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Sometimes we just have to ask the question “Why?” It might be out of curiosity or worry, but the reason may not matter as much as the question, because we might be asking that question since something just doesn’t seem right to us and as mundane as the question might seem in certain cases, it could turn out to be more important than we expected. This article may ask a lot of “whys” but unfortunately this doesn’t mean I will be able to give answers. Anything I might say as regards these “whys” will only be a guess, but the best guess I can muster.

The first “why” I have to ask is why is Walmart shutting down stores all over the country and saying it is because of plumbing problems? It is costing employees their jobs and some are saying this is a rouse to break any attempts at unionizing. Others are worried for other reasons which range from water pollution to turning the stores into prisons, because of the government going to Marshall Law. I am not saying this is going to happen, I am only citing the worries people have. Turning the stores into prisons seems like a far leap to me and verges on the ridiculous. When an investigation was made into a Florida Walmart which supposedly closed for plumbing issues the investigator stated he found no paperwork indicating plumbing repairs had taken place and no indication of work taking place in the store. No permits have been found for any work to any of the closed stores according to investigators.

Why were British soldiers given an anti-malaria drug purchased on the cheap? Why wasn’t the drug adequately tested?Β  The drug has caused about 1,000 soldiers so far to need psychiatric treatment. The question has to be asked, why was this drug administered to them and was its real purpose to fight malaria or was it some secret experiment which had a completely different purpose? The Ministry of Defense or MoD as it is known continues to defend the use of the drug even though many are saying the drug is contributing to the deteriorating mental health of the British army. Why is the drug being defended and not taken out of use? These are questions which need to be answered. It is interesting to note the drug is banned in the US and in Britain is not given to pilots and drivers, but is still used by the army. The drug has been linked to the Panjwai Massacre in which a US solder took the drug then killed 17 Afghan civilians.

Most of us in the US believe it is our right to buy things with cash so why did the state of Louisiana ban it in certain transactions? A law was passed in that state which forbids the use of cash in all transactions involving second-hand goods. If we would ask the state representatives in Louisiana they would tell us the ridiculous answer it targets criminals who traffic in stolen goods. Even looking at this answer for just a second makes us realize these criminal transactions probably take place in private so who is going to know about them? The first thing I think of is garage sales and thrift stores, many of which are run by charities being put out of business. While having to use a credit card in a thrift store will cost the charity more and many people who shop there have bad credit and must use cash, garage sales will become a thing of the past. Why is Louisiana really doing this? Even this was not enough for Louisiana. Second hand stores must now obtain the name, address, driver’s license number and the plate number of the buyer’s car and the address where goods are delivered and turn this information over. If this doesn’t drive these stores out of business I don’t know what will.

A CIA whistleblower who exposed the US torture program is the only one in the CIA ever sent to prison. A report was released by the US Senate Intelligence Committee about the torture methods and yet no one was arrested except for the whistleblower, why? An investigator revealed all legal avenues of prosecution of this case have been closed off so far. A CIA official stated if they hadn’t used torture they may have missed out on an important nugget of information and he would have had trouble forgiving himself. Oh the Irony.

Why is it that some giant corporations in the United States are paying more money for lobbying than they do in federal taxes? Could it be the lobbying effort has lowered their tax bill so much they now have globs of extra cash to use to lobby to get the tax bill even lower? Why is this being allowed, why are these companies being given so many tax breaks? Will the time come when their lobbying efforts will allow them to pay no taxes? I want to tell you something very strange. Several big corporations paid their CEOs more than they paid in taxes and when their tax rate was averaged in was -2.5%. Yes you read that correctly, they had a minus tax rate. I am talking about corporations which account for about 10% of the GDP in the US. Some of the companies are Ford, Boeing, Chevron, Citigroup, Verizon, JP Morgan Chase and General Motors according to the Question More. Website.

Why is it Bernie Sanders is not receiving better coverage in the main stream media? He blames the Supreme Court for allowing big money to deflect attention from the real issues facing voters, because of its decision in Citizens United. He blasted the media by saying he would like to see them cover real issues. He believes many critical issues of the day are being ignored by the media such as the middle class being eroded, climate change and other issues which should be too important to ignore. The decision is said to allow contributors to campaigns to spend unlimited amounts of money to influence elections. Why is this being allowed? As I said I have no authoritative answers, but I think the answer to this is obvious, the rich and powerful control the media and they are keeping the stories they don’t want us to see out of it. Essentially Sanders is being locked out of the main stream media news except for a tiny blip here and there.

