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The Strange Presidential Election

The UFO stories never stop coming in, here is a particular one which has to do with the election in the United States. What was following Donald Trump’s helicopter as he flew over a fair during his campaign? A photo was taken of the object and it certainly didn’t look like anything we would put in the sky. This happened during the Iowa State Fair when Donald Trump was giving rides to children in his helicopter. Could it be there are more beings interested in the election than those who live on this planet? The incident was reported to the US National UFO database. It is hard to make out the shape of the object and it seems the photo was taken with a phone which didn’t have the best optics. The witness said he was walking down the street when he saw Trump’s helicopter overhead and took a photo of it not knowing there was another object in the photo. He only realized it when he reviewed the picture he had taken.

Strange things many of us do not know about exist during elections. One of these is a law in Texas which states that any candidate running for president must state he believes in God. Tennessee has a similar law. I suspect if we were to go through all the laws in every state we would find some incredibly stupid ones that are still on the books. One thing we have to remember is just because a law is on the books doesn’t necessarily mean it is being enforced. In Indiana you are only allowed three minutes in a voting booth during a primary election and two minutes during the general or municipal election. It is claimed this is another one of those laws which are not enforced. In Alabama you were given four minutes to vote and then a poll worker can ask you if you need assistance. If the voter states yes they are given at least another five minutes, but if they state no they are given one additional minute under the law, but if no one is waiting in line voters are given as much time as necessary to finish voting under the law.

During the election process a game was played by the media and this game was guess who is going to get elected. Some of the media went to some very strange places to try and determine this. A monkey in China was shown picking a card. This monkey regularly is used to pick the results of soccer games and had picked Portugal as winning the European football championships which they did. After eating a banana and being placed between a cutout of Hillary Clinton and another of Donald Trump, the monkey chose Donald Trump as the next President of the United States. I don’t know why they say it’s hard to pick the winner when a monkey can do it, just kidding. The monkey was right and Moody’s was wrong. Artificial intelligence was used to make a prediction. MoglA examined data from all over the Internet and came to the conclusion the winner would be Donald Trump. A costume company has something called the Mask Index. It correctly determined Trump was ahead of Clinton and in the last 20 years it has predicted correctly every presidential election. Sometimes animals being used for predictions of presidential elections can really be terribly wrong. Cass the cat picked Dwayne Johnson as president and two birds picked Hillary Clinton. Even a pig in Arkansas got into the act, but he did picked Donald Trump. Some women say this is because he is one of them.

During the election process some strange things happened. One of the strangest things was a video made by Ted Cruz. It showed him cooking bacon, but not the way most of us would cook it. He was cooking it on a machine gun. No this is not a misprint he was cooking it on a machine gun. He gingerly wrapped the bacon around the barrel of the gun, covered the bacon with tinfoil and fired the gun until the barrel got hot enough to cook the bacon. Even though he called the gun a machine gun it was actually more like an assault rifle, but let’s not quibble. Sarah Palin came out in a video which was made of a speech supposedly supporting Trump, but nobody could understand what she was saying, it just sounded like a lot of gibberish. At one of Hillary’s speeches a spectator completely stole the show from her. He was standing right behind Bill and Hillary in the center of the picture with stickers pasted on his face holding a sign and making funny faces. This caused the videographer to concentrate on him rather than on Clinton. One of the saddest things in the primaries was Jeb Bush giving a speech and there was no reaction from the audience and he then begged them to clap and finally after a long pause they did, but it seemed more from sympathy than anything else.

There were a lot of misstatements in the primaries and one of the worst was made by Mike Huckabee who said President Obama is marching Israelis to the door of the oven. It is hard to believe anyone would make a statement like this and think it would be popular. If Huckabee wasn’t finished by this time he certainly was after that statement. Another moment that cannot be ignored was when Ted Cruz called Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor. No matter what happens in the Senate, you usually don’t hear this kind of hatred stated in public although I’m sure it exists behind the scenes. It showed a very frustrated Cruz who probably had thought he had a much better chance of winning the primaries than he actually did. Donald Trump angered a lot of people with many different remarks, but probably the one which will be remembered the most, at least by veterans, was a remark about John McCain and his war hero status. Trump said he was not a war hero and indicated he didn’t think being captured made one a hero.

Is hard to believe so many pundits and so many prophets could have been so wrong about the outcome of the election. How could so many polls be so wrong unless they were skewed from the very beginning? I remember Donald Trump stating the polls were fixed and now it seems he might’ve been correct. I remember one pole which showed Hillary with a two to one lead, but when the polls makeup was  examined it turned out two thirds of the people were registered Democrats. I don’t think there has ever been an outside agency which has played such an important role in a presidential election as WikiLeaks. The constant release of Clinton emails certainly played a large part in the election and it still may have a bearing on whether or not Clinton is prosecuted.

I have never seen so much dissension after an election, one can only hope we will all come together.