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Wanting To Know

When one has a thirst for knowledge he or she is never satisfied. The reason for this is the world around us is a very unsatisfying place. We are blocked from much of its data for many different reasons. What we are trying to figure out might be too complicated for our abilities, we might be blocked from getting the information, or we may not know how to go about collecting it. I have always had a thirst for knowledge as have many of the people I have met. Sometimes people try to amass the data on a particular subject they are interested in, in one particular area. There are those who have devoted their lives to trying to find out more about what they are interested in. One area which comes to my mind, because I have talked to and interviewed many people in this area, is UFO investigations. Some of these investigators are really driven and I applaud them for it. They will not settle for what many others have, as far as explanations go without examining all the proof they can get their hands on and this is the way something should be examined.

We have been told many times by our government that it doesn’t know anything about UFOs or aliens and the answers completely ignore the fact the White House had UFOs over it several times and it was not just one UFO, but fleets of them in the 1950s. I believe this was one of the key incidents which caused the advent of UFO investigations, because some people at the time realized something was going on. The story was the headline in many leading newspapers and yet the government still tells us they know nothing about the existence of UFOs. UFO investigators have interviewed thousands of witnesses to events which show the military has carted away downed UFOs and warned people not to talk about what they have seen. These facts are enough to drive the UFO investigators to gain more knowledge about what is really going on.

UFO investigators are not the only group with specialized interests. Next we have the political group who want to know all about certain candidates. They are not relative to any particular party, but exist in all parties. Their numbers seem to be low, but they exist. Some are reporters who are looking for stories and there have been plenty of them lately. We have seem many politicians embarrassed lately. One of the killers for politicians is when they get caught in their own hypocrisy. There is nothing more embarrassing than one politician condemning another for some sex act and we find out later that politician did something as bad or even worse. Take the cases of Dennis Hastert and Newt Gingrich.Β  Both condemned Clinton while both were having extramarital sex themselves. One with women and one with probably a male student. You can understand why those who are really interested in politics want to know everything about candidates, because they want to avoid the problems when these people are discovered.

Another group of people who want to know more are those investigating our budget and where all our money is going. There are quite a few interested in this, it is unfortunate they have no authority to fix any discrepancies they find. You can find these people in a lot of places and there are videos they have made to try to influence us to do something about what is going on in the fiscal area, but unfortunately we are also powerless to correct anything. We can vote someone out of office, but that doesn’t seem to matter in the scheme of things as the overspending and corruption seem to continue and this is a constant point of aggravation to these people. I have looked at a few of these videos and read some of the articles and I agree with some of these people. I may not agree 100%, but many of them have a point and I can see why they are frustrated.

There are others who are looking for more information on the subject they are interested in. They may be interested in archeology, space travel, history or some other area and they are finding roadblocks in their way. There is a lot of controversial interpretations of carvings and objects in archaeology, a lot of secrets regarding where we are in space travel and there are plenty of people interested in history who believe much of our real history is being hidden from us. These roadblocks seem to exist everywhere. Sometimes they are subtle, other times it is like hitting a brick wall.

I am a person who is interested in many different things and years ago I decided, after talking to others, there were a lot more people like me out there. As I talked to others about things I was interested in, some suggested I should start my own web site which I did about 12 years ago. It was called About Facts Net or Http://Aboutfacts.net. That site lasted for ten years and contained no commercial advertising and became too expensive to maintain, so last year I moved it to Aboutfacts.org. and now call it About Facts. If one was to type Aboutfacts.net they would reach http://Aboutfacts.org. The purpose of the site is to give a broad view of different subjects I am interested in so I can share my opinions with others. When I closed down About Facts Net I put up a notice which stated it was closing down for good, but changed my mind a few months later when I found the cheaper hosting site.

My format changed, but the material is still the same. I still attempt to shed light in some areas where light is definitely missing from. I want to see us told the truth about UFOs, get our correct history which was hidden from us and know what is truly going on in the world. There are scientific advancements being made every day we don’t hear about, government maneuvers and advances in weapons. I think it is important to know about these things along with many other things. It is not always the fact things are being kept from us, sometimes things just don’t get picked up by the media. It is interesting to note sometimes the foreign news media might have a headline story which isn’t even mentioned by our news media. I may not always be agreed with, but I would hope at least some of the articles which appear on About Facts would make people think more about a particular subject.

