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Secret Places in Airports and Train Stations

There are secrets at many different airports and train stations around the world. I have talked about the special track at Grand Central Station which allowed Roosevelt’s train to get near an elevator which took his car right up into a hotel and this is certainly not the only secret place. These kinds of secret entrances, rooms and tunnels exist everywhere and while some have historical value others are more modern. They are an urban explorer’s dream if they can get into them. I always like to explore hidden places and when I was in the US Army and stationed at Fort Hancock, New Jersey there were quite a few places which were off limits which I managed to sneak into on my off time and explore. One looked like a fort built into the side of a huge concrete wall. I remember it was very dark and as I walked along, something made me stop for a second. I looked down at my feet and noticed there was no more floor, just a huge chasm which went down deep enough that if I would have fallen into it I wouldn’t be here today. I realized exploring places like this could be dangerous.

Heathrow Airport in Great Britain is one of the world’s greatest airports. There is a terminal called Terminal 5 which has a deserted train station under it. The station is fairly new having been built in 2008 so you might rightfully ask why it is abandoned? That is a very good question. The station is huge and the British government is thinking about getting it into service at a future date, but it was supposed to be operational and take people to the terminal but none of the signals and such were ever put in. The head of Heathrow’s surface access called the station absolutely immense and the airport’s biggest kept secret. Will this station ever be activated? Your guess is as good as mine.

I could talk about the Denver International Airport which I have mentioned many times as being a very strange building project which was created too far from the city center, had strange paintings on the walls which were removed and has people convinced there are secret structures under the airport, but I have talked about that in previous articles. There are secrets at the Mile-High Stadium. It was originally a baseball field but was turned into a football stadium and the Denver Broncos have been there since the 1940s. One secret room you never want to visit. It is a room where fans who are arrested are detained. It contains a metal bench and a bar which a person can be handcuffed to. There are security watch boxes at the top of the stadium where police can monitor the crowds without being seen.

There are a lot of rumors about what is under different places in Australia. Melbourne is a good example of this. It has been said many times the United States built a huge underground bunker system under Melbourne in World War II. An explorer dug into a tunnel on weekends for almost 10 years. He wanted to prove the tunnel led to the bunker system, but eventually the government shut him down because they said his digging had nothing to show for the effort and it was becoming a nuisance. The tunnel was plugged. This was not the only tunnel which could be found, there were many more leading people who still think the bunker system exists. One of the funniest beliefs is there are tunnels connecting the Parliament House to houses of ill repute which enable MPs to visit prostitutes without being seen. Maybe that’s why no one is allowed to dig for them. One other rumor which persists is there is a secret railroad station under Melbourne Airport Terminal which is operational. While this has been scoffed at, these types of secret stations are not unheard of. Perhaps it was built by the government to get politicians out of town in times of an attack. This rumor has persisted for years and really does not sound far fetched and it could be true. and there are those who say they know it is there.

Chicago has an incredible number of underground tunnels which were sealed in 1959. They had been dug by the Chicago Tunnel Company in 1906 and became quite busy as 150 small locomotives hauled 3,300 small train cars through them. There primary business was hauling coal to the businesses, but they also delivered freight. The company eventually went bankrupt. Some were reopened and housed telecommunication wires while others stayed closed. Could there be trains in them? Maybe, but many had previously been flooded.

We know there are secret levels below the Moscow railroad which were said to have been built during World War II to protect the government from bombs. There are probably many other underground railroad stations that served as protection since it was easier to use them than have to dig during the war. With today’s munitions, being in an underground train station is far less safe than it used to be.

It is hard for some people to resist the temptation of exploring some secret places and there are plenty of places around which while might not necessarily be just airports and railroad stations, which still possess that intriguing quality that draws people to it. The ancients dug tunnels and secret rooms and it seems we are still doing this today.

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