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Is The World What We Think?

Sometimes the things which sound so weird turn out to be true. I am not saying every weird thing is true, far from it. I am saying sometimes we get surprised, because something which doesn’t make sense to us is actually what is going on. Lately science is showing us what we think might be crazy, is actually what is happening. A good example of this is in quantum physics. I am talking about the fact watching an experiment while it is going on changes the outcome. If that doesn’t sound incredible, nothing does. I won’t go into that any deeper, since I have done so many times in the past, I just want to illustrate a point, because this leads me into other things which people claim to have seen or heard and that is what I want to talk about today.

One thing which a lot of people admit to seeing are shadow people. In case you don’t know what I am talking about I will explain. Shadow people is a term for seeing an ink black shadow drift across a room which is dark and there is no light source which can cause a shadow. Sometimes the shadow can look like a silhouette of a person and other times just a blob moving across the room. Besides those who admit seeing this, there are probably just as many or more who have seen it and don’t want to say. I can understand this. There is a theory which states shadow people are caused by activity in our own brains and we are somehow generating this shadow unconsciously. Does our brain sometimes influence what we are seeing? We know there are people who because of sickness or a mental condition do see things which are not there, but can a healthy brain sometimes show us these things?

Many people claim to have seen deceased people. Is their brain playing tricks on them? I talked to a married couple who stated they went down to the basement of their home to do the wash and when they were down there they saw the husband’s mother in the wash room. This wasn’t a trick of the brain, because it wasn’t just one person seeing the apparition. They didn’t hear any speech. How can one explain this? If one goes to the skeptics web site you will see all sorts of excuses for this happening, but none seem to fit this type of thing. They might tell you it is a form of hypnosis where one person sees something and convinces the other person they are with that they also see it. If it happens instantly how can this be possible? There is a theory which states we can broadcast our thoughts to other brains without knowing it and a lot of work is taking place in this area today. Using electronics, scientists have shown a person’s brain can be taken over by another person using their own brain.

There is another point to be made here and it is can everyone’s brains be influenced by one person? I ask this question, because there have been mass sightings of many strange things. Some have been attributed to religious appearances, some paranormal and others to breaks in time. If several people are walking along somewhere and suddenly find themselves in the past how do we account for this? One obvious way is by saying they are lying. This is always the easiest way out, but it may not always be the right way. Sometimes people who have claimed this have proven to be very respectable. Take the case of Elenor Jourdain and Anne Moberly. These women were the vice-principal and principal of St. Hugh’s College in Oxford and the last people one would expect to come out with a story stated they had stumbled back into time when they visited Versailles in France. Yet they both claimed they were walking on the grounds and somehow they entered the past and saw people from the court of Marie Antoinette. They published a book about their account. I would also like to mention Bold Street in Liverpool England. Many people have claimed while they walked down the street they were transported back to the 1950s and 1960s. Are all these people lying? If not what is going on?

When it comes to religious images being seen, sometimes it entails hundreds, thousands of tens of thousands of people all seeing the same thing at the same time. One of the biggest sightings of all time was in Fatima, Portugal. I am talking about tens of thousands of people witnessing what was believed to be a miracle. They saw the sun get closer to the earth and recede. How does one account for this? There can only be a couple of explanations for this. It can be a miracle, it could be a trick by UFOs or it could have been some sort of celestial event. When I start to hear things like mass hysteria I have to laugh, because this is so ridiculous. How could that make all these people see the same thing at the same time? I think it was a miracle, but everyone is free to think what they want.

There is no doubt out minds can be influenced at times, but it seems almost impossible that one person could make another normal person see something which wasn’t there without using trickery. If it is hypnotism how does one explain hypnotizing a crowd like the one at Fatima? There could be a much simpler answer to this thing, one which many will reject. The answer might turn out to be a couple of different things. One might be the materials around us can capture the energy released by us and as we carry out our lives and under certain circumstances the material might be able to release that energy like a movie projector. This is not my idea, but others have talked about this for some time. Another answer could be the paranormal might be real, but I don’t think many people want to hear about that. Then there is the third option where some people believe time gets mixed up and people are seeing the past and think it is current.

A lot of people have seen things they can’t explain. Does this mean they have something wrong with them? No, of course not. Seeing the images of dead relatives can be quite upsetting, but many families have at least one member who claims to have seen a dead relative. When we take all these things into account, seeing dead relatives, traveling into the past and observing great miracles it tends to make one think the world is quite a different place than we first thought it was. There certainly are a lot of out of body experiences cited and after death experiences. It seems something may be going on we don’t understand and the world we thought we knew is not the real world. Maybe we had things wrong all along.