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Is The Human Race Far Older Than We Have Been Told?

Are we the victims of the biggest deception ever to take place on the planet? I have interviewed many different people over the years, some of them are still on television today talking about UFOs and technology. There is an undercurrent of belief based on not only the testimony of many different former government officials, military and contractors which seems to indicate while we live with 21st century technology, we are really at a stage which is at least 500 years more advanced and if we were allowed to see what we really have, we would be astounded. Some might say it is impossible to hide this level of development, but they would be wrong. We have built a machine which is very good at doing just that. Things are so secret there might only be a handful of people who know about everything we have and the reason for this is everything is compartmentalized. This means even though we might have thousands of scientists and engineers working on futuristic devices, they would only know about a small portion of what they are working on. Their boss might know about the entire project, but wouldn’t know about other projects. We are a society of secrecy.

The government feels it would be detrimental for us to know the truth, because it involves far more than just these inventions, it involves aliens. I have mentioned this before, but it is worth mentioning again. A report commissioned by the government stated if the citizens were told the truth about aliens it would destroy society. Why do we still believe this nonsense? I have no proof on what I am about to say, but some believe we might have been created by aliens and if we found this out it would destroy all religion. Personally I don’t think it should because if one believes in God then nothing can happen without his approval. We know genes can be modified and indeed we are working on this ourselves and if aliens were involved with us, it was probably a gene modification, not creating life. Maybe this is the reason all the relatives of humans have disappeared. They could have been eliminated by the aliens so as not to contaminate the gene pool any longer. If this is the case one has to wonder if a newer, better human is scheduled to come onto the earth in the future and if our time may be up.

It seems to be aliens have been involved with humans for thousands of years. There is so much evidence indicating this it has to be purposely overlooked or scientists would have to come to the conclusion this is true. We are told we inhabited the earth as a civilized race and built cities for only about 6,000 years. This completely ignores the fact there are a few cities which are much older and conservatively date back 9,000 years. This estimate is said to be incorrect by some who state it should be 12,000 years. This does not tell the entire story however. Cities have been found which used to exist on land but are now submerged under the ocean. Some are not that far away nor are in very deep water. One of the cities is Dwarka in the Gulf of Cambay in India. It was a large city and objects which have been brought up from it have been dated back at least 30,000 years. This is a very important date because archaeology insists this is impossible. While they deny this date, they also deny the date of the Bosnian pyramid which has been dated back over 20,000 years. It is interesting to note the discoverer of the pyramid was asked not to announce it to the world by his peers, but refused and opened up the dig to university students.

If we look at all the other ancient cities which have been found lately, we as rational people cannot come to any other conclusion than civilization is a lot older than we are being told. So far we are not being told where we actually stand in the development of technology or in the age of man. We are also not being told about aliens interacting with us. When we look at the evidence available from all over the world which has to do with our history, we see indications of alien interaction in just about every culture. There are strange statues which look like aliens wearing spacesuits, there are carvings and frescoes depicting UFOs and strange devices and even jewelry which depicts flying machines. It is so hard to explain this any other way than to say it is evidence of alien existence. I came into possession of a Byzantine Cross which what looks like a Gray being crucified on it. The Gray was wearing what seemed to be a robe of some kind. Why would someone a thousand years or more ago create something like this? Why do saucer shaped UFOs appear in so many old paintings? If we start to ask questions like this, we have to also ask the question why did so many ancient civilizations create strange looking gigantic statues which must have been backbreaking work for them?

It seems that at one time the earth may have had a lot of primitive societies, but it also may have had some advanced ones. These were the people who lived in those ancient cities which date so far back. While they were living in them, some of our other ancestors were still in caves. It looks like huge portions of the land mass of the world may have contained cave dwellers while the cities may have been closer to the shore. The oceans rose wiping out those cities but sparing those who were much farther back from the oceans and setting back the human race many thousands of years and forcing us to start over. We don’t really know how far these ancient people progressed and it is possible they may have been further along than we are today. They may have even survived by leaving in flying machines and we could be mistaking these people today for aliens.

There are so many possibilities and since all we have is the “official” story of our history we are being denied the information we need to know. It seems the human race, or at least part of it, is far older than we have been led to believe. The problem is even this could be incorrect and the cities could have been built and lived in by aliens. I would love to know the real story, wouldn’t you?

