Truth Facts



Tales of Bizarre Suicides

Before I get into this topic, first let me state that I have no way of knowing which of these stories is true and which aren't. I can tell you this, however, they are all touted as true. After some investigation I suspect that one or more of these is what is known as an urban legend.

About 9 years ago, a jumper decided to commit suicide, by jumping off a high-rise apartment building. A net had been erected to prevent such an act from ending in a fatality. The jumper landed in the net but when he hit it, he was already dead from a gunshot wound suffered on the way down. It seems two elderly people were having their usual argument, where the husband would pull out the shotgun, threaten the wife and pull the trigger. The gun was never loaded according to the husband and he couldn't understand why it went off. He missed his wife but shot the jumper as he passed their window on the way down.

Another story concerns an actress named Lupe Velez. The year was 1944 and Lupe decided she would commit suicide. She downed some pills, I am not sure what kind, and put on her best clothes. A problem arose. She began to feel nauseous and rushed to the bathroom to throw up. On the way into the bathroom she tripped, hitting her head on the toilet bowl and drowned in the toilet.

Two brothers who lived in Bodice, South Africa were walking down a path with a third party. The brother who was in the lead, pulled out a pistol and shot himself in the head and died. The second brother seeing this picked up the pistol and shot himself in the head, killing himself.

Another story from South Africa tells of a suicide by machine. A man built a machine that worked on a timer. Apparently he stuck his head in it and a saw blade started and sliced through his neck. Even more bizarre is the fact he then shot himself in the head with a pistol which was next to him. A doctor stated that as the blade was going through his neck, he would have had about five seconds to shoot himself.

There have been many reported attempts of suicide by drinking an overdose of water. It seems if you drink enough water, we're talking about huge amounts, it screws up your electrolytes and you can die.

This is not a suicide, but is so bizarre it is cited here. In the middle of a forest in the Midwest, in an area that was burned out, fire fighters found the body of a male. It was very strange since he was wearing a wet suit, face mask and oxygen tank, yet there was no water nearby. During the post mortem exam, it was determined that he didn't die from the fire but died from internal injuries. After a complete investigation, here is what the police found out. To fight the fire planes were called in that had huge buckets to scoop water from a lake about twenty miles away. Apparently, the skin diver was scooped out of the lake where he was swimming and dropped on the fire along with the water.

The boy decided to show off. He sat before his computer and broadcast over the internet using his webcam. While sitting there he began to overdose on drugs for all to see. He just kept taking more and more to show off to his friends, and then, inevitably, he died.

The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California has been the means for many suicides. Here is the case of one man. A man decided to jump off the bridge to commit suicide. It was dark and he brought a flashlight with a reflective tape on it. He didn't jump, but police came when he was spotted on the railing of the bridge. Mistaking the flashlight for a gun the police shot him. He was brought to the hospital where he eventually recovered. After his recovery, he went back to the bridge and jumped off, killing himself.

A former FBI profiler told CBS news that a man who was in the news a couple of months ago was a suicide. A man was robbing a bank, while wearing an explosive collar which was locked around his neck. He had pleaded with police to get it off. It exploded and killed him. The profiler stated that this was a very elaborate suicide.

Let’s not forget Heaven's Gate, where people committed suicide because they were told this act would get them onto a UFO that was near the earth, or Jonestown, where deadly poison drinks were taken, killing many families. It is said the final total of deaths at Jonestown were 914.

A teenage boy was driving his car erratically on the expressway. He was pulled over by a cop. He got out of the car and pulled a gun from his belt. The cop ran back to his car for protection and he and his partner drew their weapons. He yelled to the boy to drop the gun, but the boy kept coming. Finally, with the boy within twelve feet of the police car the cop fired his pistol three times hitting the youth, but he kept coming and waving the gun. The cop's partner now fired and hit the boy, killing him. When the boy was examined by the cops, it was found that the gun was a very realistic looking toy. A note was found in the boy's car saying he owed a large gambling debt and wanted to die and he was sorry for having to have the cops execute him.

In 1970 a Japanese writer and teacher decided he was very unhappy with the westernization of Japan. He assembled his students and in front of all of them, then he disemboweled himself.

Another Japanese man committed suicide by jumping into the crater of a volcano, which led to many more suicides of this type in Japan.

I guess it doesn't matter how you commit suicide, if you are successful the result is the same, but perhaps some people pick bizarre methods, because they believe people will remember them after they die due to the unusual way of killing themselves. I would have thought if someone wanted to do this they would pick the least painful way to die such as sleeping pills rather than jumping into a volcano, or off a high building and having to watch as they fall. This, in itself is torture.


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