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Is It Reincarnation Or Genetic Memory?

It just keeps happening, young children believing they lived prior lives. These children usually have so much information they are able to convince others they really lived before. The latest is a boy who is at the tender age of 4 years old. He believes he lived before and was a Marine who died in 1983. A television reality ran a show about him called, “Ghost Inside My Child.” Apparently the boy kept saying things he seemed to remember about this marine and told his mother he had died in a fire. The mother says when the child remembers being a marine and then dying, he begins to cry uncontrollably and asks her why she let him die in that fire. Skeptics say the mother of the child is misinterpreting the questions the child is asking her. I am not sure what they mean by this, but I do know one thing, there are many children who know far more about the person they thought they were before they died than there is any way they should.

There are several different theories about this, but I want to talk about one first which I never talked about before, because it would entail believing in the supernatural. Don’t take what I am about to say as a suggestion I believe in this theory, I am only throwing it out there because some apparently do. The theory states some of us are being haunted and children are more susceptible to this than adults. If this is true it would mean there are such things as ghosts and they are able to take over young impressionable minds to some degree. A lot of people have had what I like to refer to as ghostly experiences and sometimes there are several witnesses. I am not talking about dealing with psychics or mediums, I am talking about things happening to people while they were just sitting at home. To give you an example a family in the Midwest had to leave their home when pots and dishes came flying off the shelves and were hitting them. Investigators came in and found nothing which could have caused this occurrence and this is only one of many similar cases.

Some people think we may be breathing in and drinking DNA and not realizing it. If this is the case you have to wonder if a pregnant woman might take in DNA which is then fused into the fetus, giving the fetus genetic memories of complete strangers. Maybe we are even eating things which human DNA has somehow entered. When we talk about genetics some people point to savants. These are people who usually cannot even take care of themselves, but excel at some talent such as playing a musical instrument incredibly well or having some other ability they never formally learned. The people who believe in genetic memory usually believe the savants have received genetic memory. Some even say we all have it, but while only some small percentage of children can access it, usually normal adults cannot.Β  The problem is scientists know there is a huge chunk of our DNA which they do not understand the purpose of. This DNA could contain our genetic memory.
Sometimes there is a very tiny percentage of exception to what I said above. A child might somehow become a musical genius naturally without training and some credit this to reincarnation and say things like “he must have been a musician in a former life.” A lot of people say this jokingly, but there are those who are dead serious. Many societies exist where people believe they have been reincarnated. One is the Ouroboros Society in New York City. It was founded by August Strickland who was a professor of theology at Columbia University. He became interested in the subject when his wife and children died in the flu pandemic of 1918. The society was founded in 1923 and was only one of a very few who allowed anyone of any gender or race to join who believed they were reincarnated. In rather a sad story, Dr. Strickland rescued a young man from an asylum. The man believed he had lived hundreds of times before and had pieces of information on each former life. The man turned on Dr. Strickland and murdered him. Despite this the society still grew and exists to this day.

Dr. Ian Stevenson MD was a cofounder of the Society for Scientific Exploration known as SSE. The organization studies reincarnation cases. Dr. Stevenson was a psychiatrist and professor at the University Of Virginia School Of Medicine and founded the Division of Personality Studies in 1967. For over 40 years Dr. Stevenson traveled the world studying children who believed they had lived before. He said he chose children to study, because he felt it was too easy for adults to confuse past life experiences with information they had obtained. He was able to do research on over 2,500 children who had past life experiences. It is amazing how many of these children there are. Stevenson came to the conclusion there was sufficient evidence to support the theory that reincarnation is real.

It has been said that sometimes the facial features of the person believing they were reincarnated are similar to the person they say they used to be. Many child prodigies are said to come from reincarnation. Visiting locations from their past life are said to bring out emotions of the said reincarnated person. Skeptics always ask the question why is it so many people believe they were famous in past lives. While I cannot answer this question I have seen cases where several people believed they were all the same person in the past. This seems to me to be proof there is no reincarnation and just memories are being passed on somehow to more than one person.

Some native people believe connectedness, continuity and interdependence of all life. Many believe there is a live force from the planet and it comes from some realm beyond creation, plants, animals and the human cycle and everything is reborn over and over again. Our universe is very strange so maybe there could be a chance this could be true. Could all of us have been reincarnated or are we just like radio receivers only we are receivers of genetic memory?

