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I thought it might be interesting to explore some of the beliefs out there which truthfully are held by a minority of people. One can’t help but think some are interesting even if we don’t believe the same thing. Since there have been people on this planet there have been groups of people who developed beliefs about things which seem strange to most of us. Some of these beliefs have caused a lot of problems for some people. Take the belief human sacrifice will help crops grow. There were many unfortunate people who were sacrificed to this belief and it didn’t help one more blade of grass to grow or one more stalk of corn. Was this some sort of hoax perpetrated by one the people to create a powerful class of priests? Some believe there were those who didn’t believe this did anything, but wanted the power of a priest so they kept this practice going.

The belief in the hollow earth is interesting and it doesn’t only have to do with the earth, but also with some of the other planets. Science discounts this belief, but there could be some empty spaces inside of our planet and others. Mars has two tiny moons orbiting it. The Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft in 1998 revealed there was a strange object on the moon Phobos. It looked for all the world like a 400 foot high building. This is the same moon which the European Space Agency thinks could be about 1/3 hollow. Is there something going on with this moon? Once you find out things like this, there will always be those who will think aliens are involved in some way. I have read reports where some people believe the inside of the moon Phobos is like a huge hanger for UFO craft and the object on the surface could be flight control.

Obviously the hollow earth people think our own planet is hollow. There certainly are caves and caverns in the earth, but this is not exactly what they are talking about. They believe the earth has a large hollow center and the heat inside it comes from a tiny star which is inside the earth. They also point to the planet Venus and our moon. Light has been observed coming out from craters on both places. Could this theory be proved correct some day? The science reports I read on the subject seem to indicate the earth is solid and the mass is correct for a solid object, but NASA has conducted test on our moon and it could be hollow.

One group I can’t argue with, not because they are correct, but because they are intractable are the flat earth people. I just can’t believe people in this day and age would still believe this. Even the ancient Greeks knew better. All one has to do is observe a ship heading for the horizon and slowly disappearing as it goes around the earth’s curve. The International Flat Earth Research Society was established in 1956. Yeah I know this is hard to believe. Flat Earthers believe no one has proved the earth is not flat. Apparently they didn’t see any videos of the rockets taking off from earth, which is a round object.

Why do people believe in Atlantis? Plato mentioned Atlantis in a fictional play and yet we have taken hold of this and treated it like it was fact. Maybe it was the reason we couldn’t believe someone like Plato could create fiction and the place had to have really existed, because he spoke about so many other places which actually existed. Whatever the reason for Plato mentioning Atlantis it has caused a treasure hunt like the world has never seen before. It seems like every time an ancient city is found in the ocean someone says it must be Atlantis. There are plenty of other famous places which are said to have existed but disappeared. The city of Z was said to be a city lost in the jungle and made of gold. It is sometimes called El Dorado. The city of Lyonesse is said to also be at the bottom of the sea. It was supposedly famous until it disappeared in 1099. There are famous cities which have been lost to desert sands and some were said to be in what is now Dubai. Julfar is one of these cities. When we are talking about what lies under the sand, experts have said there are far more objects under the sands of Egypt than have been discovered. I presume there could also be cities under there.  It is believed archaeologists may have found one at a site and some archeologists believe it dates much further than first believed. There are an incredible amount of lost places on this planet and if Atlantis exists, it is only one of them.

There are those who believe we are not the first intelligent life to exist on this planet and may not even be the second. Those who believe this is ridiculous ask the question of why there is no proof of this. The earth is dynamic and things change over time. We know human bones are not the best at surviving and this could be true for intelligent organisims if they existed which are far older than us. All traces could have been wiped out by now. There are those who claim these beings are still around and live inside the earth and even claim they are the ones flying UFOs.

There are now those who believe drinking milk is of no help to adults even though we are told we should drink 3 cups a day for the calcium and vitamin D content. Man is the only animal which drinks the milk of other animals. There have been studies which have shown there might be some connection with drinking milk and mortality, it doesn’t mean milk can hurt you. There is one thing I know for sure and it is I have a relative who is 97 years old and who drinks milk, but even some smokers can live to a ripe old age.