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Broken Promises

Lately there have been quite a few promises made about many different things. It has struck me as strange that all these promises are coming out about the same time, because they seem unrelated and yet so these things have been promised before and we are still waiting for them to come true. Let me give you an example. The hacker group Anonymous has come out with a statement saying they believe NASA is going to announce the existence of extraterrestrials very soon. This year alone this promise has been stated I don’t know how many times by all different people. In the late 1960s many of us believed going to the moon would be the first step in meeting aliens and when we stopped going there was some thought it was because aliens were on the moon and warned us off. This excuse has been cited many times since the last time we landed on the moon. Maybe the advance in technology we are experiencing has prodded people to think more about life on other planets. We have been hearing more about this phenomena lately and it is getting people to think we may not be alone. If there are other intelligent beings in the universe how far out do we have to go before we bump into some of them?

One of the promises we have been hearing about ever since flight has taken place in heavier than air vehicles is the promise we are not far away from having flying cars. People have been talking about this since the nineteen twenties or even before and we have been told the flying car is just a few years away. Nobody ever takes into consideration the fact just because a flying car is invented will we be able to actually fly it. I am talking about the fact that anything that flies in the sky has to be controlled in some manner and a flying car is nothing more than an airplane and therefore the driver must be a pilot and be subject to all the rules which a plane would be subject to. One of the things this might mean is, if you have a flying car you may not be allowed to let it take off from your property and have to drive to an airport before can take to the sky. To see some of the flying cars over the years which never made it, you can go to
just copy and paste this address into your web browser. Sorry Truthfacts doesn’t use live outside links.

We were promised World War I would be the last major war, as a matter of fact it was said to be a war which would end all wars. At the time it was the most vicious war we had ever fought on the planet. All sorts of deadly gases were used and advanced weapons were introduced such as the machine gun, the airplane and even zeppelins. Bombing of cities took place and civilians became targets not just soldiers. A mere twenty-one years later World War II started and was even more vicious and since then the world has been at war almost constantly. Even more deadly weapons have been developed such as nuclear weapons, biological weapons and more powerful conventional explosives. The promise World War I would end all wars was one of the biggest historical lies of our time.

During the presidency of John F. Kennedy one of the promises he made was United States would not become a secret society. He went on in a famous speech to claim we hated secrets. He gave his famous speech at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City on April 27, 1961. The speech picks up at about 6:00 minutes on secrecy. Here is the address of the speech.
Kennedy promises to do away with much of the secrecy in government. The sad part of this, aside from his assassination is the fact we have gone in the complete opposite direction and we now of more secrecy in every aspect of the government than ever before.

One promise which I have been hearing for many years is the promise we are on the verge of curing cancer. There have been all sorts of statements to this effect and yet while we may have delayed the outcome, we certainly have not cured the problem. Just recently a statement came out by the scientific community saying they had found a way to cure most of one type of cancer and claimed it was about 90% effective in most cases. We know the pharmaceutical industry has been accused many times of hiding cancer cures so they can continue to sell medicine which is very expensive. If it ever turns out this is true and evidence is found to this effect I would assume many of these companies might go out of business, but I could be wrong. When I look at the cigarette companies they are still going strong and are selling their products overseas even though we all know cigarettes cause cancer. Are we getting closer to the promise cancer cure? I think we might be, because the cancer cure bandwagon is really starting to roll and more people who are qualified are jumping upon it.

Somebody once said to me if you want to see broken promises just listen to candidates running for office. They will promise you the moon and yet if they get in you would be lucky to get anything. I think most of us feel this way about politicians, because many of them just don’t seem to have any ethics. This has been proven time and time again by the sheer amount of lies and hypocrisy most of them exhibit. Who can forget Richard Nixon saying he was not a criminal and yet he had authorized the break in at Watergate? One of the biggest betrayals is to our veterans. The government promised to take care of them and yet many of them have landed up on the streets and are in dire poverty. These are the people who risked their lives for their country and this is how they got paid back.

Remember the saying promises were made to be broken?  If that is true we have certainly done a good job. There are probably far more promises which have been broken than promises which have been kept. It is really sad the way promises just roll off some people’s lips when these people know they have no intention of keeping them. This is one of the problems with our society today, many seem to have a lack of integrity.