Truth Facts



Rumors and Theories

Nikola Tesla was an incredible person who was far ahead of his time. Ancient Aliens ran a show dedicated to him and the subject of the show was not only his inventions, but it also had several undercurrents. The first was the fact he had been able to send out wireless electricity several miles and light the light bulbs at the end and yet we have only been able to do this from about 4 feet away. The next undercurrent was the fact he experienced images of inventions in his head and could rotate and copy what he saw. He admitted to this. This seems to  indicate he was receiving these images from somewhere else. Tesla himself believed there was a place in space which contained all the knowledge of the universe and he believed if one’s brain could be tuned to the correct frequency, he or she could receive that knowledge. This was much more being spoken about this, but one thing I found very interesting was the idea he had been sent here from another planet, I guess in the form of the baby in his mother’s womb. Was Tesla an extraterrestrial? Who knows? The last fact I want to talk about concerning Tesla was the fact some believe he was an alien and his mission to advance the human race failed. They feel this way because we could all have had free power, but no company wanted this and would not finance this effort. I think the fact his apartment was entered by the government after his death and probably important papers taken, cemented this failure. It seems we humans were just too greedy to allow non-profit advances in technology to be made.

It seems to me we are entering a new era in space, one where a lot more countries will be involved. We will see some succeed more than others, but all in all the world will advance in its endeavors to explore space. Some believe India has climbed out of the pack with their moon rover and beating Russia to the moon again. I am not so sure where they eventually will wind up, but they have demonstrated a grasp of space technology. It seems to me there should be more successes, because we have paved the way and the data on how we did it is probably available by now. It will be those countries which demonstrate a true first which will stand out from the rest. Right now, most of what is happening is things which were previously done. For example, sending rovers into space. Actually, the Soviets had many firsts before their country collapsed. They had the first satellite, the first man in space, and the first rover. Even the first space station was a Soviet platform. We eventually caught up and passed them. We have to continue to make advancements in space if we want to keep our lead and not become like the Russians in space.

Once we solve the UAP problem, and figure out where they come from and what they are, and even how they work, things should change radically for us. The problem is we may have already done this and it is being kept secret. I would hate to think progress is being kept from us either for companies to make money off of that technology, or more than necessary secret classifications have been applied to that technology. It is more comforting to think we don’t know the true nature of UAPs for a lot of people than finding out the government knew all about them for decades and might even be building copies of their ships.

Could it be possible some human scientists have discovered superior ways to accomplish space travel even without getting it from crashed UAPs? We do know many copyrights get taken by the government every year and are kept secret. There is no way to know for sure if this is in the best interest of the United States or not. I would hate to think some poor inventor comes up with an incredible invention and it is taken by the government only to be released to some company which will make a profit off of it.

There are just so many rumors and stories about the Nazi inventions around World War 2. There has been much talk about Nazi UFOs. There were also photos of them, but I don’t believe they have been authenticated, but I could be incorrect. If they existed they may have been advanced aircraft, but be that as it may, there was talk about a special engine they could have used. Some believe not only is there a secret Nazi base in the South Pole but it contains several of the Nazi UFOs. This is supposedly backed up by those who talk about Operation Highjump, and claim Admiral Byrd headed a small fleet to the South Pole after the war to look for Nazi bases and was chased away by UFOs which were presumably Nazi. This is disputed by the government which claims the operation was sent to establish an American base there. Interestingly it is said Byrd’s diary was then kept secret. It is hard to believe anyone still uses a diary.

Could it be the only UAPs were those developed by the Germans? Could the Germans have used 1930s and 1940s technology to have created flying saucers? There is no doubt they made some incredible inventions, but I think believing they had developed flying saucers, unless they were just some type of airplane with a weird shape, is very hard to believe. As for having copied crashed UFOs, I just don’t believe their technology was up to the task. These rumors about Nazi scientists have come to the point where some say they developed a time machine in a mine in Poland. It is said a strange type of radiation from the acorn looking device killed several Nazi scientists, before it was perfected. Here is where it gets really strange. The object is said to have disappeared, but reappeared many years later when it crashed in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania and was quickly taken away by the military. The theory which was put forward was one or more Nazi scientist used the time machine they had invented to escape into the future and they were in the vehicle which crashed in Kecksburg.

According to all these theories we have time travel, anti-gravity and faster than light capability. On top of all this some are saying we have already started to explore planets outside of our solar system. Some powerful people who should know have said this at least about the exploring planets part.

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