Truth Facts



We Can’t Explain This

There are quite a few homes where the owners swear the places are haunted. We all know most of them probably are not, but there are some where the activities inside the places can not be explained. It seems in every phase of life there are some things which cannot be explained no matter how hard we try. A few of the things which have been found in archaeological digs have been puzzling. Some of these objects seem to be ahead of their time and even if some were made by men, how did they do it thousands of years ago when we can hardly make them today. A knife was found in the tomb of Tutankhamun which was fashioned from a meteor. It is extremely hard to do this, somehow the ancient Egyptians figured out how to make it or found other knife makers who had the ability. The reason it is so hard to do is a meteor has materials in it not conducive to making a blade.

Nature has thrown us a curve with dark matter. It is said the earth has dark matter in its makeup. Dark matter is said to be a type of particle which has no reaction to light in any way and cannot be seen. Scientists think they proved its existence by observing the way gravity affects certain galaxies. I have to wonder how they can be so sure? There are other scientists in the minority who believe normal gravity may not act the same in some other galaxies and this complicates things even more.

There has been talk about being able to perfectly freeze people some day so they can be defrosted and cured of any diseases they had. To my knowledge no one can do this today, the thawing doesn’t bring people back to life. There was a case where a woman was found frozen into a popsicle in temperatures 50 degrees below freezing. She had no heartbeat and no one knew how long she had been frozen. Comments were made that she looked like one of the slabs of meat in a butcher’s freezer. Her body was brought into a warm environment and she began to thaw, and to the amazement of everyone she began to breathe again and was medically recovered. How did this happen and does it prove some day we will be able to replicate this feat? Why didn’t her cells turn to mush when she heated up?

Nature sometimes throws us for a loop. There are many strange things in the animal family. It seems to me however none as strange as the Rat King. First let me explain what a Rat King is. It is a group of rats who have made the decision to tie their tails together for life. There could be ten, twenty, thirty or more. Science has been trying to figure out why they do this, but has yet to come up with an answer. Some believe they get together in winter for heat and get so tangled up they cannot escape. Others believe they do this on purpose. One time a group of squirrels were found with their tails entangled creating a Squirrel King. There are those who believe Rat Kings are a hoax caused by some people tying the tails of dead rats together and that is why only about sixty have been found in hundreds of years.

There are places in this world where a certain percentage of the people hear annoying sounds. The source of the sounds has never been found but it is driving some people crazy, yet the majority never hear that sound. Could the cause be only certain people with certain conditions are susceptible to hearing them? Could extraterrestrials be using these sounds to separate a certain portion of the population from the rest for an unknown reason? Could these people have undiscovered abilities or could the opposite be true? Do those who do not hear the sounds have the abilities or those that do? It is believed about four percent of the world’s population is susceptible to the noise of a hum in certain places. Some believe in is just noise pollution, but why doesn’t everybody hear it? Perhaps those four percent have some different pathways in their brains?

The Black Knight satellite was photographed by NASA. It is believed to be in excess of 13,000 years old, others think it is just another conspiracy theory. NASA says its photo was of space debris. In the 19th century Nikola Tesla claimed he had received radio signals for a source in space believed to be Mars. These were said to be numeric codes which believers later said came from the Black Knight satellite. In 1927 mysterious signals had been received after experiments with radio transmissions. It turns out this type of signal called Long Delayed Echoes have never been fully explained. Does the Black Knight satellite exist? Maybe yes, maybe no. Remember UFOs were denied by a lot of people before we started to believe in them.

Scientists have been studying the reason for humans yawning for over thirty years and have come to a conclusion. Most people who yawn are tired but it is unknown why they yawn. They checked the physical state of people who yawn and there are no changes after they yawn. It seems the are yawning for no reason.

Did you know in primates the amount of right handed and left handed animals is roughly even? This is not true in humans however. In humans about ninety percent of all humans are right handed and ten percent are lefties. Why? This is a great question because there is no advantage one way or another and yet there you are. Scientists just don’t know the reason for this, even though they have looked into it for many years.

When we think of a tunnel, it might be one we drive our cars through or the subway. They are relatively short when compared with the size of the earth. Did you know tunnels have been found which are narrow and have been dated back twelve thousand years? That is not the only amazing thing about this tunnel, what is even more amazing is it connects Scotland all the way to Turkey. Scotland is 2,100 plus miles from Turkey. Who built this tunnel, how did they do it and why? It must have taken hundreds of thousands of people many years and we still do not know who did it. Some say the tunnel is not continuous even though passages have been found all over Europe, but many do not agree.

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