Truth Facts



Cell Phones Are Listening

One thing being on the internet has taught me is there are going to be a lot of annoying things happening because of my participation. If I dare look at something, I will be getting adverts for it everywhere I go. It doesn’t matter if I already purchased the item or not, these adverts are not very discriminating when it comes to that point. But something else has been noticed which has far worse implications. My son called me and we had a conversation about an article I was writing. It was about a particular UFO event in Africa. The next day he called me back and was disturbed because he had received a text message about a talk which was on the exact thing we talked about. This is not the first time this has happened to him.

I am assuming these can no longer be a coincidence because it happens too much to him. Truthfully, I haven’t had this happen to me this way. We have different phone companies and one has to wonder if his company knows about this. It is one thing for the government to monitor all calls, which I don’t like by the way, but much worse if it turns out corporations and companies are also doing it. It is supposed to be against the law, but it seems to be happening to more people all the time.

A man was talking to his sister on the phone. She was talking about buying a new washing machine for her house. The next day when she went onto social media washing machine ads kept coming up. Are we supposed to think when this happens to so many people it just happens by chance? Maybe this is something those do nothing government committees should be looking into. No one wants people or even apps listening in to their private conversations.

In 2014 it was demonstrated that anyone who has your cell phone number can get into your phone calls. It’s a flaw in what is known as SS7, Signaling System Seven, the system cell phones use to contact each other and it has never been fixed as far as I know. You would think by now something new would be developed. Could illegal hackers be tapping into our phones and selling the data to legitimate companies who can plead innocence because they didn’t tap the phone calls?

The BBC claims phones do not listen into phone calls. Technically, it may not be the phone doing it on its own, but as I said the phone might be vulnerable to others doing it. They are pushing the fact it is only a conspiracy theory. Where have we heard this before, oh yeah, we hear it all the time stated by people who don’t want us to know what is really happening. BBC says after experimenting with phone calls for days, no relevant ads appeared. Sorry they were only using a couple of phones. Perhaps it only happens on 1 or 2 out of a hundred, but it is still too much. It seems we are playing Russian Roulette with our phone calls. Will our calls be private or not? Who wants to play that game, not me?

We constantly hear no one is listing to our calls. Remember when Apple had to apologize because some of its employees were listening to private Siri conversations? If they would do that, who is to say they wouldn’t listen in on phone calls? Many of our devices listen to what we say and a lot of us know this before we buy them. There are smart televisions which listen, devices like Echo and all sorts of other devices which were built to be aids to us. We should be careful about the conversations we have around them. When we get on our phones, we should be able to keep what we say private. Most of us are not criminals and just want privacy and are not talking about some crime we are about to commit. We are entitled to our privacy.

It turns out that some of the apps on our phones have user agreements which have to be carefully read. Most of us never read them. A reporter did an investigation in 2018 and found some of those agreements allow the companies to use our data, which turns out to be what we are saying. He had said the same phrase twice a day for 5 days then checked his Facebook feed. There it was, adverts for what he was talking about, which blows away what the BBC article stated. This means it may not be  the fault of the phone company, but our fault for putting certain apps on our phone. Yes, with some user agreements they can record audio for use with targeted advertising and its legal. They are getting away with murder. Well, you know what I mean.

If you use your personal phone at work, you should not. The reason is your employer can legally listen in to all work related phone calls. Knowing this, you should use the work phone and watch what you talk about. It could be a lot worse for you than just getting ads.

A woman believed her cell phone was giving her data to corporations for ads so she ran a test. For days she spoke about a diverse list of objects. She talked about them over an over and after a few days she noticed she was getting ads for these objects on Facebook and other social media sights. She said even though she thought this was happening, now she is positive of it. How can this be denied when it is happening to so many people. Is it something which is about to spread to every cell phone? I hope not.

One story which isn’t funny states a teenage girl talked on the phone to her friends and the data which was picked up indicated she was pregnant and companies sent ads to her home for maternity wear. The problem was her parents were unaware of her situation. It might sound funny, but I am sure the kid wasn’t laughing.

We all have a right to privacy even though the government and corporations don’t want us to have any. The government wants to know everything about everybody to prevent crimes while the companies want to make money by finding out what we may want to buy and sending us a myriad of ads to try and convince us to buy something. I have had enough of this nonsense, how about you?

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