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Have Geniuses Been Planted on Earth?

Are there people on earth who know things the rest of us don’t, but are either afraid to tell what they know, or don’t want us to know? There have been some people throughout history who just seemed too smart for their time. Think about this, how does one develop something like algebra when there is nothing to base it on. The ancient Babylonians are credited with this discovery, but there must have been one or two people who got the ball rolling. Algebra must have started as a thought in someone’s head. If we take this a step further, after it was developed there had to be some very advanced thinkers in other countries who adopted it, such as the ancient Egyptians.  The strange part of this is the Babylonians seemed to be more advanced in this area than the Egyptians.

If we were to pick some ancient geniuses one of the most gifted had to be Archimedes. Was he just a freak of nature? How come he was so smart he rose to the top of the heap of ancient scientists and inventors? There are those who believe certain people were either planted on earth or altered so we might continue to evolve in our technology. Many times, these people point to Archimedes as an example of what they are talking about. Can a human brain be altered to contain data which was sent to it? In 2016 an article appeared in The Telegraph which stated scientists had discovered a way to upload knowledge to a human brain. This makes one wonder if some other force has been doing this to humans over a period of thousands of years, to advance our technology for some unknown purpose. Some believe aliens are doing this to bring us up to an advanced state where we could become part of a universal community. We know we a warlike race, but what we don’t know is if there is some plateau we could get over where our warlike desires would disappear and common sense would take over.

We think we know the smart people who have come before us, but how do we know there weren’t others who never became famous and yet contributed to some of the greatest inventions? We could be giving credit to some people for their game changing inventions without knowing they were inspired by others. We are not always correct in assigning greatness to people. Take the case of William Shakespeare. Many people believe he was a genius, but not so many know he may not have ever lived. There are those who believe his plays were written by Sir Francis Bacon. Many believe Sir Francis Bacon could have been the smartest person ever born. Francis Bacon fueled the scientific revolution. He was a man of many talents and frequently called upon by the English rulers for help in diverse matters. A biographer named William Hepworth Dixon, said this about Francis Bacon. "Bacon's influence in the modern world is so great that every man who rides in a train, sends a telegram, follows a steam plough, sits in an easy chair, crosses the channel or the Atlantic, eats a good dinner, enjoys a beautiful garden, or undergoes a painless surgical operation, owes him something."

Another man who’s genius was so overpowering was Leonardo da Vinci. It is almost impossible to fit Leonardo into a specific type of area. The man was such a genius he was proficient in many areas such as art, medicine, mechanics, science and others. In Leonardo’s case it seemed almost like he had knowledge of the future, because his inventions seemed like he had privy to future knowledge. An example of what I am talking about might be some of the inventions he drew in his many books. He drew examples of helicopters, parachutes, scuba gear, bicycles and so much more. Scientists who were privileged to read his works were astounded. Had he somehow had flashes of the future and tried to copy what he had seen? When Leonardo died he was working on a tower with pieces of mirrored glass at the bottom. This was a mystery for many years until it was discovered he was probably building the first reflecting telescope. He even created clock gear operated robots. While he was not the first to make robotic devices, since the ancient Greeks had done this, his were probably the most realistic.

Since I am talking about geniuses I have to mention Nikola Tesla. The test of true genius is creating useful things which are still useful over a hundred years later at a time when technology is rapidly advancing. Such were the inventions of Tesla. Some of the smartest people of his time like Edison felt threatened by his genius. All these years later after his death we still don’t know the extent of all his inventions, since his papers were confiscated by the US government after he died. We know he sent electricity through the air to power lights and he claimed to have a powerful electrical ray which could be used as a weapon. One of the things which seemed to disappear was his invention of a car powered by cosmic rays. I can understand this, because oil companies would never have allowed this free energy powering cars in those days. It is even said he contacted alien life with his radio like invention.

Could people have been planted on our planet who had superior brains or had future information given to them for the purpose of advancing us? Could this be one of the secrets being kept from us? Why would one person in a backward village thousands of years ago acquire incredible abilities? Is this a question which could ever be answered? Will we find that out of millions or billions of births there are rare instances of people being born who have brains which are different from those of the average human? Maybe it isn’t the fact they are smarter, but the fact their brains are more susceptible to information being beamed to the earth. Could this information be meant to advance us, but most of us can’t receive it? There is one thing for sure, if we take the amount of geniuses who have been born and compare the numbers to the numbers of those born in the general population, it is only a drop in the bucket. I am not talking about those people who have an I.Q. over 150, this is not enough. I am talking about those geniuses who actually accomplish things other than walking around saying how smart they are.