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Dumb Questions

I noticed one thing today, which has to do with the current news media which really annoys me. It’s something they always seem to do no matter what station I am looking at on television. They will interview somebody who has had a tragedy happen to them and asked them how they feel about it. Hey your mother died how does it make you feel, hey your house collapsed how does that make you feel or something similar. I’ve yet to ever hear anybody say I am so happy this happened to me. Why would anyone torture somebody with a question like this and why would they think we would want to hear an answer to a question like that? This seems to be one of the most ridiculous questions I have heard outside of some of the lawyers who have asked silly questions in the courtroom.

One lawyer had a doctor on the stand and was questioning him. The lawyer had built himself up in a way to make the jury think he was extremely intelligent, so intelligent that his questions would be the burning type of question which could change the case. He then went on to ask the doctor how many autopsies he had performed on dead people. The Doctor replied all of them, we try not to do it on a live person, they move around too much. While this provided quite a laugh to the jurors you can see how stupid it made the lawyer look and how his client must have lost all the confidence he had in his defender. There are just so many stupid questions out there.

Some of us have been told there is no such thing as a stupid question, believe me this is not true. Some of the questions asked by the media of politicians are downright crazy. When Governor Gilmore was asked a question, the reporter started by giving this statement which apparently he didn’t realize how dumb it sounded. He said to Gilmore, you ran for the White House once and lost, you ran for the Senate and lost and you haven’t held an office in thirteen years. Apparently, he forgot who he was talking to, a  US Governor. How about those questions where you’re asked to describe something in just a couple of words, for example one reporter asked how would you describe the Democratic Party front runner in just two words. Who cares, if you want them to be described let the guy or woman say what they think. This reminds me of when I was waited on by a foreign waiter in a restaurant and ordered home fries with a meal. He asked me to describe home fries.

I guess we are all guilty of asking a stupid question once in a while, but we are just common folk and our business is not asking questions which is the business of lawyers, reporters and politicians. One passenger on a commercial flight ran to the stewardess and said I forgotten something can you please turn the plane around? One passenger actually asked the stewardess to please ask the pilot to fly lower, because his wife was scared of heights. One tourist wanted to know why they built so many ruined castles and abbeys in England. A tourist actually checked with the tour guide to find out what bus they could take from the Orkney Islands to the Shetland Islands, I guess it would have to be one that rides on the water. Then there was that burning question, is Edinburgh in Glasgow? One tourist must have been an amateur archaeologist, because he asked the tour guide if they knew of any undiscovered ruins.

I guess the dumbest questions are those which are asked in the courtroom and the reason I say this is trials go on for hours and days and sometimes even weeks and the longer someone asks questions the more of a chance there will be a dumb question. Another dumb autopsy question asked by a lawyer was, doctor before you performed the autopsy did you check for a pulse? The doctor replied no. Did you check for breathing? Doctor replied no. The lawyer then said is it possible the patient was alive when you began the autopsy? The doctor said no. The lawyer asked how can you be sure doctor? The doctor stated, because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar. Lawyer could the patient have still been alive nevertheless? The doctor said, it is possible he could have been alive and practicing law somewhere.

A lawyer had a witness on the stand and asked the question, did you say your stairs went down to the basement? The witness replied yes and the lawyer then asked and the stairs, did they go up also? During an accident trial one lawyer asked where was the location of the accident? The witness replied milepost 499 and then the lawyer asked where is milepost 499? The witness replied probably between milepost 498 and 500. There are so many dumb questions asked in the courtroom it is hard to believe they are real. For example, one lawyer asked a doctor if it’s true when somebody dies in their sleep he doesn’t know about it until the next morning? Believe me I am not making these up.

In a matrimonial case a lawyer asked a wife what was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke up that morning? The wife said where my Kathy? The lawyer asked why did that upset you? The wife said my name is Susan. Another one of these matrimonial questions was a lawyer asking a woman do you know how far pregnant you are? The woman replied I’ll be three months on and gave a date. The lawyer said apparently that the date of conception was and he gave a date. The woman replied yes and then the lawyer asked what were you doing at the time?