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Perpetual Confusion

Have you ever noticed how so many things are confusing? I have and wondered about it until I came to the conclusion that many of these things were designed to keep us confused. There are examples of this everywhere. Let’s talk about the next presidential election. If you have decided to vote Republican there are so many candidates telling you so many different things you have to be confused. Democrats are no better off. The only difference is there are far less candidates. Each candidate is trying to confuse your vote so you think about voting for them and not another candidate. Some are telling you things they are going to do which are in clear violation of what they did in the past, so this is even more confusing. Others have muddied the waters so much that many people are so confused they feel they don’t want to vote, because all these people seem to be all the same. I guess politics has to be one of the things on top of the list of confusing things. I wouldn’t worry too much about this. After watching Washington for many years it no longer seems to matter much who is the president.

When we are told about government budgets that is another really confusing thing. If anyone wants to be really confused just listen to the statements about how we are going to balance government budgets. It usually leads off by some politician saying we are making some sort of progress in reducing our deficits and in some period of time, far in the future of the end of their term, maybe 20 years, we will have a balanced budget. This is called passing the buck and it confuses us in that it seems the government on most levels is not capable of creating a balanced budget, but must always spend far more than it takes in. Wait, how can it sustain doing this? Did you ever try to spend more than you make for a long period of time? Eventually it catches up with you. It is confusing to see no one who has any say about it seems to notice we are going under, or just doesn’t care.

Want to be confused, just read what scientists are saying about quantum physics. I thought much of it sounded crazy to me, but I am not a physicist. Then I heard a physicist say it was all ridiculous and a bunch of baloney. This made me feel better. Lately we have been hearing about quantum universes existing next to each other and places where we also exist simutaneously where we are taking every branch of possibility and doing it. It even gets more bizarre as we are being told we are nothing more than characters in a computer game. Am I the only one getting confused here? All of this stuff is being thrown out by people who have good scientific reputations so it gets some credibility and yet there is not a smidgen of proof that any of what we are being told is true. You could tell me there are fairies and there is just as much of a chance of this being true as what the scientific community is telling us about some things.

What about the medical profession, surely there could be no confusion there? If you think that, I hate to tell you they can be very confused and their patients can also get confused after talking to some of them. Sometimes misdiagnosis can lead to confusion among patients. There are some diseases that are diagnosed wrong more often than others. The fifteen most misdiagnosed illnesses are Irritable bowel syndrome, Celiac disease, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Lyme disease, Lupus, Polycystic ovary syndrome, appendicitis, Endometriosis, Migraines, Cluster headaches, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes and Inflammatory bowel disease. Treating these incorrectly causes confusion among patients when there symptoms don’t seem to improve.

Have you ever watched a sporting event and something happened which caused the referee to make a decision you were totally confused about. I have seem this happen many times. I am a hockey fan and have seen refs making calls not only I couldn’t figure out, but neither could the announcers or the color men. One of the things in sport which aggravates me and confuses me is when officials call the players out from one team for doing something and penalize them for it, but do nothing with players from the other team do the same thing. I can’t help but think there is something illegal going on. It make me wonder if some of the officials bet on the game.

Did you ever go to use the restroom in a public place just to see a line outside the lady’s room and some of the women sneaking into the men’s room? It happens during events which have large crowds. I am confused about this, why isn’t the lady’s room bigger than the men’s room since everyone knows women spend much more time in the bathroom?

One thing which ranks right up there in confusion is a foreign call center. One would think all call centers would require those working there to be able to speak the language fluently of those who call, but this never seems to be the case. I remember calling one where a woman answered and said something I couldn’t understand. I excused myself and asked her to repeat what she said and I still could not understand her. After several minutes she figured out I was calling because my code for Windows was not being accepted. Now I had to read her the numbers from the computer screen which came up, which turned out to be one of the most time consuming things I ever did over the phone. I had to constantly repeat the numbers over and over until she finally figured out what I was saying. Talk about confusion, it reigned supreme that day.

Lastly some of us are doomed to become confused, especially in our old age. That is the disease of confusion caused by such things as dementia. Another little known cause is urinary tract infections. Dehydration can also cause it. Anesthesia can cause it in an elderly patient after an operation. There it is, we not only get confused during our daily lives, but if were are unlucky we might even finish our lives confused.

