Truth Facts



Time Travel and Time

Did you know the name of Roswell was originally Rio Hondo after the stream nearby? It sounds like something out of a John Wayne movie. More and more people are beginning to believe the UFOs we see are piloted by us, only us from the future. They base this fact on the fact they believe we will become the Grays someday and the evidence they put forward is the bodies of the Grays have a head, two arms and two legs like us. I would say this is pretty poor proof. If they turned out to be correct, that is about time travelers, they would at least have to admit there are also others besides the Grays coming here. It does seem the Grays are the most prominent however. But we also have to remember people have reported seeing Nordics who look just like us, Mantis type aliens, Reptilians and to a lesser degree other types such as giants which look like angels and transparent beings.

An article appeared in The Conversation in which it was postulated time travel is possible but only with parallel timelines. This doesn’t make sense to me, but truthfully either does any part of time travel. If one is traveling from his timeline to a different one in a multiverse and changes something did he really time travel? I guess he did, but his destination was not in the timeline he lived in. I have to say that is another thing I don’t believe in, multiple universes where every thing you could do is done. My belief will aggravate a lot of scientists, but to me all these discussions of time travel and multiverses are just conjecture without proof. We don’t even know if we could ever go back in time what we would find. We assume we could see people and maybe interact with them or not, but what if we went back and only saw shadows of what was? I can’t help but believe what is gone is gone and we will never be able to see it again. Until someone has proof, I am wrong, real proof, this is how I feel.

When we think of time travel, we have to remember it would be one of the hardest things to control no matter how many safeguards are put into place. If it were possible to accidently change the smallest thing it could change the future. It seems to me just being in the past would be enough to change things. God forbid we even stepped on a bug or made our presence known. If one was looking for the most dangerous weapon in the world and time travel was possible, the weapon would be time travel. Just imagine someone with time travel capabilities wanted to kill someone. All he would have to do is go into the past and kill a relative which made his life possible. I am not even talking about his father and mother; it could be relatives much further back. The sick part of this is when it was done, no one would remember that person since he was never born.

Some say time travel is taking place today. I sure hope not. If it is however, we would never find any clues because the changes which were made would not seem like changes to us. I have heard some crazy time travel stories which purport to be true. I don’t believe them, but they are around. One which stands out is the story about how the aliens are recruiting humans to fight in their wars for 20 years at a time and then returning them back to a period they came from and they are their younger selves again. How could this even work? When he was brought back his life would continue and he would age without going to fight the war. It just doesn’t make sense.

There is a theory by some of the people who do believe in time travel that the past cannot be changed. I can sort of understand this since the past has already taken place. There could be a very dangerous ability to the past and that might be taking someone from the past and bringing them to the future. I am talking about some psycho taking a person like Adolph Hitler into our time. There are enough Nazis around who would love this and do anything they could to get him back into power. The argument for this type of thing might be made by the other side of the equation. These are the people who want to do good and would try and bring famous religious figures into the current time. Just because people in the NOW might be able to time travel doesn’t mean people in the PAST could.

Another thing we do not know is if time travel is possible are there any worlds out there which have moved naturally from some process we do not understand into the past or future. If we someday fly to a world and land on it, might we be whisked into the past or future on that world, or would they be taken to the past or future of their own world? How could we even know if we were in the past on some planet we discovered?

Do time loops exist anywhere? I know I wouldn’t want to be caught in one. Could we land on a planet caught on one or in some area of space? If we were in one, how would we know? Each time the loop started over; we would probably lose the memory of the one before.

There are other problems we might encounter which could be very dangerous to us. If there are advanced races out there, they might have marked dangerous areas in space. They could be areas where time is either moving faster or slower. Entering one of these areas could be detrimental to us. If an area has time moving more slowly, depending on how slow it is going we might go through it and find out later what seemed like a normal trip took us thousands of years. On the flip side of the coin, there could be aging occurring too fast and we could die of old age before ever getting through that area, or we might find a fast shortcut.

All this talk of time travel and time is sheer supposition right now. I don’t think we have advanced enough to have it even if it is possible, which I do not believe.

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