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Is The International Space Station Really There?

Did you ever have the feeling you are being told and shown things, but you really don’t know what is going on? This was brought to the forefront the other day when I was replying to someone who had posted a video which someone else had said proved the astronauts we see are not really on the International Space Station (ISS) and their conclusion was there was no International Space Station. Anyone who knows me knows that I have always said I keep an open mind. The proof in the video was the discovery of tiny bubbles in the background when there were views of spacewalks. The bubbles were even more obvious in what were purported to be Chinese astronauts in space. This means there were two possibilities. One was the bubbles were fakes and the other is the space walks were a hoax. If the bubbles are a hoax than it is just another CGI (computer generated graphics) video and we know the Internet is full of them, but if the bubbles are genuine this opens up a can of worms and the second theory I have been hearing is we have never gone into space and it is impossible to even put things in low earth orbit. You might ask why this is and those who support this theory claim the Van Allen Belt is so radioactive it would not make it possible for anyone to get near it or pass through it alive.

I have to admit some things were pointed out which seem to have merit. The first being all the women astronauts seem to have their hair permed. All the women’s hair is so stiff it seems like it was plastered to look like anti-gravity was affecting it. Take a close look at this the next time you are watching a woman astronaut talking from the ISS. They also pointed out in some of views of the ISS, where astronauts were moving like they were in anti-gravity, you could hear what sounded like jet engines. They propose a mockup of part of the ISS was built into a plane which can dip to make one think they are watching someone in anti-gravity. A toilet was show by an astronaut and one had to notice the toilet looked brand new and never used. Β How can this be on a station which has been in space many years? This may be weak evidence of a hoax since the astronauts could be extremely cleanly, but it did seem odd never the less. Some astronauts are said to have blue screens behind them and suspended by wires. There are a couple of scenes where one bends over and it looks like his shirt is attached to a wire on each side. This means the view is not live but edited video.

The anti-hoax people reply you can see the ISS. When a UFO is spotted the live feed is halted. They say if you couldn’t get anything into space, not even sputnik would have been put up there. This means we would not have satellite phones, cable television, moon landings, probes to other planets and just about every country on earth would have to be involved in the hoax. They bring up all the close up photos of planets which have been taken and the rovers on Mars which constantly beam back photos. They also ask why there would have been a space race during the Cold War Era if no one was actually able to launch anything into orbit.

So where does the answer lie? Is everything about our space program and the space programs of the rest of the world a lie, or are we really on the ISS and launching space probes? There could a couple of more answers to this problem. The first one is we are far more advanced than we want anyone to know. There are a lot of people, including yours truly, who believe we have a fleet in space and our space technology is far superior to anything we have been told and NASA is only there to mislead us into thinking things are a lot more primitive. This is being done because we are a country of secrets and we want to keep our capabilities for space travel and war a secret. We could even be meeting with extraterrestrials and the people would never know. There have been many tips by whistleblowers who were in a position to know the truth, who claimed this was so and that we were keeping some of the most incredible technology under wraps. Some have even gone on to say we can now reach any star and could even cure any disease if some of the technology was taken out of secret projects.

There could be another reason why NASA would put out false videos about the ISS and even Mars. The reason could be they do not want us to know what is really going on there. There have been some photos over the years which show some very strange craft docked at the ISS. They didn’t look like anything we or any other country had. Is the government using the ISS as a meeting place where space aliens and government representatives can talk in private? There have been whistleblowers from NASA who have said they saw aliens in the cargo bay of space shuttles talking to astronauts. I remember one case where a retired NASA worker stated the alien was about 7 or 8 feet tall, wore a spacesuit, but there was no indication of an air canister or any other type of device to hold breathable gas. The worker said the alien was talking to one of our shuttle astronauts. It makes you wonder why someone who worked for NASA and left would risk lying about what they saw. I don’t think they were lying.

I believe there is an ISS, there are satellites in orbit, we did land on the moon and we are sending probes to the planets and seeing photos of Mars. What I also believe is even though we are doing all these things, sometimes false photos and videos are being shown to us to cover up what is really happening in these places at any given time. There is so much secrecy now that we could be covering up things which just 30 years back or so, we never would have thought twice about releasing. It is ironic in this age of hacking and stolen data, that anyone thinks they can keep a secret very long. As I have said many times, I believe the only ones in the dark are the people, because the other countries of the world have huge bureaus dedicated to stealing data from each other and this includes us.


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