Things We Don’t Understand or Know
There are just so many things we as humans do not understand. They are all around us. There are things in science we can’t understand and would have been called the work of the devil in another time. Take quantum physics for example. Why does watching an experiment in quantum physics cause changes in the experiment which would not happen if it wasn’t watched?
What are inside black holes. That is a question we may never get the answer to. They don’t emit light and we cannot see into them with even the largest telescopes. We think there are crushing pressures inside them, but some believe there could be galaxies inside with stars and planets.
We really do not know the size of the universe even though we are given the measurement in light years. The reason we really don’t know is we can only see so far and past that point in might continue. We could be wrong when we mention the universe, because there could be many others, which we might find out about one day. Another thing we don’t know which could be related to this is the number of dimensions which exist. We really are ill equipped to see more than 3 with the 4th being considered time. There are some who think we could have beings from other dimensions sharing the same space we live in and yet know nothing about it.
We don’t understand what it means to die, there are all different theories on the subject. Some say we never really die, just move on to another plane which could be another dimension. Others say there is nothing after death and religion tells us there is a life after death and if we have been good, we go to heaven and if not, the devil is waiting for us in hell. Will it ever be possible to get a definitive answer to this problem? Some say we have to have faith.
Extreme longevity is another thing we really don’t understand. Those who have it will tell you why they think they have it, but they really don’t know because there is more to it than just exercise and living a healthy life. Sometimes those who have had record breaking long lives seem to have done it while they were doing all the wrong things like smoking and drinking and not getting much exercise. I always remember the French lady who was said to have lived to be over 120 years old and only stopped smoking because her hand shook too much to light her smoke.
We think we are very smart as a race and know a lot about our planet, and yet we know less about our oceans than we do about the moon. It has been said that only about 5 percent of earth’s oceans have been charted and explored. There could be ancient cities down there we are yet to find. We found one recently. We have to remember some parts of the oceans were land before it got covered with water. Speaking about the oceans, we can’t say for sure how many different species of marine life there are or for that fact, even how many species of animal life there is.
Did you ever wake up and have an uncontrollable urge to yawn? Not only do we all do it, it is hard not to do it when someone else does. Even though it is a common involuntary behavior, we don’t know what the purpose of a yawn is. There is a theory that states yawning cools the brain, but would we die earlier if we never yawned, or would we somehow lose our minds? Another theory states if we never yawned, it would get harder and harder to take a deep breath. Here is the craziest part about yawning, it is said science shows people with a lack of empathy yawn less.
We thought we knew all about gravity. Einstein had said the bigger the body, the more pull it has. Recently we found out there is more to gravity than just that. We just found out that there seem to be gravity waves throughout space. We think they come from the action of two black holes trying to merge. Could this also mean there could be more things in space affecting gravity we are yet to know of? Maybe, and it might be useful for space travel.
Love is another thing we really do not understand. What is this attraction we have for another person and why do we have it? I guess this is one of the mysteries that have befuddled humans since the beginning of time. Some will say it is all chemical and related to hormonal releases and brain chemistry, but there has to be a lot more than that going on.
Another thing to do with our brains which we don’t understand is what is consciousness and is it in our bodies or broadcast from some other location and we are receivers? There is a myriad of theories on this subject but rather to get into them let me just say we just don’t know the answer and the reasons given for it are all just guesses.
There is a more or less involuntary practice which seems to take place in all of us at one time or another. Some people might say they never dream, but it probably would be more accurate for them to say they forget their dreams when they wake. Science doesn’t seem to have an answer to the question of why we dream but there are theories. Some of which say it has something to do with memory and might help us face our problems. As I said they don’t know why we dream.
One thing I have mentioned many times in the past when I talked about archaeology, was how did our ancestors move stones that sometimes weighed not only hundreds of tons, but in a couple of cases thousands of tons? This is truly an ancient mystery and we can’t even equal this with the really big stones today using the most modern machinery. What secret did they know that has been forgotten?
There is much more we don’t know and as we explore space and advance in technology more things will puzzle us, I am sure. It is our lot in life to know things and we pursue this task with vigor because we are indeed a curious race.