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Some Science Fictions Movie Plots Might Be True

Did you ever wonder where some of the people who write stories get their ideas? There have been some really way out ideas expressed in science fiction stories and in historical stories among others. There are those people who claim when some of these ideas come out the author had inside information of some kind. I have heard this about movies like “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, “Dark City” and “Rocketship X-M” just to mention a few. Let’s examine these movies to try and figure out why some people feel this way.

Close Encounters of the Third Kind is believed by many people to be taken from real life. For quite a while now many UFO buffs believe our government and others have made contact with aliens and are keeping it secret. The premise of the movie is aliens have put a thought in some people’s minds which has to do where they are going to make contact and this is all they can think about. They want to get to the area so they can be there when it happens and when they finally make their way there they find the government has set up an area which can be used to make that contact by using music as a sort of intergalactic language. The government succeeds in making the contact. This fits into the scenario which has been espoused by many, but is there a flaw in it? Could the film have been created because of rumors which claimed this happened in real life? What do you think?

Dark City is a strange movie but it could fit into what some believe so therefore there are those who think it could be based on fact. Let me tell you a little about it. The premise is there is a man who keeps getting reoccurring memories about a beachfront area but when he takes the train he can never find the stop. What he doesn’t know right away but finds out later is aliens are controlling the people and every night changing their lives. The man becomes wanted for a series of murders he didn’t commit. In the end he finds out he is on an alien world with people who have been abducted, but who don’t realize it. There are many people who claim to have been abducted and there are even many more who have disappeared without a trace and UFO investigators claim at least some may have been taken by aliens, this is why some feel this movie could have a basis in real life.

Rocketship X-M has to do with a flight to the moon which goes wrong. It is rather an old movie from 1950. The ship is headed for the moon but gets knocked off course and lands on Mars instead. When the crew gets to the Red Planet they find blind cave people who are trying to kill them, but more importantly they find out the blind cave people were once an advanced race who lived there but suffered the effects of nuclear war. Some of the crew get killed and only two make it back to earth but the ship is out of fuel and cannot survive the landing and before they die they tell the scientists on earth what they found. This plays into the scenario which states we landed on the moon and Mars in the late 1950s and found ruins on Mars. Conspiracy theorists believe this happed and also others after looking at pictures which were taken on Mars of many mysterious things.

Another movie which some believe was based on real events was “Robinson Crusoe on Mars.” Some wonder why this is, but if we examine the movie more closely we discover some interesting facts. It is about an astronaut who survives a crash on Mars after discovering oxygen trapped in rocks he can use and huge underground oceans. It also shows aliens are mining on the planet. It has been suspected for some time water is under the ground on Mars. Some have even speculated there is an atmosphere on Mars and maybe it is enough for humans to be able to breathe even though we are told the atmosphere is far too weak. This also ties in to the fact many suspect we have already secretly colonized Mars.

Gravity showed what could happen if things went wrong on the space station. There are those who believe we have had secret space stations and there could have been accidents on them causing astronauts to die. Years ago, space suits were discovered at NASA which had the names of Air Force pilots on them which seemed to indicate a separate space program. Did the makers of Gravity have access to secret information about some tragedy in space we don’t know about, some think so.

Human imagination is a wonderous thing. When a movie or book happens to hit something on the head it doesn’t mean there was inside knowledge. On the flip side could something we don’t know about have been discovered and used in a story? It is quite possible; therefore, it is hard to eliminate. When movie stories are being researched some of the biggies in Hollywood have contacts the rest of us know nothing about.

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