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The Chilling Purpose Of The Large Hadron Collider

Sometimes things happen which never make the main news. One story which has been going around it quite chilling. I have no way to confirm it, but I am going to talk about it because this is not the first time I have heard some of the facts mentioned in the story. It concerns the Large Hadron Collider or LHC, the biggest machine in the world. It is an atom smasher which is said to be about 23 miles in diameter. It is built in a circle and we were told its purpose is to speed up protons and smash them into one another so that new material can be found. When one considers the cost of the device it does seem there has to be more than that behind its construction. There have been other articles claiming the reason for its construction is far more complex and even more dangerous.

A news article has appeared which states a scientist who worked at CERN in Switzerland where the LHC is located has disappeared. A statement came out by a Dr. Edward Mantill who claims to be this scientist. He doesn’t want to reveal his location. He seems he is scared, very scared. He stated he specializes in particle and subatomic research. He went on to say what we have been told about why the machine was built is a lie. He decided to give us a history lesson about what was really going on and it is quite fascinating. Mantill said the machine was designed to help us find a doorway. Apparently in the 1960s scientists began to believe there were other dimensions with life in them and somehow the UFOs we were seeing might be coming from them. After reasoning this out, the United States, Great Britain and France decided to build the LHC. They felt our universe was only one in a great many universes and that they could somehow create a passageway into others. The LHC, according to Dr. Mantill, is a device created to allow us to enter other dimensions or universes.

It is said the scientists working on the project were told if they spoke about it they would be killed. The project was probably one of the most secret ones in the entire world. The idea behind the LHC is said to be the application of so much force it will rip our dimension and allow us to contact others. Scientists thought if a rip did occur it would be like a window and we could see some of the other dimensions which are next to ours. If this is true, it is a very dangerous path to follow. We are in uncharted territory and have no idea what effect tearing our universe would have. The worst thing which could happen is our universe would be destroyed. Maybe it would leak out through the tear, expand it and we would be destroyed. Remember we are trying to rip the universe right where the earth is located. On the other hand maybe there are no other dimensions after ours and the entire theory is wrong but the application of so much power could mess up the earth. The very least which might happen is nothing at all.

Dr. Mantill said most of the scientists at the LHC didn’t know the real purpose of the collider, because the types of experiments they are doing could also be applied to the stated mission. He went on to say he is one of the original scientists, but most of the original people have either retired or died and there is a younger generation in charge and they are out to prove themselves, which makes them a lot more dangerous and the consequences of their actions could be very dangerous. He went on to tell the story of how the team was divided up into father as the lead and family and how different fathers had been in charge over the years as each one failed after spending billions of dollars. What he said next was incredible if true. He went on to say Father had told the scientists to meet in a basement room known as the living room. When the scientists had been assembled they were told by father a collision was going to take place and the power used was going to be 40 TeV. Many of the scientists thought the machine could be destroyed using this much power but father went ahead.

It is said when the machine reached 40 TeV and was still operating the scientists were relieved, but some panicked when the room they were in began to get warm. It turned out even though the room was getting warmer, the machine and its magnets were maintaining a constant temperature so the test was allowed to continue. Suddenly an extremely bright light flooded the room and it was so bright it blinded everyone in the room for a short period of time. Someone asked a scientist if he was al right. He answered by giving his code. Then others did the same thing, but noticeably absent was father, there was no answer from that scientist. When the white light left the room and everyone was able to see again a horrific sight met their eyes. The chair where father had sat had all her clothes and jewelry laying on it, but she was missing and was never found again.

Where had father gone? Had a door been opened into another dimension or had father just been vaporized somehow without her possessions being affected? If we read the news we know the LHC is currently going to perform an experiment to create black holes this week. Some have already said the reason they want to do this is they feel the holes will present a portal to another dimension. Does this sound familiar? You bet it does and it is not very assuring. If true these people are risking everything just to prove they can do something. This raises a moral question. Is it right to risk the lives of others without their consent? In case you are wondering what I am talking about it has to do with the two stated objectives, creating black holes and ripping a hole in our dimension. Both could have deadly results and even be potentially a planet or solar system destroying event.

I am sure there are other projects we are involved with which would raise the hackles on the back of our necks. It makes one wonder if common sense exists anymore. As we use more and more power we are putting the entire planet at risk. We certainly don’t want to disrupt our atmosphere, magnetic field or any other process keeping us safe. I have to wonder if previous civilizations on other planets have destroyed themselves this way.


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