Truth Facts



Small, Medium and Large Problems

Today has been a very annoying one. Someone put a car up for sale and apparently the phone number was wrong and was posted as mine. The phone rang very early in the morning waking me up. Apparently, the caller was trying to be the first to have a better chance at getting the car. Then there were the Used car dealers. As I write this, I seem to be getting a break from the calls, thank goodness.

There are many little things which annoy us in life, while they seem to be just nuisances, they can result in some very annoying things happening. There are also things which are very important to us. One guy was talking about the time his Social Security checks stopped and he thought it would be simple to correct the mistake. As you can guess he was rather elderly. He called the Social Security Bureau and explained the situation to them. They said he wasn’t who he said he was because it was reported he died. He assured them he was quite alive, but they didn’t believe him. It took him almost a year without checks to get this error straightened out.

One of the things which can be really annoying for an elderly person is getting new dentures. There is the process of fitting the dentures properly, usually using a wax base and after a few weeks, comes the part where the dentist makes them usable by fixing the uncomfortable bits. This can become very trying. Some people accomplish this in one or two fittings, but there are those who never are comfortable with the dentures and eventually stop using them and switch to soft food. I know people who had to go  back many times to get the dentures to fit right. One would think by this day and age things would get easier.

Another person had a problem with the Division of Motor Vehicles. It seems he used his conformation name as his middle name all his life. When he went to get a license to drive, his birth certificate just had his first and last name. He had a lot of problems but was eventually able to get the license.

A man was in a very sad situation. He loved his wife very much, but she was mentally ill and eventually had to be put into a mental hospital for her own good. This broke his heart, but he had no choice. His wife then would get a hold of a phone in the hospital and call different government agencies claiming he was going to  commit crimes against the government and they would come and raid his home. This happened several times, even though he asked the hospital to keep her away from phones. Years later every once in a while, this would happen again, until one day the poor woman died in the hospital.

There are also strange coincidences which happen to some people. One which I mentioned before I thought was very strange. A family was taking a vacation and was on a beach in Florida, they were having a good time and one of them decided to take a photo. Years later, back in New York, they had some old photos laying on a table. There daughter had married about two years ago and someone had noticed the photo and said the person in the background looked like her husband. It turned out the husband had been in the navy and was on that beach at the time, but that was before anyone had met him.  That always makes me laugh when I think about it.

When I had one of my first jobs, I received a paycheck for about twice as much as I was supposed to be paid. I didn’t want a problem later so I brought it to the attention of a supervisor who contacted the home office and they looked into it. The problem was there was a senior employee with the same name and the checks were mixed up. He must have had a heart attack when he got my check and thought it was his. It happened a couple of times more but from that point on it was easy to remedy since I knew and he knew what the problem was.

Did you ever buy anything and read the description of it and find out after you bought it, it was not what you thought and you were being scammed? One time, when I was on Ebay, I thought I was getting a small piece of art. Not expensive art, just a little something for a few dollars. When it arrived, I saw red. What came in the mail was a Styrofoam cup with a face on it someone drew with a pen. Not art at all. The face was just a circle with 2 eyes. I only paid 10 dollars plus shipping, but that was not the point. I contacted Ebay and at first, they didn’t want to give me a refund. I told them to read the description online and after they did this, they agreed and gave me a refund. It became obvious to them this was fraud.

There are just so many people out to fool us and get our money. One cannot trust phone calls, emails and even adverts anymore. Everything has to be double checked to make sure you are really buying from the company or people you think you are.

I personally try not to answer my phone if I do not recognize the number calling but I did about the car because suddenly I was getting so many calls and wondered why. Sometimes the fraud calls are almost funny because the people can hardly speak English and yet they claim to be from the Internal Revenue Service or FBI. I don’t laugh though because all I can think of is all the people they steal money from, and that is no laughing matter.

Getting back to little annoying things did you ever buy something you had to assemble and there were parts missing or you needed a tool you didn’t own? That happened to me a couple of times, a missing part or parts. One of the big hardware store chains used to take back stuff without looking to see if all the parts were there and then put in back on the shelves.  Twice I bought something and once it had a broken used part in it and another time missing parts. In all fairness they seem to have corrected this problem.

Life is full of small, medium and large problems and we can’t let the little ones get us all upset. Remember at least these types of problems are not worth getting sick over.

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