the new Homeland Security laws where they can be locked away forever without the right to an attorney or to even know their charges.

We may not like the deal which was made between Russia and the Ukraine, but why should we really care? If those two countries want to make a deal where Russia gets a piece of the Ukraine who are we to interfere? That is the problem with us. We seem to get into every other county’s business. It is either our way or many times a war. A very good question is why are we even in Iraq, Afghanistan and secretly in the Horn of Africa. There is nothing in these countries for the average American, only for big companies. This is supposed to be a country by and for the people not by and for Mobil or Halliburton. Obviously we have been going into other countries under false pretenses and all we have done was make it worse for them and get our soldiers killed.

What is going on in the Space Race? Why haven’t we gone back to the moon? If one was to pick up a magazine from right after we landed on the moon they might find predictions of how we would have had colonies on the moon years ago and on Mars by now. I have seen this in many older magazines and yet we have nothing, but since everything is so secret we could really have done this already. If there is one thing which we have perfected in the years since World War II it is secrecy. We probably lead the world in the perfection of it and how to keep secrets for the population. We have all become numb from so many secrets and when there are leaks many of us don’t even bother listening anymore, because we are so indoctrinated we think the whistleblowers are the liars.

Have you noticed how incredible cars are becoming? If you are one of those people who buy the base models of the cheaper cars you may not have, but even the better models of the cheaper cars have some incredible things on them. Take the Hyundai Sonata Limited for example. If you buy one you can get it for about $28,000 fully loaded, that is with every option available. This will get you a car with power front seats which are both heated or cooled. The steering wheel is also heated. The air conditioning system has separate controls for the driver and passenger and the passengers in the back also can regulate the air flow. You also get lane warning, a backup camera, full voice controlled navigation and blue tooth, a panoramic sun roof, electric parking brake, push button start, automatic traction control, vehicle stability, motorized and heated side mirrors, automatic door locks, leather seats, power steering, a six speed automatic transmission, wood paneling, a tune played when you enter the car, automatic truck opening, anti-lock braking, an electronic anti-glare rear view mirror, keyless entry, seven air bags, plugs for IPods or other phones, telescoping and tilting steering wheel, power door locks, power windows, smart cruise control, ABS brakes, running lights and new powerful headlights. While the engine is only a four cylinder it seems to have plenty of power for on the road driving and passing.

Some of the laws in different states are getting crazy. The one which is really crazy and which I have complained about before is the law against gathering rain water. People are going to jail for doing this. They are told the water belongs to the state. In Florida a law was passed which states every home must be connected to the electrical grid. Never mind the fact with today’s technology it is now possible for a home there in such a sunshine rich state to be able to be powered completely with solar cells. As long as a house has electric why should the state care if it comes from the grid or not? In many places the mineral rights under a home are kept or sold to someone else when you are buying a home. This should never be allowed, but the states seem to look the other way. Why can’t laws be passed to help out the homeowners?

Did you ever wonder why flying cars have never become a reality, I did? They have been talked about since the early part of the 20th century and yet where are they? The answer is nowhere. Today it would be very difficult to allow flying cars since the airways are so full and each car would have to probably have a flight plan and get the same clearances as a plane to go anywhere. There would also have to be lanes reserved in the sky for the cars so they didn’t get in the way of the planes. Can you imagine a drunk driver taking off and getting in the way of a commercial jet?

What is happening to our food supply? It seems everything which is harmful to us is being put into it. One has only to read the list of ingredients on some of these packages of food to really get turned off. Some of the worst things for a person are the artificial sweeteners and dyes which are put into many food items. I had some cereal the other day and it was very colorful so I decided to read the package and see why. You guessed it, it had about five different dyes and even some subcategories of some of the colors. One of the things which is really terrible is the fact when genetically altered food is used, it is not labelled as such because no one wants you to know it. They want you to be good little people and just eat this stuff to help increase the profits of the big corporations. If the stuff was harmless, why would they have to hide the fact it was there?
Well this is my tirade for today.

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