Truth Facts



I have come to think many of you enjoy reading some of my articles from many years ago when I ran About Facts. To that end here is another short article from 2005. Sometimes it can be  interesting to compare events from then to ones happening today.

Conspiracy Validated

Yep, in a way it was one of the greatest conspiracies ever or at least one of the most famous. Deep Throat brought down the Nixon Administration. Not only that, but he was a government employee close to the White House. But had he been the only source of information? No absolutely not, as a matter of fact it was said that in the beginning he was confirming information that others had given to Woodward and Bernstein. Apparently as time went by his role became more and more important. There are still some people that won't admit it, but Nixon was part of a plot to cover up a felony which was the break in at Watergate and because of this, Deep Throat performed a public service no matter what his reasons were for doing so.

Are there other conspiracies going on today? There sure are and they are almost in every facet of our life. Let’s look at oil. We are constantly told there are oil shortages and prices just keep rising. The government does absolutely nothing about it. Yet when you look into the oil situation you notice something very strange and I am not talking about members of the government who own wells and stock in oil companies, although they do, I am talking about a couple of other points. The first point is that there is hardly any oil exploration going on in third world countries outside of the Arab countries; could this be because just when the price gets so high there will finally be a public outcry, then more oil will be miraculously discovered bringing the price down a little? The second point is that the U.S. doesn't need to be suffering a shortage at all. We have at least 250 years of coal reserves and since the price of oil is so high it would pay to make oil from coal. The Germans did it during World War II. Finally, why aren't we using alternate sources of power? We have over 30,000 dams in this country where generators could be used, areas of wind, many sunny areas where solar power would work and even thousands of miles of shoreline where wave power could be used. Why hasn't the government broken up the oil monopoly? You can see how corrupt it is when Diesel fuel which is much less refined than gas costs more. That is to sock it to the truckers who have no choice but to buy it at any price or go out of business.

Is the European Union a conspiracy? Yes and no. What I mean is  it isn't right now, but there are people trying to push through laws that would create a super state and give them much power. Many countries weren't even given the chance to have a popular vote on the subject and the decision was made for them by their government. Many citizens of Europe are very upset about this. That was evident the other day when France voted down the constitution of the EU. The shocker of this is that France was one of the founders of the European Union. Will the people defeat the super state, we will have to wait and see on that one.

Conspiracies have existed since the beginning of time. Anyone that is a student of World War II has to admit that Hitler planned his conspiracy to take over Germany well. The outcome, as we all know, wasn't too good for him however (lucky for us). Hitler faced several setbacks in getting into the government. He knew he needed popular support so he decided to take lessons in speaking from an actor. Just watch one of his speeches and you will see the gesturing and posing. He finally wormed his way into the government and ultimately became the leader of Germany, and destroyed it.

There are those that say that the attack on Pearl Harbor was allowed because of a conspiracy The story goes that Roosevelt knew that the Japanese would have to attack us because we cut them off from their natural resources. It goes on to say that Roosevelt wanted to be able to help England but knew he didn't have the support to declare war. I am not saying that any of this is true, I am just retelling a conspiracy theory. As further proof of this the conspiracy people cite the reporting of attack planes on radar being disregarded, ships being lined up like sitting ducks and planes being grouped together making them better targets. A surprise attack exercise which took place on a Sunday caught Pearl Harbor off guard in 1932. There are quite a few texts showing that Roosevelt was eager to get into World War II, even Churchill commented on the "astonishing depth of Roosevelt's intense desire for war."

The last conspiracy I will talk about is the great UFO conspiracy. I think everyone knows by now that there are many people who believe the government is hiding the fact that they are in contact with aliens from other worlds. Supposedly we even had a small battle with them in a secret area owned by the government. Furthermore, we were soundly defeated. The cause of this battle was the fact the aliens needed to abduct humans to test them and we objected because millions were needed. It is said now there is a list given to government officials of who is going to be abducted. But this isn't the entire conspiracy. There is a panel of 12 powerful individuals supposedly known as Majestic 12. They control everything to do with UFOs and even the President has no authority over them. It is they who are keeping the UFO invasion secret or so it is said.

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