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The Sixth Mass Extinction Event

When you look at our world from space what do you see? You see a blue ball which looks very inviting, it has oceans, continents and even islands. It is surrounded by an atmosphere which makes it habitable. Unfortunately there is something you don’t see and that is the waves which surround us that are invisible. Our planet is under an ocean of all sorts of radio waves among others. What makes matters even worse is the fact we don’t know what the long term effects of these waves might have on our planet? This is the first time in known history this has happened and while we think they have no effect on us, they could be responsible for things we least suspect. Since some animals use the earth’s magnetic field to navigate they might be seriously affected by the waves we are dumping into the atmosphere. Perhaps this is at least one of the causes the bees are disappearing. Bees are noted for their ability to find a flower and then translate its position to the other bees. Perhaps the reason bees are dying out is they are losing this ability and starving?

Scientists are saying we are in the beginning of the sixth mass extinction and animal species are disappearing at the alarming rate of 100 times faster than they did. They are warning us we could be next for many different reasons. We can see some of the reasons around us. Growing up I heard a lot about how nature disposes of something which is a threat. Could it be we have been singled out as a threat and somehow nature is rebelling against us? Fresh water is disappearing at an alarming rate from the planet. The place with the most fresh water happens to be in the United States and is the Great Lakes and they have been receding. Some of this is due to nature and some due to the fact we are allowing foreign companies and countries to take water from them. Some people here will do anything for a profit even let our water be taken away from us.

Another reason for the earth dying is the afore-mentioned profit motive. Some of our problems on the planet are purely profit related. We dump carbons into the atmosphere and to make it look like we are conservationists to the population the government invented carbon credits which allow companies to dump even more carbon if they purchase credits from other companies who haven’t dumped their carbon quota. What a bunch of bunk this is. There should be no dumping of carbon! We sometimes transport oil in ships which have single hulls and when they get damaged they leak oil and destroy the environment and then we are told how well things were cleaned up. The truth is lumps of oil are laying on the ocean floor where we can’t see them and pollute the waters they are in causing all sorts of environmental damage to the life in those waters and then we eat that life. Who knows what eating fish or shellfish with mutated genes is doing to us? Then the companies have the nerve to brag about how they cleaned everything up knowing we can’t see what is below the water.

The earth has its own language and it is speaking to us by showing us the kills which are occurring, we should be taking this as a warning. Let’s look at some of these deaths in 2014, the last full year. On December 31 hundreds of dead sea birds washed up along the coast of Oregon. Ten days before more than 50 had washed ashore. On December 26, 132 birds were found dead on the beach, these included 126 Cassin’s auklets. December was a very bad month for birds in the area and many dead birds were found throughout the month. We were told this was normal, sure some birds will die, but nothing like this. This is one of the problems with our culture, those in power will never admit something is wrong which might affect profit if a change is made to policy. Thousands of starfish washed up dead in Noordwijk, Netherlands, but this amount was nothing compared to the 100,000 or so that washed up dead on Fripp Island, South Carolina. In Japan that month 42,000 chickens died from the avian flu in Miyazaki, Japan. I could fill an entire book with the kills that occurred in 2014.

Many in power still continue to deny global warming, because changes might hurt their business interests. They are not worried, because they believe they will be long dead before the earth is destroyed. It is hard to believe any human could be so selfish, but there you are, the proof is in the pudding. Many of us look at this and say it is like watching a horror movie. It seems like every official action we take just makes things worse. It has to make one wonder is it just greed destroying the planet or is there more to it, are we electing idiots and criminals to public office?

If one watches what is going on in international relations it has become obvious we will not be satisfied until we restore the Cold War. We have stuck more pins into Russia than a pin cushion and have done everything possible to get them to get angry and rearm. This will give us an excuse to buy more weapons, because we now have an enemy again. We are moving equipment almost up to their borders and put a puppet government in control of the Ukraine. One online source said the Ukraine was full of CIA operatives. In case no one has noticed we always must have an enemy, because it sells weapons and since World War II, we have had plenty. I think even the most hawkish of us must notice by now we had no reason to invade Iraq and everything we were told was lies. The same is true for Afghanistan, Vietnam and many other countries. I bring all this up, because we could be pushing so hard we miscalculate and start a nuclear war which will speed up the sixth mass extinction.

It seems those in power, both in government and in business have a death wish. They don’t think they will die, after all they have been very busy digging underground nuclear shelters for themselves. Their death wish seems to be for us. According to the tenet of the New World Order there are far too many of us and the population has to be reduced to around 500,000,000. A nuclear war might be a good start for them. It seems to me when you take all these things into consideration they seem to have a single purpose, they all seem to be aimed at destroying most of the population.

