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The Trillion Dollar Rich And World Affairs

Wow it is hard to believe that there are some rich families out there who have more money than our government and are not even listed in the top of the richest list. I am talking about the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. I was reading an article which stated it was estimated that 17 years ago the Rothschilds were worth over 100 TRILLION dollars collectively and the Rockefellers collectively were worth 11 Trillion. This is according to an article posted on September 18, 2015 in The Activist. The address for the article is You can copy and paste it into your web browser’s address area. Sorry Truth Facts does not use live links. I couldn’t help but find the article very interesting. First of all much of it was talking about how these ultra-rich families were NOT listed on the richest list in Forbes and neither were royal families, but there was a whole lot more to the article.

I haven’t verified the facts in the article and I am merely citing what I read, but I have heard some of these statements in other places and most of us know the amount of riches in this world is flowing more rapidly to the rich than ever before. No one is against anyone being rich, but when it gets to the point where you are sucking up all the money in the world, laws have to be changed. When you consider what the Rothschild family is worth it makes the $469 billion that Bill Gates is worth seem like peanuts. It seems to me there is a point with being rich where you have so much money it is a lot of work just keeping track of it. If people are worth trillions we have to admit something is broken. Oxfam announced in 2014 the 85 richest people were worth 110 trillion dollars and the article claims the 2013 Forbes richest list was used to compute this. I didn’t add up the 85 but if they are right that is quite a chunk of change and was said to equal the total wealth of the poorest 3.5 billion people on earth.

The article went on to say that when the Forbes richest-list was checked again in 2014 it was said that it only took 67 of the top people on the richest list to equal 3.5 billion of the poorest people on the planet. I think you can see where this is going. You could also say this another way and that is the top 85 richest people on the list equal far more than the 3.5 billion poorest this year and that the poorest list is creeping up in numbers and sooner or later it could reach the rest of us. We tend to think of the poorest people living in third world countries, but of course not all people in third world countries are poor. When we talk about 3.5 billion people this equals the total population of Africa, China, India and South America which was estimated to be about 3.85 billion people total, so the numbers have to reflect at least all the poor in those places.

It is also interesting to note the article talks about something which has been mentioned for many years and it is the Rockefeller and Rothschild families own our Federal Reserve Bank. Contrary to what many think, the Federal Reserve Bank is not part of the federal government and is privately owned and we pay for every dollar printed. It is an incredible cash cow for these people. Over the years there have been assassinations against those who opposed the bank along with attempted assassinations. One of the more famous attempts was against Andrew Jackson who opposed the U.S. using it. One of the questions the article asks is if the Rockefeller family was worth 11 trillion and the Rothschild family worth 100 trillion 17 years ago what is their worth today?Β  It a great question and makes one wonder if they have managed to accumulate so much money they are now worth more than most of the nations of the world combined?

Former president Jimmy Carter said this about the United States, "an oligarchy with unlimited political bribery" resulting in "nominations for president or to elect the president." Is there so much money in the hands of the rich elite they can buy anything or anyone in government? Carter was then asked about the Supreme Court ruling which eliminated limits on campaign donations and he said it, “violates the essence of what made America a great country in its political system." You know all the voices which have been bought and paid for didn’t like that and had to respond. Carter went on to say, "So now we've just seen a complete subversion of our political system as a payoff to major contributors, who want and expect and sometimes get favors for themselves after the elections over."

There is a part of the article which talks about a film-maker, who directed a film entitled America: From Freedom to Fascism, named Russo. It states he claimed he talked to Nick Rockefeller and was told an event was going to take place which would allow us to invade Iraq and Afghanistan and this happened eleven months before 9/11. This is some pretty scary stuff. It goes on to state Nick Rockefeller hit it off with Russo and told him about the plans for never-ending war, global population control, economic collapse and widespread chaos causing people to welcome the Ultimate Solution. The Ultimate Solution was said to be a one world government. Unfortunately Russo died in 2007 so he can’t be asked about these meetings.

There is no doubt on some key issues it doesn’t seem to matter who is our president or representatives. A great example of this is how Obama put Bush down for his policies and then extended some of the most distasteful ones. It seems the U.S. was selected to lead this never ending war and we are doing a good job of it. Just look at our record since World War II. We fought Korea from 1950-1953. Fought in Vietnam 1961 to 1973. Fought in the Dominican Republic in 1965, in Lebanon in 1982, Grenada in 1983, Panama in 1989, in Kuwait and Iraq in 1991, in Somalia 1993, in Haiti in 1994, in Bosnia 1994 to 1995, Kosovo in 1999, in Afghanistan 2001 to 2014, in Iraq 2003 to 2010 and fighting different terrorist groups 2014 to present. This doesn’t include various advisors in different countries and support in South America and also the fact some say we have a secret war going on for years in Africa.

Is all this planned to disrupt the entire planet and are we being used as the instrument to do this? What is your opinion?


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