Truth Facts



Are Some of the Strange Things Reported Somehow Connected?

Did you ever wonder if there was some connection to many of the strange things people report? Some people have given this a lot of thought. The kinds of things I am talking about are the different things people are reporting all the time of seeing which we call the paranormal. Then there are the theories of many different dimensions. UFOs can be lumped into the mix. I often wonder if we make contact with a very advanced race will they know a lot more about these things than we do?

Some people think there is a connection with UFOs, Bigfoot, cattle mutilations, crop circles and more. People have reported seeing beams coming down from UFOs and a Bigfoot or two walking out of the beam. Could it be what we call a Bigfoots is a primitive human who was captured by aliens who are releasing them back on earth for some unknown reason? If aliens are piloting those UFOs or UAPs and we are being forced to call them, how can we ever know why they do anything? Could it be Bigfoots are really our ancestor and they exist? There are so many hoaxes in that area we may never know the truth about them, or even if they do really exist.

If we believe UFOs are alien this opens up a whole new area of our imagination and while we could be wrong, some of our theories could be correct. Take shadow people for example. Could a doorway to a two dimensional universe be opened sometimes and the inhabitants gain entry into our universe? There have been plenty of reports of shadow people and shadow creatures, can they all be wrong? It seems from the reports if they really exist, they are harmless. This could be for a couple of reasons, the first is they have no way of physically interacting with anything in this dimension. Another reason could be they are peaceful and just curious about us. The third and last reason could be they don’t want to be here and somehow were pulled in by a portal opening near them.

Taking this further, one of the biggest mysteries in life is death. There have been so many reports of the dead contacting the living they are hard to ignore. I am not talking about those phony mediums, but of decent honorable people who have been contacted by deceased relatives in such a way it has left a mark on their life. Could it be death is nothing more than a transfer of our souls to another dimension? If that is true, there would have to be some portal which allows them to make this contact.

If the dead exist in another dimension, are there other creatures there who were once alive and maybe even living creatures who never lived anywhere else? All sorts of portals have been reported opening and closing and many had UFOs come out of them. Portals have been connected to time travel as well. How would we know if we went through a portal to the past, it was actually our past? Couldn’t it be an alternate universe which looks like ours and has a history of very similar events? For all we know it might not even be the past in another dimension, but their current time period.

Many things have been found which seem to be out of their time period. Even ancient devices which were found seem to be impossible for that period of time. Take the Antikythera mechanism for example. It is a mechanical computer found in an ancient Greek shipwreck from the first century B.C. It consisted of precision gears arranged in such a way it could predict the astronomical data, eclipses, and more. What is amazing about this is the fact it exists at all since there were no metal gears until over a thousand years later and they appeared in early clocks. The gears were used in a water clock. Knowing this how can we account for those early gears and the genius it took to create the device? Did it come from somewhere else?

There are also objects found which are even more ancient but advanced like tiny springs found in Russia along with screws and other metal objects which were dated at over 100,000 years old. Did they come from somewhere else, perhaps ancient colonists from another planet or were there a race of advanced ancient humans on this planet we have no history of? There is just so much strange stuff to consider when we talk about things like this.

Is there a connection between these things, and if we find it, will it mean we will find out many things we only have questions about now? Here is the question of the week for you, are there people on this planet who know what is really going on? Many of us suspect there are some who know a lot more about this stuff than we do and they have no intention of telling us anything. We have suspected for a long time there are people in the government who probably don’t know everything, but know a lot more than we do. The question is have they made contact with extraterrestrials as so many witnesses accuse them of? Many witnesses who are honorable people have testified to the fact they have seen humans and aliens working together on different bases. It is usually the Gray aliens they are talking about. They are the short thin ones with the big black eyes and gray skin. If we are working with them, have they told some of these people what is really going on, does this really mean there are a privileged few who have a much more complete picture of our existence?

If spirits are just humans transported to another dimension after they die, have they been forbidden from talking about the salient points of the afterlife? You never hear someone saying things like I was contacted by a deceased relative and they told me everything about their existence. Could this mean there was a power guiding them, preferably God? If we take everything I have spoken about into consideration, it does seem God would have to exist to control all that is happening, and I truly believe this.

Life is a lot more complicated than we think it is at first glance and a lot of us tend to ignore this and just go about our daily lives until the end of them, but they are missing out on the big picture.

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