Truth Facts




Some of the ancients-built monuments that took many years to complete and this didn’t seem to faze them.  They stuck with the mission when sometimes they went on for more than a lifetime. They exhibited patients. Maybe they looked at things a different way and felt this was job security. Most of us today could never be that patient. It is  important to note I am not talking about structures which were built by slaves. When we talk about great ancient structures, none could be greater than the Great Pyramid. It is said the work force consisted of 100,000 people and the structure took 20 years to build. Not bad for the greatest structure in the world up to the 19th century. Does anyone think we could build a structure today which would be regarded this way for 4,400 years? Even today, while no longer the tallest structure, it is still one of the most highly thought of structures in the world.

 There is still much about the Great Pyramid which is controversial and someday will we find out the Egyptians had help? The ancient Greeks were also incredible builders and could they somehow have helped the Egyptians build the Great Pyramid. What about extraterrestrials, there is no lack of people who believe they least they floated the blocks into place. There is also another idea and it is the ancient Egyptians found the Great Pyramid and it was built around 20,000 years ago. Wouldn’t it be interesting to put all these different people in a room and see how things turn out?

For years we thought we knew how the labor force who built the Great Pyramid was formed. We believed slaves were used and then upon careful examination of the homes built near the site we realized these people were not slaves and some were very talented engineers and the rest devoted workers. Why would people volunteer for this work? There are a couple of different reasons. First of all, there could have been such devotion to the pharaoh they felt it was a religious experience since the pharaoh was also a god. Another reason might have been it gave them a house and maybe a higher standard of living. I don’t think any writing was found listing why all these people volunteered to do the job, but I could be wrong and maybe just never heard about it.

I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but I am tired of hearing the pyramids were tombs for the pharaohs when no pharaoh was ever found buried in one. What most of you have heard by now is the fact the pyramids could have been electrical generating stations. I have to wonder about this. The reason I wonder is if they were, what possible use could ancient Egyptians have for electricity. It is said there is a pyramid in Alaska which is still generating power. Who was around in those days which would have had a use for electricity?

The first thing we have to notice is the ancient Egyptians had nothing to take advantage of electricity, but they did have a hieroglyph of what looked like a giant light bulb, but nothing else. They might have seen some other race using this. This only leaves two possibilities as far as I am concerned. An even more ancient race built the Giza Pyramids and died out without a trace. Perhaps it was the Atlantans before they supposedly sunk under the sea, or extraterrestrials.

I would have to put my money on extraterrestrials because they have a history of hanging around power stations among other things and it has been suggested they take some of that power to power their ships in some way. It might be to keep some sort of reaction going or powering some antigravity device, no one really knows at this point, but they were probably the only ones around in those days who had a use for power. We have never found an ancient Egyptian electrical device. If we look around the world in those days, no humans had an electrical device. This is not to say the Egyptians didn’t know about this magical stuff and that it had some sort of use to the extraterrestrials.

The most advanced power source came along much later when the ancient Greeks invented a primitive steam powered device. They used steam power for a few things like automatic temple doors, but once  their golden period of invention was over, it seems all this was forgotten. They also did not have any electrically powered devices we know about. It took the ancient Greeks until 600 B.C. to discover if they rubbed fur on amber they got static electricity.

There was a report that Greeks, Romans and yes, Egyptians did have one use for electricity and it was to use fish which had an electrical charge to treat epilepsy and gout. The Baghdad battery was created but we are not sure of the date or what it was used for. It only put out a tiny current. The world went on without any other known use for electricity which was practical until 1829. An American named Joseph Henry used a battery to build an electromagnet which could lift hundreds of pounds. Finally, someone had figured out a use.

The most practical use for electricity came along when Nikola Tesla invented alternating current which led to our electrical use today. It is true we had direct current before that, but it was impractical and needed many transmission stations along the lines. It was also more expensive. Thomas Edison was an advocate of direct current and resented the fact Tesla claimed alternating current was better and tried for years to convince people direct current was.

The discovery of electricity and alternating current has created our modern world. We still have a hard time trying to know everything about electricity. Could there be more uses for it and how come our bodies carry an electrical charge as do all animals. It seems electricity is needed for us to exist. What does electricity do for us? It sends the signals around our body that control many of our functions and even our heart beat. It is used in hospitals to restart our hearts. It is even used on patients with severe major depression or bipolar disorder. This is known as Electroconvulsive therapy or ECT.

Do we know all the uses for electricity? We might, but there is also a chance new uses may be discovered in the future. Think time travel and other forms of stealth for example. Also think about maybe a form of electrically created plasma for spacecraft, aircraft submarines and weapons.

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