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Do They Really Exist?

There are a lot of so called animals which have been reported which we still cannot find evidence of. Sometimes the reports are so mysterious they lead one to think there is more to it than just an unidentified animal. Take the case of Bigfoot for example. There are witnesses who claim they have seen a Bigfoot and watched as it disappeared into thin air. There are also those who claim to have seen a Bigfoot come out of a hovering UFO. Some investigators claim Bigfoot might be some sort of inter-dimensional creature and that is why it is so hard to find. The Bigfoot has acquired quite a lot of folk lore behind it. There is even a story from the late 1800s in the old west where a cowboy claimed he was kidnapped by a Bigfoot and brought to a site where the Bigfoot’s family was. He said there was a female Bigfoot and a couple of adolescent Bigfoots there. They treated him okay, but wouldn’t let him leave. He said he finally got the chance one night to sneak away while they all slept. He went on to say his Winchester rifle was also brought to the site and he was able to also steal it back. Apparently he didn’t want to hurt them so he just left.

As mysterious as all the Bigfoot stories are, there are certainly plenty which reek of falsehoods. Bigfoot is not the only strange animal we hear about. The Chupacabra is another. The name means goat sucker. People believe the first time it was sighted was in Puerto Rico. The reason it got its name is from the fact it drinks blood and its favorite target seems to be goats. It is a sort of vampire animal. What I find really strange about this creature is that every time I see a picture of it, it looks different. It seems no one can agree on what it actually looks like. The Chupacabra is said to have next moved to Central and South America and then worked its way up through Mexico and southern Texas. Lately there have been photos of something which looks similar to a dog or wolf which are said to be of a Chupacabra. This would certainly make more sense than some of the pictures I have seen which make it look like the creature from the black lagoon. The difference between a dog or wolf and the Chupacabra is mostly in the teeth which seem to be far longer, they seem to be large fangs.

The Mokele-Mbembe is a creature said to exist somewhere around the Congo River. The name of the creature means one who stops the flow of rivers. If this creature really exists it means dinosaurs have survived even if they are in tiny numbers. I say this because the description of the creature fits that of a sauropod. It is believed by some that this might be the same type of creature which will be eventually found in Loch Ness. Several expeditions have been formed to look for the creature, but they have all come up empty handed. This doesn’t mean the creature doesn’t exist however. It could mean there are not very many of them so they are hard to find and maybe they even have become good at hiding to protect their low numbers. Think of what finding a living dinosaur would mean to science. There has been evidence found over the years which depicts humans and dinosaurs together, which was found in ancient tombs and such where ancient humans should have had no knowledge of dinosaurs, maybe this explains it. Even though this creature has not been found, 80% of Congo swamps remain unexplored.

A creature has been reported in Java which is quite incredible. It is said to be named the Ahool. The name comes for the distinctive call it makes. Supposedly the creature has secreted itself away in the deepest forests. It is said to have large dark eyes, forearms with large claws and its body is covered in gray fur. The arms are said to be approximately the size of a human babies and it has a wingspan of about 10 feet. There are several theories about this animal, but they are all based on speculation since no evidence has been found of its existence or the evidence is being kept from us. Some think it is a huge bat of some kind making it the biggest bat in the world. Others think it might be related to a pterosaurs which would mean it is a flying dinosaur. There are those who think a far smaller owl has been mistaken for this creature.

There are those who believe the Indrik actually exists in Russia. The Indrik is nothing more than a living unicorn. It is said to live on a holy mountain where no foot shall tread. It differs in our understanding of a unicorn in that it is more like a gigantic bull and has the legs of a deer and the head of a horse which has a large horn coming out of it. Could there be some truth to all those unicorn stories we have been hearing about all our lives?

It is said that a huge, ferocious cat exists in East Africa, particularly in Tanzania. It is described as dark gray or black and only comes out at night. Supposedly it is about the size of a donkey. It is said to have been first seen by Englishmen in the 1900s. It was mentioned in 1938 in the British scientific journal Discovery. A British administrator in that country reported an attack by this creature on several of the natives. At first he thought it was a large lion but after fur samples were examined it was clear it was not and the tracks from the animal confirmed this. In 1954 a tracker said when he tracked the animal he found the tracks were more leopard like, but far larger. Is there some large unknown species of cat roaming the plains and jungles of Tanzania and killing people? It seems that way.

The bunyip or kianpraty is a creature which most say only exists in Aboriginal mythology, but others say in really exists in swamps and in any area where water is present. It is supposedly an animal which inhibits Australia. When Europeans settled the area many of them wrote accounts of the creature. The name means devil or evil spirit. Some descriptions of the bunyip indicate it is an enormous starfish. Others claim it has a face like a dog, a crocodile like head, dark fur, a horse like tail, flippers and walrus like tusks or horns or a duck-like bill. Supposedly one of the creatures had been killed by a spear in the mid-1850s and an outline of it was made at Fiery Creek, near Ararat, Victoria.

We are discovering new species of animals constantly. Who is to say some of the creatures I have spoken about don’t really exist. This is a lot in this world which has to be seen to be believed.

