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The World Is Going Down The Drain

I see where France is sending its one aircraft carrier to the Middle East in response to the terror attacks. I do have to wonder what they expect to accomplish. I guess they believe they can carry out better and more accurate bombing missions. This in itself doesn’t seem to help very much. If one were to ask the question, what is the best weapon which could be used against terrorists I think the answer would have to be human intelligence. Besides tapping all phone lines and satellite viewing, having people inside the terror organization would probably be the best way to know what is going on. The problem with these organizations is they have followed our lead in compartmentalizing their cells so that very few know the scope of what they are planning. I have often said we have gangs in this country which seem to have more members than ISIS. We should be able to control them and yet they keep progressing. Why is this?

One of the reasons is provocation. I can’t help but believe making fun of one’s religion is not funny. I am not saying people should be killed for this and I am not saying the perpetrators should not be hunted down, they should, but why do this in the first place? Doing it a second time to “teach a lesson” is not the answer. The pope has said other’s religion should not be made fun of and I agree with him. There is plenty of material out there for satire without stooping to this. At the very least it is in bad taste. This is not a reason to murder people. If a group of people do not like what was done they have other means to show their displeasure. Perhaps they could publish advertising showing how this has hurt millions of people or boycott the company doing it.

Our world is in terrible shape and we possess all the means of destroying it. You have to wonder if we are all in our right minds at this point. We know a lot of the things we do are hurting the planet and yet there are those who desire the wealth it gives them now and who don’t care about a future where we are all dead. This selfishness is so beyond the pale as to almost be unbelievable. There were as of 2014 1,645 billionaires on our planet. I am not saying they all do not care about the planet, but I am saying many of them only care about continuing to make money at any cost. About one third of the billionaires inherited most of their money. The richest person in the world is still Bill Gates followed closely by Warren Buffett. There is nothing wrong with being successful, there is something wrong when people’s success is gained by hurting the rest of us. As expected there are more billionaires in the United States than anywhere else.

One thing which is included with wealth is power. That is one of the problems we all face today. Some of the extremely rich are able to bend congress to their will and now that they can contribute as much money to elections as they want they can get their people into political positions much easier and in the long run this could save them from having to spend large amount of money on lobbyists. It seems like a win, win situation for these people and one that certainly is no good for a supposed democratically elected government. As I watch our government fall under the control of others it saddens me. There is far more control today than there was years ago. If John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil was around today with his company, it would have never been broken up into smaller companies, because he would have controlled all the lobbyists and with this new election law eventually he would have gotten all his people elected and controlled the government.

I don’t know how others feel about things, but I think we have to all change the way we do things if we want to survive as a race on this planet. There are just too many things being done which cause conflict. It starts between governments, companies and the ultra-rich and powerful and works its way through the rest of us. Sometime we the people of the world are responsible due to ignorance or hatred, some of which has lasted for thousands of years. Other times we are so naive we believe anything we are told. During the Cuban Missile Crisis then President Kennedy was sent a memo by the commander of the Joint Chiefs and it was a suggestion we should launch attacks on our own people and blame the Cubans so we could have the support of the population when we invade them. Kennedy refused, but if he hadn’t we would have been fooled due to the simple fact most of us could never believe our own government would do this. The operation was called Operation Northwoods and here is the address to a page about it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Northwoods. You can copy and paste the address into your browser. (Sorry About Facts doesn’t use live links)

We can’t continue to have different governments including our own try and intimidate other governments, nothing good can come of that. If a government wants to truly get along with others it must find a way of doing this and not try to accomplish it by driving out or killing those who are under its control who it considers undesirables, because they are of a different ethnic or religious group. This world is sick as far as we relate to each other. I wonder what an alien seeing how we treat each other would think of us? This is a rich world and there is plenty here for everyone, but you would never know it.

Large multi-national companies are beginning to dominate this world of ours and many of them are not too particular about what they are selling to us or what has to be destroyed to make their product. One famous pet supply store has stopped selling pet food and treats imported from China, because they were killing pets. Companies making this stuff apparently didn’t care. It has long been suggested that drug companies don’t want certain cures for diseases, because they would rather keep us on maintenance medicine since it is far more profitable. When tobacco companies were outted in the U.S. they continued their deceptive advertising in some foreign countries even though they knew cigarettes caused cancer. I could go on and on but I think you get the idea.

It all comes down to this, rich and powerful companies and people want to take over the power of the world’s governments and many say they have already. They don’t care about the environment, or even the fact war might erupt, they have their underground cities and supplies and quite frankly they believe there are too many of us anyway so they would rather have a smaller population they can control and that number has often been said to be 500 million worldwide. We are all caught in the middle of something we cannot seem to do anything about and much of this is due to the fact that wealth and with it power has shifted so tremendously into the hands of the few, whether it be people, companies or both.

