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The Ugly Face of a Conspiracy

Conspiracy theories abound and one of the reasons for them are actions by our governments and others. When something happens and it doesn’t seem to be right for some unknown reason then people begin to think conspiracy and sometimes they are right. Let me give you an example. It was two years since a petition was sent to the White House to Pardon Edward Snowden. The White House finally ruled on it by saying NO! It would have been impossible for them to say he was pardoned, because this opens the door to others going down the same path thinking they will also be pardoned. Most of us realize this, but why did it take two years to get an answer? Did the White House want us to think they were really considering this? Unfortunately when a person releases secret classified data, even if they are morally correct in doing so, others may take this as a cue to release data which is not morally correct to release. So again I ask since no other answer than denying the petition could have been made, why did it take two years to get a no answer? Was there something going on behind the scenes, such as a secret deal to say the government was going after Snowden, but they were really keeping hands off for some reason?

Remember Julian Assange from WikiLeaks? He has a new book in the works entitled “The WikiLeaks Files.” He claims in his book we had plans to overthrow Assad in Syria as far back as 2006. Here is part of the paragraph from his book discussing this. “...That plan was to use a number of different factors to create paranoia within the Syrian government; to push it to overreact, to make it fear there's a in theory it says 'We have a problem with Islamic extremists crossing over the border with Iraq, and we're taking actions against them to take this information and make the Syrian government look weak, the fact that it is dealing with Islamic extremists at all.” He claims part of the plan was to foster tensions between Shiites and Sunnis. Whether one believes this or not Assange seems to have a following ready to believe anything he says.

Chemtrails have been in the news for years, so they are nothing new. While the government has denied chemical spraying, many photos have been taken which show spray coming out of all sorts of different types of planes. I am not taking about vapor trails from the engines, but rather chemicals being sprayed out of the sides of planes or from underneath them. Sometimes so many planes were doing this they formed a checker board pattern in the sky. People under these spraying planes have reported all sorts of strange and sticky material on the ground from the spraying. The Cypriot government is going to investigate alleged chemtrail spraying in the skies above Cyprus. They have given in to prodding by the Green Party. Thank you Green Party. Will it be an actual investigation or merely supply excuses for what is going on as seems to be par for the course? Satellite photos taken in 2016 have shown times when the island was densely covered from whatever was being sprayed. They certainly have a reason to worry as do the rest of us. By the way it is being said by some people all this spraying may be taking place, because our atmosphere is failing and it is being kept from us.

Sometimes the conspiracies the conspiracy theorists talk about have more to do with companies than countries. An ex-employee of one of the big pharmaceutical companies says she is being terrorized by the company she used to work for, because she has become an anti-vaccine activist. An article about the company says one of its employees wanted to destroy or discredit doctors who were against one of their drugs. There has long been conspiracy theories about drug companies pushing drugs on the public which either do not help us or even hurt us. Some say there is a secret program by the One World Order people to cut down on the population by releasing drugs which secretly cut down on fertility. It has been shown that some of the drugs being sold to us do far more harm than good if any. When huge drug companys put profits far ahead of people’s health there is no wonder so many conspiracy theories come about. What is even worse is when some of them come true as it destroys our faith in medicine. So not only are these companies hurting our health they are making all of us wonder if what we take is safe.

One area where there are a lot of conspiracy theories involves free energy. I am not only talking about different forms of generating power, but also zero point energy. Zero point energy is energy taken from space. Some say it comes from another dimension. Many papers have been written about this type of energy and it is said we have the ability to use it, but we are being stopped by the huge energy companies from doing it. It is said the oil companies have amassed so much money they can buy up any company they feel threatened by and this is why we have not used zero point energy. If we ever get to a renewable energy state, where we get most of our power from renewable power generation such as the sea, wind and solar energy, will the big oil companies eventually own all these companies and keep prices high for energy and still prevent zero energy use? The conspiracy theorists think so.

I have to mention this again. The CIA has admitted secret documents show the CIA communicated with Lee Harvey Oswald before JFK’s murder in 1963 and that they were monitoring his mail since 1959. The story was carried online by Liberalsunite. Conspiracy theorists have always felt the JFK assassination was planned by the government. There have been many different reasons cited such as a secret deal with the Soviets to let them become a part of our space program and JFK planning to do away with the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve is a private banking system and not part of our government even though many think it is. It charges us for every dollar printed and sets rates. We owe more of our debt to them than China. There have been many people killed over the past two hundred years who opposed a central banking system. It was also said that Fidel Castro had JFK killed, because the CIA tried to kill him. There is plenty of fuel here for a conspiracy theory.


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