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Sometimes you have to wonder if educating an animal, which is genetically related to humans, is a smart thing. In particular I am referring to Koko the gorilla. Koko is so smart she recognizes over 2,000 words in English and about 1,000 in sign language, but most of all she seems to understand what death is. Does this mean she could have a soul? When asked what death was she replied it is being put in a warm hole. Obviously she was referring to being buried and gorillas like Koko have been known to bury dead animals such as birds when they find them. I read something very interesting about Koko. It seems she loved to watch Mr. Rogers on television and was taken to meet him. He sat next to her and she hugged and kissed him and then took his shoes off. If you remember the show, Mr. Rogers always took off his shoes. He also only wore sweaters knitted by his mother. Koko actually had a pet cat she loved.

A teenager in Tennessee was involved in a terrible car accident. He was under his car which was jacked up, when the jack gave out pinning him under the car. He carried an IPhone on him. No one could see him under the car and unfortunately no one could hear him. As he lay there in pain he heard his phone go on and Siri activated. He said, “Call 911.” He hadn’t activated Siri it just came on by itself. Was this a miracle? I don’t know, what do you think?

What the heck is the bloop? The name given to a very powerful and very low frequency underwater sound is the bloop. It was detected in 1997 and was traced to a point in the South Pacific Ocean, just off the tip of South America. The sound only lasted about one minute, but could be heard for thousands of miles. When the sound was examined by NOAA, every known cause was ruled out including natural causes and man-made ones. It wasn’t an explosion or volcanic eruption. Bizarre explanations were made by some such as Cryptozoologists who speculated the sounds came from a sea monster. Was the sound from some sort of secret project, did aliens do something to create it? We may never know.

There is a well located in Knaresborough, North Yorkshire in England. It is not just an ordinary well and probably not one you would want to drink from. It is said the well possesses strange properties and anything the water from the well touches will turn to stone in a few months. Among the things which the water has touched and turned to stone is wood, dead animals, leaves and other things. Some people have left objects by the well which were touch by the water only to come back and find the transformation. People are always leaving things and some of the objects which have been left recently are teddy bears, a bicycle, and pots.

Dr. Alexander Koltypin is a Russian scientist and director of the prestigious Natural Science Scientific Research Center at Moscow’s International Independent University of Ecology and Politology. He recently made a statement which surprised many people. When he returned from a field trip he announced he found ruts which covered the entire field. It was after this he made this announcement, “As a geologist, I can certainly tell you that unknown antediluvian all-terrain vehicles drove around Central Turkey some 12-to-14 million years ago.” Can you imagine if this guy is right it would mean the human race was far older than we have been told? If this is true than maybe the stories of ruins on the moon are true. It could also mean there were other races on this planet before us or aliens had bases here.

There is a statue which is twice as old as the Egyptian Pyramids. It is named the Shigir Idol and has been dated at about 9,500 years old. It has been called the world’s oldest object, but I have to disagree with this since the Bosnian Pyramid has been dated back 20,000 years but is never mentioned. Anyway the idol was discovered in 1894 in a peat bog in the Urals. It reminds me of a tall totem pole. It is made of wood and could be the world’s oldest wooden statue. There is writing carved on the statue, but we can’t understand it.

An art event took place in Toledo, Ohio. The event was called the RedBall Project and was composed of a stationary giant red ball of course. The ball was 15 feet in diameter and weighed 250 pounds, but this would not have made much difference in a stationary object, except no one considered the fact it might get windy and it did. Strong winds began to blow and the ball took off down the street. Incredibly as it went down the block it turned the corner going down the next street, banging into objects and rolling over cars. A recovery team of people was formed who managed to get in front of the ball and were able to stop it. The ball required a few patches, but was otherwise fine. Can you imagine if the ball would have ran over someone?

Google is famous for taking photos all over the entire planet. Sometime these photos capture unintended things. The Mirror website is reporting a woman was sunbathing and was topless when a Google photo of the area was taken and uploaded to Google.

A cat named Corduroy has entered the Guinness book of records as the world’s oldest cat. He is 26 years old and gained the title when Tiffany the cat, which was 27 years and 2 months old died. The average cat lives 15 years.


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