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Believing Everything Is A Conspiracy

There are a lot of things which I question, I guess I have become jaded. Most of these things are what we are told by politicians, businesses and yes even the government. I have to admit however there are those who look for the bogyman under every rock and I am not one of those. Recently a person who will remain nameless stated that a video of two astronauts interviewed on the International Space Station (ISS) which was conducted by an Italian news company proved we never went to the moon. One of the astronauts stated we needed new space vehicles, because we could only reach the space station. This person took this to mean we never went to the moon, but the meaning really was we no longer had the ability to go to the moon, because we didn’t have the vehicles any longer. There were arrows on the video pointing to things in the background and stating they were wires holding up the astronauts. Let me say this, first of all why would an astronaut have to be held up if the entire thing was a hoax? Secondly there is so many odd things in the background of the interior of the ISS calling any of them a supporting wire seems a long stretch.

When NASA built a model of the moon landing area, it was for practice. I do suspect a few of the photos taken of astronauts on the moon which had the same background were taken on the moon stage and passed off as moon photos, but having said this there seems to be far too much evidence to think we didn’t go there. A probe, I think it was Japanese, showed the landing area and what was left of the lander. The Apollo vehicle was watched by telescopes all over the world as it traveled. Can you imagine if we made believe we landed on the moon? The Soviets would have been screaming bloody murder and used this as propaganda against us, but instead they never said a word about the event being staged. People watched as we repeated for this many times and some actually watched the launches in person. The rocks brought back were not from earth as geologists can affirm even though some of the ones we gave out to other countries were counterfeit. I guess we didn’t have enough to disburse. Then there were the photos, tons of them. Even though some were clearly altered or even faked, there was no doubt most of them had been taken on the moon. Remember we are talking about a time when digital photography didn’t exist. I have never heard anyone from NASA or from any of the companies employed by NASA, who were helping to prepare for the moon missions, come out later and dispute them as has happened with many other things.

I can understand why some people feel we never went to the moon. They have been told so many lies about things they just don’t believe anything anymore which is told to them by some authority. It is true that truth never stands in the way of much of what we have been told about things. Some of these things have caused us to fight wars, only to find out we had been lied to and were forced to fight people who did nothing to us initially. It happened with Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and in numerous other places. Reasons were made up and we were lied to. The people in power knew that most Americans are patriotic and will fight for their country so stories were made up to make us think we were threatened in one way or another only to find out later none of what we were told to get us into these wars was true.

We were told we were attacked on 9/11 and we were, but there is so much about the attack which seems to lead to a false flag operation it is scary. We have all heard by now the hundreds of unanswerable questions about the attack, how engineering organizations said it was a demolition and how the attack on the Pentagon never showed a plane was involved even though the building had more cameras around it than probably any other building in existence. Even the hole indicated a missile and not a plane, but this is old news and I am only bringing it up to illustrate a point. The point is that it is not any wonder why many people do not believe anything they are told by the government. The problem is there are some things which are true, but it is hard to discover them in the forest of lies they are growing in. Some of these truths are there is an International Space Station and there are astronauts on it. We did land on the moon and we did have a competition with the Soviets to get to that moon first.

The list of what we have been lied to about is huge which makes matters even worse for those who want to believe, but are having a hard time. We are told things like we are the cause the Social Security System is broke, because we are receiving too many generous benefits, when the truth is the money was taken out of a thriving system and used by the congress for other things like pork barrel projects. We are also told that this country and that country are our enemies and we have to arm to protect ourselves. Our military budget is about 3 times bigger than the next biggest one which is China and over 6 times bigger than the Russian military budget. As a matter of fact, as hard as this is to believe, Saudi Arabia has a military budget which is almost as big as Russia. A projection to 2045 shows the United States still spending the most on arms, but with China a close second and India spending about half as much.

We are lied to all the time by politicians who also take unprecedented actions in congress to protect themselves from some laws such as exempting themselves from insider trading laws. When they are caught with their fingers in the cookie jar they all claim innocence. They destroy records when they know they are going to be investigated, they visit prostitutes and probably give away many secrets, but when the places are closed down by the police, the record of who visited them is almost always missing. The morals of many politicians seem to be non-existent. These are the very same people we are trusting our country’s secrets to. Yes I can understand why some people believe everything in government is a conspiracy.


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