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Why Are We Pushing For War?

Whoever is pulling the strings on our planet seems to have made up their mind we have to go to war. The last time war drums were beaten this way was just before World War II. President Franklin Roosevelt decided we had to help Great Britain and sent over a fleet of ships for use by the British Navy. Apparently he felt if we didn’t get into the war there was a danger of being conquered by the Germans. Winston Churchill it is said did not have a very high opinion of Roosevelt. Possibly it was because Roosevelt was a sickly man and some say he thought if he could get into a huge war and win, this would be his legacy. Presidents worry about their legacy and even President Obama is trying to preserve what he believes is his legacy and part of that is what many of us call Obama care. He has gone on the stump for Hillary Clinton tirelessly and it is said this is not only because he wants another Democrat to get into the White House, but also because she has promised to continue his policies.

Many people who are claiming we have been going out of our way to stick pins in the Russian bear have been labeled traitors. This label has been used far too frequently to try and quiet people who have the right to free speech in this country. Even if somebody is incorrect in what they believe, they still have the right to express their opinion no matter who doesn’t agree with them. The question is why is NATO moving hundreds of thousands of troops into countries near Russia and up to the Russian border? Politicians will tell you it is to stop Russia from invading these countries, but Putin says he has no intention of invading any countries and has not shown any intention to do so. Some will say he invaded the Ukraine, but whistleblowers have said the West had sent disrupters into the Ukraine to try and bring down that government. Putin claims he was only trying to protect his naval base and hasn’t made a move on the rest of the country after clearing his way to that base by annexing the Crimea.

I have to wonder what the United States would have done if Puerto Rico would have become an independent country with a big American base on it and a foreign power had tried to topple their government. Would we have just sat back and allowed this to happen and allowed our naval base to be put in jeopardy. Let’s take this a step further, let’s make believe this naval base was the only way we could get into the Atlantic Ocean since the Russian naval base is there only outlet to the Black Sea. I don’t think we would have done anything much different than the Russians did, do you? What I find startling is the fact Putin has said many times he wants to be friends with the United States, but every time he says this his pleas go unanswered. Nobody is saying Putin is a great guy. What I am saying is we should be trying to get along with other countries.

The United States has been interfering in elections in other countries for over 100 years. It is a common fact we have meddled in the elections in South America, Haiti, Honduras and many other places and it is even said we tried to interfere in the last batch of Russian elections. That’s why I find the absurdity of the shock which is expressed when we hear Russia is trying to interfere with our elections. I don’t know if its true or not but if it is, it is probably what the Russians consider payback. When the Soviet Union fell the Russian people were very excited. They thought they were going to become part of the world community. Russian scientists had asked NASA if they could help prepare for the next landing of humans on the moon with the United States. NASA told them no, because they weren’t going with us. This was a big surprise to the Russians who thought they were going to be part of our space program, after all even during the Soviet times there was cooperation in space many times between astronauts and cosmonauts.

I guess this should have been an indication to the Russians of where they stood. The military industrial complex in this country needs Russia and even China as an enemy. If we had no powerful enemies how could they sell us exorbitantly priced weapons to defeat our enemies? We are nothing more than a pot of gold for these companies who can just about demand any incredible price for their wares. Whoever would’ve thought anyone would pay $3 billion for a destroyer or $13 billion for an aircraft carrier, both of which do not work correctly?

Instead of worrying so much about the Russians maybe we should be worrying more about the North Koreans and the Iranians. The problem for the military-industrial complex is these two countries are not perceived as powerful enough to merit a gigantic weapons buildup. If we compare what the United States and Russia both have now it is eye-opening. We know Russia has thousands of nuclear weapons and so does the United States and recently a deal was approved to sell Russia one third of our uranium. Setting aside the fact nuclear weapons exist, let’s check the status of the rest of the military forces. According to GFP Russia has 766,000 military personnel in the United States has 1,400,000. Russia has a total of 3,547 aircraft and the United States has 13,444. We have almost 6 times as many helicopters and about twice as many attack aircraft. As far as fighter aircraft go Russia has 751 and we have 2,308. They have 1,124 transport aircraft and we have 5739. The Russians have 1,218 serviceable airports and we have 13,513. The Russians do have more tanks about twice as many as we do and they do have more towed artillery about three times as much as we do. The Russian Navy has been rated at 352 ships while U.S. Navy is rated at 415. Russia has one aircraft carrier and the United States has 19. Russia has 60 submarines and we have 75. 81 of the Russian ships are Corvettes which are much smaller ships and about the only place that Russia possesses a substantial lead in ship types is in mine warfare craft. They have 45 and we have 11.

To win a war against the United States Russia would almost certainly have to use nuclear weapons, but could anyone consider this a win if both countries were destroyed? Supposedly there is an entity called The New World Order. This entity is said to be trying to reduce the world’s population down to 500 million. Perhaps these people are crazy enough to want to start a nuclear conflict while they are hiding in some bunker and waiting for the war to blow over. The idea is said to be for them to live like royalty of the past while the survivors would be their serfs. I for one hope that no one could be this crazy.