Truth Facts

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Lies We Have Been Told

What have we been told which could be untruthful by authorities and those who should know what they were talking about? Unfortunately it is a lot of things. Take the case of Adolph Hitler’s death. We have been told since World War II that he was in a bunker, shot himself and was put into a grave and his body burned. Now some are saying the body in the grave was altered to look like Hitler, but in fact was that of a female. This couldn’t have escaped the notice of people all these years. We know the Soviets took the bodies so it seems to me they must have been able to determine this. We also know there were plenty of stories of Hitler having fled to South America and living out the rest of his life there. There were also stories of Hitler fleeing to the North Pole to a secret Nazi base and that we sent a fleet there under the command of Admiral Byrd which had to turn back after being attacked by a UFO. Byrd had a diary which was put under lock and key by the government, but there is supposedly copies of what he wrote on the Internet.

Another huge lie was we were running out of fossil fuel. Look around now and you will see we have a glut of this stuff. Many areas on this planet haven’t even been explored for oil, coal or natural gas deposits. The idea was to keep the price high by making us think we were about to run out and the assets we had were the end of the line when nothing could have been further from the truth. This may turn out to have been the biggest favor we could have gotten from the oil companies, because it spurred the development of alternate energy and now these big oil companies and utilities are doing everything they can to prevent the spread of alternate energy, but it doesn’t look like it can be stopped. As alternate renewable energy generating devices spread it helps the planet develop cleaner air which is another plus since we are releasing carbon dioxide when we use fossil fuels.

We have been told there are no such things as chemtrails, but wait what are those planes spraying? We’re told we are seeing water vapor from jet engines and this creates trails, but this lie has been perpetrated for years and yet there are many photos showing what is really going on. Strange particles and sticky substances have been falling to earth after planes have been caught spraying. There are even photos of what look like commercial airliners with tanks attached which are being used to spray. What is the purpose of this and why is it being hidden from us? There are a couple of ideas about this. One states we are being inoculated against a poison gas attack. Another theory is that we are spraying to cause more infertility which would cut down on the population. If you think these ideas are outrageous I also heard some say the idea was to keep cancer flourishing in the population so the drug companies could make a fortune selling drugs to supposedly control but not cure it.

I think one of the biggest lies we have been told is that the representatives in our government actually represent us. These people care so little about us they can’t even get a permanent bill passed to help the 9/11 responders who are getting sick and dying from the fumes and ash they inhaled while digging people out. It is how can I profit from this thinking. If a rich and powerful company lobbied for this the bill would have been passed immediately, but it is getting in their way, because they want to give more benefits to the rich companies. The truth is we are no longer living in a country for and by the people, but a country for the rich and rich companies. We are just an annoyance to the lawmakers. Helping us doesn’t put any money into their pockets.

Sometimes we have been told lies which don’t seem to be hurting anyone, such as the lie Columbus discovered America when he wasn’t even the first Italian to get here, Marco Polo was when the Chinese came here a couple of hundred years before and he was with them, and they weren’t the first to get here because the Vikings were here before them and who knows who came here even before them? While this doesn’t seem to be harmful on the surface, it denies us our true history and there is just too much of that going on. Our true history is being hidden from us and it is hard to say why since we don’t know what is hidden. Many believe if we were told the truth we would find out we came from another planet and we are the aliens on this planet.

I would like to finish this article with one of the biggest lies of all and that is two planes took down the World Trade Center towers. Thousands of engineers and scientists who belong to multiple associations along with hundreds of architects have said the fires caused by the planes were not only NOT hot enough to bring down the towers, but thermite dust from military explosives had saturated the air in the area. Then there was the fact the building came straight down. Let me tell you that no sky scrapper has ever come down from fire except the world trade towers and some have burned for days. Witnesses who heard explosions were kept from testifying during the commission hearings and members of the commission said they were not allowed to obtain certain evidence. Something was definitely wrong with the story.

There are plenty more things we have been lied to about and one of these days I will be more than glad to write about some more of them.


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