Truth Facts

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Misconstruing And Coming To The Wrong Conclusions

Sometimes things happen which are misconstrued by some people and the conclusions they come to don’t account for other reasons which might cause something to happen. We see this kind of thing in reporting. Let’s take a simple case. Scientists announced there is a planet orbiting Alpha Centauri and it could be earth like. The headline I saw demonstrated the person who wrote it certainly didn’t know much about astronomy since it read a planet was found which is the closest to earth. It should have said an exoplanet was found and could be the closest exoplanet to earth. There could be more planets in our own solar system in the Oort Cloud or Kuiper Belt which are undiscovered, but these wouldn’t be exoplanets. I said the exoplanet discovered COULD be the closest exoplanet, but how do we know there are not one or more rogue planets between our solar system and Alpha Centauri?

Sometimes people say a particular event was caused by another event and it wasn’t, but people who have read this or heard it, believe it is true. When the battleship Maine exploded and sunk, everyone decided the Spanish did it. The newspapers of the day ran with the story and we declared war on Spain. It turned out the ships of that day were prone to exploding if a spark reached their ammunition stocks. It was not a Spanish mine as first stated or even an act of sabotage. This conclusion was reached too late as we had already declared war. Because of this error in judgment the United States lost 2,910 dead and 1,577 wounded. Most of the dead, 2,565 died from disease. We did however gain territory and this may have been the real reason for the war in the first place.

Many of us who watch politics have ideas of why certain things happen and the truth is, sometimes nothing could be further from the truth. There have been quite a few times where we have heard someone is on death row and yet he professes his innocence. Actually this is not unusual and yet there are also times where prosecutors have withheld evidence which might have proved his innocence, because they want their conviction record to look good. There has even been times when new evidence has been found which might prove the person innocent and yet it is not admitted and the case not reopened. We hear about this once in a while, but how many times does this happen when we don’t hear about it? Meanwhile we might picture a particular person as a blood thirsty killer and yet he just might be innocent.

We entered the Vietnam War because we were told by President Johnson that our ships had been fired upon in the Gulf of Tonkin. We bought this line hook and sinker. None of us thought to question what we were told, after all our president was telling us this. Years later we found out it was a lie and the ships were never fired upon. We jumped to a conclusion, because we trusted the person who told us this so much we never bothered to try and find out if it was true. We should have learned from this not to take the word of anyone as gospel, most of us didn’t. Along came an event in 2001 which is still shrouded in mystery and we are told to forget everything and buy the company line, that people who couldn’t even fly a single engine plane properly were able to fly airliners into the world trade center and this could take down the buildings. We are also being told to accept the fact an invisible airplane was able to hit the side of the Pentagon and just happened to take out the accounting computers the day after Donald Rumsfeld announced the military couldn’t account for $19 trillion dollars. Obviously a high minority percentage of the population didn’t buy this, including many scientists, engineers and professionals and yet nothing has changed.

We can no longer just accept everything we are told, no matter who tells us. If we look at ISIS and trace it back, many of us conclude we are the ones who have armed it. This is not what we are being told. We are told terrorist groups are responsible for the destruction in the Middle East and yet if we hadn’t invaded many of these countries may not have been reduced to ruin. We are told we are invading countries to free them from tyranny. We leave ruins behind us and destruction and yet many believe this line. Would we all like to know the real reasons we are active in the Middle East? Right now most of us can only guess the reasons. If I were asked I might say it was a perfect way to hide huge sums of money which constantly disappear as we send it over there, along with the fact it keeps our defense industries humming.

We were told the European Union was formed to create a strong trading block and for other political reasons and yet some of the members don’t believe this anymore and it is on the verge of failing. It seems to me one of the main reasons for creating the European Union was to stop European wars. By joining the countries under one banner, so to speak, they weren’t competing against each other in a lot of areas. Some say another reason was the beginning of trying to put the earth under one government which would be known as the New World Order.

It is time we have to look beyond what we are told and try and find out the facts of what is being told to us and then form our own ideas for what is going on. We cannot just accept the word of someone, no matter who they are, because many of these people have a reason to want to hide the truth from us.