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Some Thoughts On The New Site

I thought it would be fitting that the first article I wrote for the new site would deal with the new site. Many have asked me to make the archive of articles available again. I will put up as many at a time as I can. There are almost eleven years’ worth of articles to contend with. You will notice there will no longer be any pictures or phots in these articles except the ones I take myself or draw. This is due to the fact one photo which was supposed to be public domain apparently was not and I was fooled. Not all archived articles will be restored, but most will. There has certainly been enough news lately to want to make me reply to some of it, but the book I am writing is taking up most of my spare time. Hopefully the first draft will be finished soon. When it is finally finished it will be put onto Amazon.com as an EBook and I hope you will all enjoy it.

When I was younger I had written a story which became very famous but unfortunately I was just a kid and didn’t copyright it. I had sent it to a famous personality and it became a television story with their credit line. I was only a teenager at the time and couldn’t afford a lawyer. I won’t mention the name of the story, but I will tell you it is still being shown on television from time to time, which by the way aggravates me even more.
I am looking forward to writing some articles and as I said there is just so much material. Even though I haven’t been writing, I have been collecting all sorts of material so I will be armed and ready when the time comes. This website may not be permanent, but I am using it for now. It is a free one and might not be able to handle too much traffic, but if I see it is failing I will get a site with more bandwidth. The site was advertised as having unlimited bandwidth and storage, but I can’t see that being true. I had another site that said the same thing, but went down after I started transferring photos to it. A message went up and said I had exceeded the allowed limit. How can anyone exceed a limit on an unlimited site?

I am looking forward to new articles. So much has happened in science in the last few weeks it is astounding. Scientists had a huge breakthrough on discovering what causes aging, how artificial intelligence may doom the human race and a lot of other interesting things. I don’t have much time left, but I just wanted to let everyone know, as Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, “I’ll be back.”
Best to all,

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