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Can The World Be Saved?

It’s hard for me to decide what I want to write about today. There are two different topics I am very interested in. One has to do with what is really going on in the world and the other has to do with where our technology is headed. I wonder how people would feel if I wrote about both these things? I usually stay on topic except when writing about different events in the news, but I think the article today will be a different story and there might be a link between them.

Okay here goes, the first thing I want to talk about is what is going on in the world. We all know by now the rich are getting richer and the super-rich have so much money they rival the wealth of some countries and will soon surpass most countries in their wealth. Unfortunately for us this is not where it stops. Something is going on today that is unprecedented in the history of the earth. The super-rich want to take over the world and are creating ways to do it. I am not saying it is all of them, but it is quite a few and what they are doing could lead to a world war. George Soros is the founder and chair of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Foundation. It is said he is worth almost 25 billion dollars. He was born in Hungary in 1930 making him 86 years old. It is said he admitted to funding the overthrow of the Ukraine and proudly did this on CNN. Many still believe he is still behind the rebels from the Ukraine who are now infiltrating into Russia and causing damage.

Does having huge sums of money entitle someone to decide to overthrow governments to get the ones they want in power? I don’t think so, but the New World Order which is a group of these rich and powerful people believe any method is OK as long as they reach their objectives. Why is it when people like this do what they want to alter the world stage, governments like the United States just sit back and allow this to happen? The reason seems to be there are people like this controlling our country, but they are hiding in the background and most of us are unaware of their presence. It is ironic, because on the bottom of the wealth heap for those in the New World Order is said to be a very powerful man who is only worth 10 million dollars and that is Henry Kissinger. I have seen some quote about things Kissinger supposedly said. I am quoting other sources on things he has said and cannot verify them, but here is what others have quoted him as saying. He supposedly said the elderly were useless eaters, the population for the world should be 250-300 million people and a planetary regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum world population.

While these things seem just like harmless ideas even if they are distasteful, one has to remember this is a person who advises presidents. If you check out things said about Kissinger on the internet you will see some people call him by terrible names even including the devil. Does anyone out there believe the rich have gotten so much richer by accident? There was a plan and it worked very well for them. Laws were changed to allow them more tax shelters, companies became multinational to avoid paying much of their taxes and legislators were paid off in various ways to expand the loopholes in the tax codes of the world. It seems riches and power go hand in hand and once someone has more money than they possible can spend in a lifetime, some of them want to control things. Power is the ultimate stimulant to these people and they want to become like the kings of old who ruled unchallenged over the surfs of the world who worked for just enough food to keep them and their families alive. That is the true goal of the New World Order and to do this they must eliminate most of the world’s population to make us easier to control.

Could this be the reason for pushing against Russia and sending NATO troops right up to its borders? Perhaps a nuclear war is just what these people want. There has been digging going on for years and by now these ultra-rich have well stocked underground shelters built where they could sit out a nuclear war which would certainly bring down the population as some of them wish.

It’s time to switch subjects, but the next subject could be related and I will get to that. Some people believe there have been so many UFO crashes, because extraterrestrials want us to get the technology off of the ships that crash so we are being told at least some crashes occur on purpose. Well there does seem to be too many UFO crashes in the world for such advanced civilizations, but I do take issue with the fact the crashes occur on purpose, because they are killing the crew in many cases and in others the ones who survive are being captured. If this isn’t the case the question arises, why are there so many UFO crashes? It could be because there is a war going on between different races and they are shooting each other down. UFO history is full of aliens fighting each other.

There is a theory by some which states extraterrestrials have bases on the earth and the reason they are here and have been for thousands of years is to shepherd us toward becoming a space faring race. We know they have turned off our missiles several times in different years and this has led some to believe they are protecting us and will not allow us to get into a nuclear war. I wouldn’t want to bet any money on this, but this would certainly screw up the plans of the New World Order if it were true. This is why I had said there could be a connection here. This assumes two things. The first is we have to believe there is a group of rich and powerful people pushing for a New World Order and second there are extraterrestrials visiting the earth and we have been back engineering their crashed vehicles.

I believe there is enough evidence for both. I also believe there is nothing more dangerous than the ultra-rich manipulating world regimes to get what they want. The truth is at this point there is no longer much we can do about it since they control most if not all the governments of the world. It would take a power from outside of this blue orb of ours to straighten things out. Many believe that all of the powerful organizations on the planet have been lost to the people. I am talking about world governments, the European Union, NATO and the other defense organizations. They believe they have become tools of the ultra-rich and corporations. Another ironic thing is the New World Order is said to include the world monarchy. Apparently many would like the power of life and death over the population restored.