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There is a story which has been repeating almost every year and it has to do with the mineral wealth under Afghanistan. I don’t understand why it keeps coming up, but there has to be a reason which I do not know about. The story tells of at least one trillion dollars’ worth of minerals there. I don’t know much about mining, but I do know Afghanistan is about the size of Texas and I also know Β just because a place is rich in minerals, it may not be cost effective to dig them out. It makes me wonder why if there are so many minerals there, what is the reason no company is going after them, but I have no way of knowing if the story is even true. It first saw the light of day when we invaded Afghanistan and seemed to be trying to make a case for us being in that country. Mining is controlled in Afghanistan by the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum which is located in Kabul and is not developed enough for instant mining on a major scale. It is estimated it would take years for large mines to be developed. This makes the appearance of this story again even more puzzling.

There seems to be one thing about humans which is universal and that is we prize money above all and will do anything to get it, even destroy the air we breathe and the planet we live on. I am not talking about all of us, but I am talking about a large portion of those in a position of power. I am also talking about companies which will withhold and suppress certain technologies which would make the life of the general public much better and safer, just so they can keep the profits rolling in. The problem is one of ethics. When a company is presented with either doing the right thing and having a decrease in profits or doing the wrong thing ethically and either keeping their profits the same or increasing them, guess what they will do most of the time?

Thinkers have been wondering how to solve this problem for many years and have yet to come up with a solution. It seem where money is concerned, nothing outweighs its importance. I guess we could do away with money, but that in itself would present all sorts of insurmountable problems today. Why would a company want to exist if there was not some benefit to it? People would still need some way of providing for themselves and getting the necessities of life. How would this be accomplished? Companies could be monitored in some way and when they choose money over a cancer cure for example they could be punished, but we all know this would never work because who would monitor the monitors as they were given large sums of money to look the other way? There is no denying it, money has assumed too important a position in our society, it is no longer just a means of purchasing what we need, it is God and the person who dies with the most of it is the winner.

I personally am tired of hearing people talking about hallucinogenic drugs as being any more than that. In the 1960s many people took hallucinogens and attributed their effect to some sort of enhanced awareness. It took years for that outlook to disappear. It has started again with the drug DMT, a hallucinogenic drug which is present in some plants, animals and even in humans. Just because we already have it in our body in small amounts doesn’t mean taking large amount of it is a good thing like some think. These same people are now singing the same old song the hippies used to sing and it is that this drug is some sort of a doorway not only to enhanced human consciousness but to the afterlife. Obviously the drug has made them delusional and they are confusing the hallucinations with real life.

What we would consider terrible news is relished by the military industrial complex. A recent news article states Iraq has lost control of chemical weapons to ISIS. This kind of headline makes me wonder on several fronts. The first is I wonder if the story is even true and if it is, are we talking about a few weapons or a large amount? I also wonder what kind of chemicals we are talking about? Could it be tear gas or something more deadly? I was also wondering how large was the ISIS force and the best estimates I could get were between 10,000 and 20,000 fighters. Does anyone really believe a force this size could exist if we really wanted to wipe them out? The Iraqi army had millions and you know what we did to them. We have street gangs here bigger than ISIS. Why aren’t the other Arab countries wiping the ground with these guys? None of this makes a lot of sense to me unless I think we want all this chaos to foster the sale of more weapons and keep our perpetual wars going. This is a great way to go if you are running out of countries to fight. Every bomb and missile used has to be replaced at an ever increasing cost.

Something strange has been discovered on the Ohio River. A ship is sitting by the shore and it is a 186 foot long ship which is just floating there. The ship is 112 years old. When it was built in 1902 it was named the Celt and was a private yacht. It went into World War I as a patrol ship named the Sachem. After the war it became a fishing vessel. When World War II started the ship again entered the U.S. Navy and was used for reporting. It had been renamed the U.S.S. Phenakite. It was decommissioned in 1945 and returned to its original owner who renamed the ship the Sachem again. New York City’s Circle Line purchased the ship and renamed it the Sightseer and used it for tours. In 1984 the ship disappeared and no one seemed to know what had happened to it. Then it happened, a couple of years ago the ship was found sitting where it is now. One historian said he had heard a man from Cincinnati purchased the ship from the Circle Line and was going to restore it, but never did. Now it is known only as the Ghost Ship.

I may have mentioned this before, but it is worth mentioning again. Mysterious tunnels have been found under the Arctic Ice sheet which are as tall as the Eiffel Tower. The question is how did they form and are they natural? The finding of these tunnels reminds me of the story about some Nazis escaping to the North Pole after World War II to a secret base they had built. I am not saying this is true, just that it does remind me of the story.

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