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Whistleblowers Are Not Getting The Attention They Deserve

There is a lot of talk about inventions we are keeping secret and the reasons we are doing this. I heard an interesting interview by a man who was an engineer for the Lockheed Skunkworks. The Skunkworks are the branch of Lockheed where secret aircraft are developed and one place where supposedly we may be back engineering crashed UFOs. It is not the only place where this is said to be occurring however. Before I get to what he said, I want to remind everyone about another famous Skunkworks personality who is responsible for telling us aliens exist and we are back engineering their vehicles. He went as far to say we have incredible technology which we could use to reach the stars, but it is secret. His name was Benjamin Robert Rich and he was not just an ordinary employee, he was the second Director of Lockheed’s Skunkworks. He made these statements on his deathbed.

A former engineer of the Skunkworks conducted an interview with Dr. Steven M. Greer, the head of the Disclosure Project. He said he had worked there for five years and spent four years in the military. While he was there he said he saw UFOs performing maneuvers which earth craft would be incapable of since they would have killed their pilots. He went on to say he worked with others who told him about their experiences, such as one electrical and mechanical engineer who was asked to build a simulator and part way through the construction was introduced to several Greys who were there to help him. He found out the simulator was to be used to learn how to fly an alien craft. He went on to say he found out we had some advanced devices,Β  such as special scanners which could detect cancer and other devices which could cure any type of cancer, but these were never put out into the public venue because it would hurt the cash flow of certain companies and interests. While not naming the companies or the type of companies they were, I think we all realize what he is talking about.

There have been a lot of whistleblowers over the years, but somehow we have managed to ignore them. Is this because most people just don’t care about anything but their own lives, or is it because the disinformation program which is in full swing is so effective? We know ridicule plays a huge part and this is one of the main factors which stops people from talking about UFOs or aliens in public. This is one of the things we have to overcome if we want to find out what is really happening. Sometimes those who seem not to be interested are really not talking because they had an experience of their own and do not want to be laughed at by mentioning it. I remember meeting a couple like this and was able to get them to talk about it. I wouldn’t have known about them except for the fact one of their closest friends had told me about their experience and he told them I wouldn’t mention their name if I retold the story and I could be trusted. A large UFO had hovered over their home and was so large it cast a dark shadow over the home and some of the surrounding area. The wife had wondered why it had gotten so dark and went outside only to see a chilling sight. She could see the bottom of the UFO which was only about 50 feet above her home. It hovered for a few minutes then left.

Larry Warren was a U.S. Air Force Specialist at Bentwaters Royal Air Force Base in England where the American military was stationed. He decided to become a whistleblower and speak about what he and many other military men, including the deputy base commander, saw in the woods outside the base. He said he was ordered to investigate strange lights in the Rendlesham forest. In December 1980 dozens of U.S. personnel saw what can only be described as a small UFO and lights. The events lasted for three days. At one point the airmen were so close one of them was said to have touched the object and when he did all sorts of symbols flashed through his head. Larry Warren spoke about this as did some of the others who were there including deputy base commander Charles Halt who wrote a report and forwarded it about the event, but never received a response. These whistleblowers and several others spilled the beans on this event only to be ignored by most of us.

One of the most famous whistleblowers of all was Bob Lazar. He claimed he was a scientist who said he worked in a part of Area 51 called S4 where there were UFOs and it was his job to reverse engineer them. He told how he worked on two of them and how he and his friend John Lear, the son of Bill Lear founder of Lear Jets, would watch UFOs in the sky over Area 51. When Bob Lazar blew the whistle the government said they never hired him and he was a fraud. When people checked his story they couldn’t verify anything he said, even about his education, but it turned out he was not lying. George Knapp an investigative reporter for KLAS found his name in the directory for Area 51 and actually spoke to people who worked there and remembered Bob Lazar being on the staff. It seems the government had erased all his records, but forgot to take his name out of the directory. He had so much grief heaped upon him he no longer talks about his employment there.

Another whistleblower named Dr. Norton had worked for the NSA and NASA. He had been called and told to go to go to McDonald’s Observatory on January 2, 2012 to examine some objects they picked up which were moving toward earth in an “L” shaped formation. He determined they were constructed of a carbon based metal material and generated some sort of gravitational field. He said he noticed the gravitational field when he saw the objects were deflecting small particles. Why would a scientist of Dr. Norton’s stature put himself in this position if he was going to lie? He is involved in tracking meteors, asteroids and such. He stated he was met with agents of Homeland Security. He said the object’s material was several times harder than even diamonds. He said he found this out using instruments supplied by NASA. When the objects passed Mars they disappeared. He claimed during the year 2013 he was under constant observation. He said all the space monitoring instruments were blacked out for a time because the ships had reappeared from behind the moon and the government didn’t want us to see them. He also says the ships are on the moon and still there today as far as he knows.

As far as I am concerned the whistleblowers should be rewarded not punished. The credible ones who we know are who they say they are have a story to tell. Their consciences tell them to let us know what is really going on and take great risks to do this and yet most of us don’t listen. Let me give you an example. How many of us have seen an article on a news site which had to do with a whistleblower and skipped it because maybe it was about UFOs? I bet this happens a lot. We should all keep an open mind and try and stay informed.

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