Beliefs and Predictions Which Were Wrong
The whole world seems to be going topsy turvy. Things we believed as being true are now proving to be false. Other things are being put into question. Take the art world for example. It used to be extremely hard to forge a painting, and even those who were the best at doing it were mostly caught. Today there is a way for a machine to create a perfect forgery, so perfect the law requires the painting to be marked with a statement that it is a copy.
We used to think going to the moon was impossible than the Apollo program proved it was not only possible but landed a few rockets on the moon with people aboard. Today it is becoming common place to send objects to the moon and soon many of the nations on earth will be sending people there.
We used to think there was three dimensions, length, width and height. Someone came along and said time must be a dimension and now we had four. That opened the door to the idea there are far more dimensions. With this idea came another which said there could be life in other dimensions and some of it might be living with us on earth and we can’t detect it, because we can’t detect higher dimensions with our limited senses.
There was a time when we thought the world was basically composed of Europe, Asia and Africa. Then we started to discover other continents and had to change our idea of the world. We discovered North and South America, and Australia. The discovery of the Arctic is hard to pin down as is the Antarctic. Some believe the Arctic was known about in the 16th century and some think it was known about earlier or later. Antarctic is said to have been discovered either in 1620, 1820, or earlier. Australia was said to have been discovered in 1770. I think we all know the controversy over when North America was discovered. Most of us accept the fact the year was 1492, but we also know other races came here before Colombus. South America was said to also be discovered by Columbus in 1498.
We thought things had been explained very clearly by Newton about how earth worked. Then we discovered the laws of quantum physics which absolutely made no sense when it explained how things worked in the micro world verses the macro world. Most of us still don’t understand much of it.
We are constantly being led to believe we are alone in the universe and given all different reasons by scientists why this is true and given lectures on what to do if we find out extraterrestrials exist. All this is going on while our skies are full of UFOs and people have seen extraterrestrials.
We are being told electric cars are the cars of the future and some mandates are being enacted which would force us in the future to buy one. If we observe what is going on we will see car companies really don’t believe this. Some are working on alternate fuels for gas powered cars that won’t pollute, some are working on hydrogen powered cars and new engines built especially for hydrogen power, and others are working on fuel cells, which would change the method of powering electric cars by using hydrogen. It could turn out internal combustion engines might reign supreme if cheap non-polluting fuels are developed.
There were plenty of predictions made about the future and sometimes it is interesting to go back and look at them. Let’s look at what we were told the future would look like by predictions made in the 1940s. One prediction could not have been more wrong. It said there would be no need for police anymore because everyone would become a law-abiding citizen.
Once we landed on the moon, all sorts of predictions were being made about how we would colonize it and even spend vacations there. Then it happened, we stopped going there and no further progress was made with manned flight to there. We were blamed for the stopping of flights there and the government said since we had lost interest in the moon flights they were stopped. This is known as baloney; we were being blamed for a change in government policy which had nothing to do with us.
In the 1960s everyone thought in a few years the military would be equipped with ray guns and we would have nuclear generators all over the country and not need coal anymore. There was a big problem however. The problem was twofold, the first part of the problem was some nuclear plants were subject to leaks of radiation which caused tremendous damage in some cases like Chernobyl. Then there was the second problem, getting rid of the nuclear waste which posed a danger for hundreds of thousands of years. We thought salt mines were a good place for the waste, but we had no way of knowing what might happen that far into the future. Today we are starting to build far safer nuclear reactor stations based on salt cooling rather than water and which produces waste encapsulated by the salt. The best and safest nuclear plants will be powered by nuclear fusion, when perfected.
For decades predictions were made about all of us having flying cars by now. These predictions didn’t seem to take into account the fact not only would a person need a pilot’s license, but incredible complex lanes would have to be established in the sky and the cars would have to have instruments to keep us in these lanes. Most people believe the first flying car was the Autoplane built in 1917. In all that time until now, we haven’t been able to figure a way to make this work.
When it comes to the climate there have been so many predictions in the past which said we would have all different things occur by now. It was thought by some we would be in an ice age by now. Another predicted the oceans would all die by 1980.
Sometimes religious leaders tried to predict the future. Harold Camping made predictions about the end of the world. He did this 12 times and we are all still here. In 1910 Halley’s Comet was due to pass close to the earth and many were predicting the end of the world. A German mathematician named Johannes Stoffler predicted the earth would be flooded again in 1524. All I can say is we are still here.