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The Craziest Conspiracy Theories

The Internet is full of conspiracy theories, but I’m sure everybody knows that by now. Some of them are truly outrageous and I thought it might be fun to write about the craziest ones which I have seen. One of the things some people actually believe is JonBenet Ramsey is not dead. JonBenet Ramsey became very famous as a six-year-old girl who died on December 25, 1996 when she was murdered. Her body was found eight hours later after she was reported missing and it was in the basement of her house. Her mother used to dress her like an adult with full makeup and enter her in pageants. This became a sensational case. There is now a conspiracy theory which says she never died and not only that, but Katie Perry is really JonBenet Ramsey. You have to admit this is really far out, especially when everybody saw the funeral.

There used to be a television show called Firefly. It was a very unusual science fiction show and was sort of a space western. It had been canceled, but did have a cult following and there was even a movie made. Only 11 episodes of the show were ever put on the air and Fox claimed it was canceled due to low ratings. There are some people who say the government forced Fox to cancel the show, because it was about a group of independent outlaws who fight for civil rights under the oppression of the immoral Union of Allied Planets. These people claim the show struck too close to home. I don’t know about anybody else, but I think there are far more anti-government type shows which have aired, some of which are still on the air.

We know there has been a lot of talk about weather weapons and governments controlling the weather. There are some who claim the United States government is responsible for creating snow. They say the reason they feel this way is the snow gives off a strange odor and doesn’t melt. The odor supposedly reminds one of a chemical smell according to these people. One of the reasons people feel this way is because of a video which has circulated. It shows a woman picking up snow from a pile and then holds a lighter to it and the flame does not melt the snow, but it does make it shrink. Somebody else is in the video and he is claiming the reason the snow is not melting is it is being turned into a vapor which is natural in some instances.

Do you like music? Most people do and at one time the Beatles were the most famous musical group around. You wouldn’t think there would be a conspiracy theory about the Beatles would you? Guess what, there is one and I can’t help but get a kick out of it. There are people who believe the Beatles never truly existed. They believe the Beatles were a fake band staffed by a revolving cast of almost identical actors. Some people have taken on the job of pointing out different facial features claiming this to be true. I have to wonder however, how anyone could ever think that their voices could be imitated by other people. Sorry, there is no way I could ever buy into this one.

I just love the next conspiracy theory. This is one of the craziest of the crazy. Remember Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq who we killed? There is a conspiracy theory which states the reason for the second Iraq war was never really told to us and we really went over there again to close a Stargate owned by Saddam Hussein. One has to wonder where some of these truly crazy theories come from. This one sounds like somebody on drugs had some sort of a dream and thought it was real. Strange part of all of this is there are always some people who will buy into anything and therefore there are some who buy into this. Saddam Hussein should’ve used a Stargate to escape the American army.

There is an atom smasher which is the largest machine on earth and is called the Large Hadron Collider. It is important to know there has been much talk about secret societies and some of our scientists still worshiping the ancient Egyptian gods. I’m telling you this, because it has to do with the next conspiracy theory, which is the Large Hadron Collider was built for a specific purpose which has nothing to do with smashing atoms. Supposedly it was built to revive a dead Egyptian God.

Everybody in this country knows about the Apollo missions which took place starting in 1968 and eventually sent people to the moon. They also know there have been many probes which have also been sent to the moon and have beamed back photos. The next conspiracy theory has to do with the moon. It states the moon does not really exist and it is nothing more than a hologram which was put into the sky by somebody unknown. These conspiracy theorists seem to forget about the tides on the earth which ebb and flow due to the gravitational pull of the moon. This would also mean we never landed on the moon, because it wasn’t there.

There are some conspiracy theorists who believe they know how the huge rocks were moved into place when the pyramids in Egypt were built. They claim it was done by sheer muscle power, but it was not done by human muscles. They state dinosaurs existed and were used to move the blocks by the Egyptians. There is no mention of what happened to these dinosaurs and where they are today.

The airport in Denver known as Denver International Airport has been the target of many conspiracy theories. There is a lot about it that doesn’t make sense, such as why it is located so far away from the city and why when it was being constructed it was dug out so deeply. Some conspiracy theories state there is some sort of alien base under the airport and others think there are bunkers under there in case of nuclear attack. But neither of these two conspiracy theories are the one I am going to mention. There are some people who believe the Denver airport is the home of the devil. They probably got this idea, because there were some really cryptic paintings all over the airport which have since been removed. They seem to show a future where people were being murdered. It is easy to see after looking at that art work, how some people might have gotten this idea.


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